Saturday, February 29, 2020

Mainland China authorities issue notice calling for strengthening biosafety management of laboratories

Reporter : Zhong Gusheng
Editor : Ming Xuan
Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television
English Translation : Gan Yung Chyan
                                  / KUCINTA SETIA

Image : Wuhan Insitute of Virology. Video extract.

SARS-CoV-2 (covi, in short) is suspected of leakage from Wuhan P4 Laboratory of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Xi Jinping who followed emphasized "biosafety", and the Ministry of Science and Technology that strengthened the management of virus laboratories have hinted Wuhan P4 Laboratory is responsible for the covi outbreak. 

A few days ago, the 7 departments of the Communist Party of China jointly issued a document requiring strict investigations on unapproved experiments on high animal pathogenic microorganisms, and prohibiting units and individuals to preserve bacteria (poison) species and samples.

On 28 February 2020, the seven departments, including the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the Communist Party of China, and the Ministry of Education jointly issued a notice calling for strengthening the biosafety management of animal pathogenic microorganism laboratories.

The notification requires that if the third- and fourth-level biosafety laboratories need to engage in some experimental activities of highly pathogenic animal pathogenic microorganisms or suspected highly pathogenic animal pathogenic microorganisms, they must report to the competent animal husbandry and veterinary departments above the provincial level for approval. No unit or individual may engage in related experimental activities without approval.

In addition, except for the bacteria (poison) species collection agencies and related professional laboratories designated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, other units and individuals are not allowed to preserve highly pathogenic pathogenic microorganisms (poison) species and samples. All depository institutions and relevant professional laboratories must strictly manage the collection, preservation, supply, and destruction of bacteria (poison) species and samples to ensure the safety of these species and samples.

Prior to this, when Xi Jinping called for the epidemic prevention on 14 February 2020, he mentioned "biosafety" five times in a row, and requested that the "Biosafety Law" be introduced as soon as possible. The next day, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Communist Party of China announced the launch of the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Biosafety Management of SARS-CoV-2 High-grade Virus Microbiology Laboratory".

US media quoted expert comments as reporting that this is equivalent to CCP's acknowledgement that covi comes from the Wuhan P4 Laboratory.

StayGate's Notes:
The above biosafety requirements are sufficient reasons to explain why the Shanghai P3 Laboratory was closed. Wuhan Institute of Virology was also closed, according to ex-CCTV host Li Zehua, and is out of bounds to the public. 

On another hand, a YouTube video owner HealthAngel999 suspected the mysterious explosion in Wuhan on 14 February might have been committed by the CCP army to destroy the contaminated animal samples of the virus research institute (Ref :

Brazil completes sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 gene, finds mutations

Reporter : Zhong Gusheng
Editor : Ming Xuan
Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television
Ref :
English Translation , Editing : Gan Yung Chyan
                                              / KUCINTA SETIA

Image : "Corona virus". Courtesy of Instituto Aldofo Lutz, Brazil

Coronaviruses are susceptible to mutation. Mainland Chinese institutions have stopped publishing the SARS-CoV-2 (covi, in short) sequence more than a month ago and were suspected of concealing the virus mutation. A few days ago, Brazilian and British experts cooperated to complete the virus sequencing of the first confirmed COVID-19 (covid, in short) case in Brazil in only two days. They have found three mutations compared with the virus from Wuhan.

On 29 February 2020, Instituto Adolfo Lutz (IAL), the authoritative pathological laboratory in Brazil, cooperated with the Institute of Tropical Medicine of the School of Medicine of the University of São Paulo and the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom to complete the first case of covi gene sequencing in Brazil and the first confirmed case of covid in Latin America. Viral gene sequencing takes only two days in Brazil whereas in mainland China, it usually takes 15 days to complete the job.

The first and only confirmed case in Brazil to date is a 61-year-old male who travelled to northern Italy from 9 to 21 February 2020.

The Sao Paulo State Research Support Foundation (FAPESP) pointed out that preliminary analysis showed that the Brazilian coronavirus genome had three differences from the virus strain originally found in Wuhan.

Ester Cerdeira Sabino, one of the researchers, explained that unraveling the virus's ribonucleic acid (RNA) is helpful for tracking the virus's transmission path and is also crucial for vaccine development and diagnostic testing.

Sabino pointed out that the Brazilian virus came from Italy, which is different from Germany's. The latter has only two similar genetic mutations, so it can be concluded that more than one person transmitted the virus in Europe.

Researchers are sequencing and studying RNA mutations to analyze whether mutations affect the spread of the disease, such as Iran's higher mortality rate and whether it is related to genetic mutations.

Coronaviruses are very susceptible to mutation during transmission, which makes control difficult. The covid epidemic broke out last year, and the virus sequence information was not released for the first time until 11 January 2020. Afterwards, Chinese institutions intensively disclosed about 30 virus sequences, but all relevant Chinese institutions stopped publishing it from 22 January 2020 under CCP censorship. According to South China Morning Post, the Shanghai P3 Laboratory, which first announced the virus sequence, was officially closed by the next day.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences media issued a paper recently suggesting that stopping the publication of virus sequence data would make it impossible for the outside world to understand the mutation of the virus, so that it would not be able to take appropriate measures to decrease the difficulty of epidemic prevention.

Recently, the spread of covi has shown more and more elusive characteristics, including the difficulty to test the incubation period, more inaccuracy in nucleic acid detection, the unpredictable test results of covi in patients, and increasing diversity in the virus transmission channels. Multiple mutations may have occurred.

StayGate's Notes:
As of 1 March 2020, Brazil has 1 confirmed covid case while Ecuador has 1 confirmed covid case and Mexico has 4 confirmed covid cases. Covid is spreading rapidly in South America and Central America within two days. The United States has 79 confirmed covid cases including one death. However, there are no travel bans from these countries to date. 

Elsewhere in mainland China, there is an increase of 10 covid cases in Beijing. As a result, there are now 411 covid cases in Beijing including 8 deaths. Ningxia has an imported case of covid from Iran, where there are 493 confirmed covid cases, including 43 deaths.

Refs :,

Further Ref : First report of COVID-19 in South America

Original Brazil Ref (in Portuguese) : IAL sequencia o genoma do virus do primeiro caso de COVID-19 no Brasil

US CDC: SARS-CoV-2 survives longer on paper and spreads more easily

Reporter : Xiao Jing
Editor : Ming Xuan
Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television
Ref :
Extract Translation : Gan Yung Chyan
                                 / KUCINTA SETIA

The picture below shows, on 7 February  2020, a news conference on the latest development of  COVID-19s held at the Health and Public Services Headquarters in Washington, DC. Redfield, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reports to reporters. By Samuel Corum / Getty Images

The Director of U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Robert Redfield, told a congressional hearing on 27 Thursday 2020 that the CDC experts are assessing how long SARS-CoV-2 (covi, in short) can survive on the surface of objects. It is currently known that the virus survives longer on paper than on copper.

He said, "Without accident, it (covi) will survive on copper and steel for about 2 hours." "But I think it will last longer on other surfaces, such as cardboard or plastic, so we will do more research on this. "

He also said that infection with COVID-19 (covid, in short) due to contact with the surface of the object may be the cause of the outbreak on Diamond Princess rather than airborne infection.

A recent study in Germany has also shown that at room temperature, covi can survive up to 9 days on the surface of inanimate objects.

According to the German Journal of Hospital Infection, German researchers are trying to find a solution to covid from SARS or MERS-like structures similar to the coronavirus in order to better understand the new coronavirus. For this purpose, scientists conducted 22 studies and found that human viral pathogens can survive on plastic surfaces for up to 9 days at room temperature.

Scientists point out that such viruses usually survive about 4 to 5 days on plastic, glass, wood or paper or aluminum after leaving the host, such as the human body, but in some cases, the virus survives longer, and these items are extremely common and touched in human daily life. This means that if the surface of a contaminated object is not disinfected in a timely manner, it will pose a great risk for others to be infected by the virus.

Fear of civil commotion? CCP's internal documents on epidemic prevention focus on political stability

Interview : Changchuan
Editor : Huang Yimei
Post Production : Zhong Yuan
Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television
Ref :
English Translation : Gan Yung Chyan
                                  / KUCINTA SETIA

Image : Video screenshot

As COVID-19 (covid, in short) epidemic rages in China, the China Communist Party (CCP) has claimed that "maintaining political security" must be given priority. The public hence criticized CCP for not putting  human life first. CCP's top priority is to ensure its regime does not fall during the epidemic.

On 24 February 2020, the Ministry of Public Security of the Communist Party of China held a working conference on the prevention and control of the outbreak and the maintenance of national political security and social stability, emphasizing that "maintaining political security" must be given priority. Minister Zhao Kezhi also demanded that all departments take strict precautions and resolutely crack down on so-called hostile forces at home and abroad. At critical moments, public security organs must resolutely obey Xi Jinping's command.

Qin Peng, a political and economic analyst in the United States, believes that the CCP ’s epidemic prevention mechanism is a social management and control mechanism, not based on the principle of infectious diseases. That is why there are many unreasonable government actions.

Qin Peng, a political and economic analyst in the United States, said: "It is actually the security of the Communist Party of China. It is a question of whether its dominance can continue to sit. Another big issue they are concerned about is the interests of the CCP's core family. This is why after the plague rose this time, they wanted to suppress people like Li Wenliang and other people, including these issues of the development of the plague, because what it cares about is whether other people are in line with it, or is it shaken? It's stable. "

The official media of the Communist Party of China reported the content of the meeting in a high profile. Public opinion believes that this meeting shows that the main responsibility of the CCP police is not to protect the lives and property of the people, but to maintain and prevent CCP's regime from collapse.

Xue Chi, a scholar on Chinese issues, said, "The CCP now regards the protection of political security as its first priority. This is its consistent approach and a manifestation of the CCP's anti-human nature. Therefore, in a large historical framework, the CCP’s current approach, This statement by the Minister of Public Security is actually very normal for the CCP. "

Lu Xinhua, a member of the Wuhan Group Friends Mutual Aid Society, said that a large number of police forces from outside the country came to Wuhan and felt that the authorities' control and upgrading had become increasingly strict.

Lu Xinhua : "Including the police getting off the plane from Chengde's airport and Wuhan's airport. In public reports, we know this kind of thing, but you can't see this scene on the street because you There is no way out. If it really serves the people, how can it cause such a large spread, so this system has never put human life first. "

According to internal documents of the Hubei government obtained by The Epoch Times, the Communist Party of China's response to the epidemic is not for epidemic prevention and treatment, but for stability and control.

Qin Peng, a political and economic analyst in the United States, said, "People have discovered that the Chinese Communist Party has been covering up from the beginning. It has killed people. This has led to more than 700 million people being blocked in provinces, cities, communities, and buildings, and then at least thousands, tens of thousands. The people died innocently, so the CCP feels especially terrified this time, so it has to use various methods, including the Internet, and arrest all kinds of resistance people offline, to suppress this popular opinion, suppress this public opinion, and avoid it. This time it lost people's hearts and completely collapsed. "

The Hubei Provincial Public Security Bureau also disclosed in the "Outbreak Prevention and Control Work Briefing" on February 30th and February 22nd and 31st that the public security department was the "main force and force of the Communist Party of China in the prevention and control of epidemic prevention and control." The main task is to "do a good job in social stability control and security in key areas."

Xue Chi: "In a major epidemic, it will have a strong impact on the existing social order and temporarily invalidate the existing social control mechanism. Then it may stimulate the anger of many people, so its mass incidents and its civil changes are very It ’s easy. It broke out in such incidents, so this is the thing that the CCP is most worried about. "

It is worth mentioning that, in the "Public Information Guidance and Control Situation" of the 31st Briefing, Hubei Public Security Bureau blocked and deleted 3,295 various so-called sensitive and harmful information, and organized more than 200,000 positive guidance posts. 637 cases of so-called rumors were discovered and investigated, and 628 people were criticized and educated. The whistleblower Li Wenliang of the new crown epidemic is the so-called epidemic prevention performance that Hubei Public Security investigated and punished on January 3.

Xue Chi: "At present, the most fundamental reason for the outbreak of the pneumonia in Wuhan is the Chinese Communist Party's retrogression. It strictly controls the true information of pneumonia and prohibits its spread. Its wrong response has caused millions of lives in addition to the epidemic itself. In addition to the coming threats, the deaths of millions of people, it has brought a huge livelihood crisis to this billion people in mainland China. "

The commentary holds that if covid is a natural disaster, then the CCP system is a human disaster.

Friday, February 28, 2020

CCP hide information on COVID-19 infection of medical personnel from WHO

Reporter : Li Yun
Editor : Li Quan
Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television
Ref :
Extract Translation : Gan Yung Chyan
                                 / KUCINTA SETIA

Image : Hector Retamal / AFP via Getty Images

A WHO spokesman recently admitted that the Communist Party of China did not provide information on the infection of medical personnel, which caused a large gap in global epidemic prevention. 

The WHO spokesman Tarik Jasarevic admits that the Chinese government did not disclose the details of the medical staff's illness. So it was unable to evaluate the spread of the infection at the hospitals and to develop ways to help front-line medical staff reduce risk. This resulted in a large gap in global epidemic prevention.

Mara Pillinger, a US scholar of O'Neill Institute of National and Global Health Law at the Georgetown University specializing in global health policy and governance, said that the Communist Party of China politically colludes with the WHO to bypass public resistance, causing this difficult situation. The WHO must make every effort to ask the CCP to strengthen cooperation.

At present, the epidemic in Wuhan has spread to 48 countries, and there many cases of human-to-human virus transmission in many countries. Marc Lipsitch, a professor of epidemiology at Harvard University in the United States, said recently that the epidemic is difficult to control and that 40 to 70 per cent of the world's population may be infected within a year.

Mainland medical staff seeks international help

On 24 February, Guangdong medical aid personnel supporting Wuhan posted a post on the website of the famous British medical journal "The Lancet", calling on global medical staff to go to China to help fight the epidemic.

The article said that they were the first medical aid staff to travel to the epidemic area in Wuhan on January 24. They have been working in isolation wards. The local medical conditions and environment in Wuhan are far more difficult and worse than imagined.

In addition to severe shortages of various protective materials, their hands have been covered with rashes, pressure sores on their foreheads, and blistering lips. And the nurse fainted due to hypoglycemia and hypoxia.

In addition to being physically exhausted, they often feel helpless, anxious, and scared, and even experienced nurses may cry. Although 14,000 nurses across the country have come to Wuhan, they still need help.

After the article was published, some mainland media's translations were reprinted, but they were all deleted on the 26th. At the same time, the Guangdong Medical Assistance Wuhan Medical Team also issued a statement asking "The Lancet" to withdraw the article, clarify the facts and apologize.

Some netizens commented that the CCP does not want its problems to be exposed, even if it sacrifice more medical staff to bury it with it.

CCP pushes medical staff to the front line as cannon fodder

Since the outbreak of pneumonia in Wuhan, the Chinese authorities have mobilized a large number of medical personnel and supplies to Wuhan for support. Due to the overcrowding of the hospital and the serious lack of protective materials, the infection of medical staff was quite serious.

Netizens have criticized the CCP for concealing the epidemic and creating this catastrophe, but pushed the medical staff to the front line as cannon fodder, the government made evil, and the people paid for it; "Whenever a disaster comes, all the civilians are used as cannon fodder! This evil policy should be gone! "

On 3 February, the Beijing Municipal Government held a press conference to acknowledge the outbreak of mass infection in Beijing Fuxing Hospital. Xu Hui, the female deputy director of Jiangsu Nanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, died suddenly on the frontline of the epidemic in the early morning of 7 February.

Number of mainland China medical workers infected

According to the CCP, as of 11 February 2020, a total of 3,019 medical workers across China have been infected with the COVID-19, and 5 have died. China media reported on 15 February that in the past two months, six members of the Chinese Communist Party have died. At Wuhan Huazhong University of Science and Technology, five professors died in less than two weeks. It is suspected that real data may be even larger.

According to Wu Yan, a Chinese scholar traveling in the United States, a large number of front-line medical workers were infected, mainly because the CCP blocked information and controlled public opinion. It is very inhumane and even evil to frontline health care workers.

See also :

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Ex-CCTV host Li Zehua arrested by police on 26 February 2020 after visiting Wuhan Institute of Virology,resurfaced

Sources : New Tang Dynasty Television, NTD.
Ref :
English Translation and Editing : Gan Yung Chyan
                                                   / KUCINTA SETIA

Image : Li Zehua. Video extract.

Ex-CCTV host Li Zehua was arrested by Wuhan police at home on 26 February 2020. He has resurfaced lately (

According to an earlier report of New Tang Dynasty Television (NDTV), Zehua was visiting Wuhan Institute of Virology secretly. The virus research institute was locked and is out of bounds to walk-in people. He escaped in his car after realizing the security officer had alerted the police. He was tracked down by the police to his hotel where during the deadlock between the two sides, he called on Chinese youngsters to wake up to the importance of seeking the truth and was taken away by plainclothes police. 

Li Zehua, 25 years old, was the host of the CCTV7 channel of the CCTV of the Communist Party of China. He resigned from CCTV, became an online media freelancer and went to Wuhan in mid-February to cover the Wuhan epidemic.

Li Zehua once said, "A friend of mine who works in the mainstream media told me that all bad news about the epidemic situation is now managed and reported by the central mouthpiece. The local media can only report good news about patients' cures and so on."

Breaking the information monopoly of the official media, Li Zehua went first to the Baibuting community, which had hosted a Wanjia banquet, to interview and note,

"Security : Why are you shooting pictures everywhere?
Li Zehua : It is my freedom to shoot.
A proprietor : Are you coming for an interview? No one in our community manages and no one does the disinfection work. No one came to take temperature checks, and no one came to count and evacuate patients to the hospitals."

Zehua also went to the local funeral parlour to see the truth behind the "high price urgent recruitment for staff to drag corpses" advertisement. He noted,

"Undertaker staff : Drag the first dead body 500 Yuan, drag the second dead body 200 Yuan and drag the third corpse 200 Yuan.
Li Zehua: Is the coffin capped after laying down the corpse?
Undertaker staff : After dragging and laying 10 to 100 corpses down, coffins are not capped."

Li Zehua once said, "I just hope that more young people will come forward. I know that idealism was broken at the turn of the spring and summer of that year (Note: Refers to the June 4th incident). Meditation has no effect at all. Young people may not know what actually happened in history. "

Before Li Zehua, Wuhan citizen Fang Bin and self-media reporter Chen Qiushi were secretly arrested by the police for visiting the truth of the epidemic in Wuhan, and their whereabouts are still unknown. They were believed to have been captured and quarantined even if they had no COVID-19 (covid, in short) symptoms.

The virus outbreak in Wuhan is a man-made disaster at large. Dr Li Wenliang was arrested for warning the public about covid and later passed away from covid on 7 February. China missed critical time in containing the spread of covid when the outbreak is believed to have begun elsewhere in Wuhan quietly as early as early December 2019 (the earliest registered covid patient on 8 December has not visited Wuhan Huanan Seafood Market) before the full-blown outbreak at Wuhan Huanan Seafood Market captured WHO's attention on 31 December 2019.

Zhou Fengsuo, a reviewer, commented, "Without freedom of speech, life cannot be protected. If more people can come forward and voice out their opinions on the epidemic earlier, I think there is hope in averting this kind of disaster in China in the future. "

While blocking public opinion, the official media of the Communist Party of China (CCP) has aggressively propagated. The Central Propaganda Department published a book called "Great War Epidemic", advocating the so-called epidemic prevention experience of the authorities. Many regions in the country also fabricated similar news that the people donated money to the government to "throw a million yuan and run". In a report on the epidemic front line, there was sad news about a baby crying and uttering, "Where has my mother gone?"

Professor Dai Jianye of Wuhan Central China Normal University criticized CCP media. Among official media reports, "no article" can be read, and some reports are "insulting IQ." Deng Xueping, a well-known lawyer in mainland China, noted in the CCP media reports, "Funeral became a happy event, and had no proper background for epidemic report".

See also: 61 international scholars signed open letter to Xi, demanding Chinese's right of speech freedom

Li Zehua Never Give Up TV YouTube Page :

Zhong Nanshan changes his claim, declares COVID-19 does not necessarily originate in China

Reporter : Zhong Gusheng
Editor : Ming Xuan
Publisher :
English Translation : Gan Yung Chyan
                                 / KUCINTA SETIA

Image : Zhong Nanshan, leader of the senior expert group of the National Health Commission of the Communist Party of China, and director of the National Medical Research Center for Respiratory Diseases. (Video screenshot)

The China Communist Party (CCP) previously claimed that COVID-19 (covid, in short) virus SARS-CoV-2 (covi, in short)  came from Wuhan Huanan  Seafood market, but this claim has been overturned by its own researchers. The outside world has turned their attention to the virus laboratory in Wuhan, and the CCP has to tried its best to shift their attention to overseas. Experts from the Health Commission of the CCP yesterday claimed that the virus may come from abroad.

At the official press conference on epidemic prevention in Guangzhou on 27 February 2020, academician Zhong Nanshan, senior expert group leader of the National Health Commission of the CCP and Director of the National Respiratory Diseases Clinical Medical Research Center, said, "On the origin of the epidemic, we first consider China. I didn't consider foreign countries. Now there are some situations abroad. The epidemic first appeared in China, not necessarily in China."

He also mentioned, "How exactly covi came from is still unclear. We don't know if it has already existed before. There should be more than one intermediate host besides pangolin."

Zhong Nanshan claimed that the virus "does not necessarily originate in China", based on a paper by Chinese scholars declaring that "Malaya pangolin may be an intermediate host."

On 18 February 2020, a group of Guangxi scholars and Hong Kong scholars submitted a paper overseas claiming that coronavirus similar to covi was found in frozen tissue samples of Malaya pangolin collected two years ago. The pangolin of Southeast Asia "may be the intermediate host for covi transmitted from bat to human". However, the paper neither demonstrates how the virus was transmitted from bats to pangolins, nor does it provide evidence that the virus transmitted from pangolins to humans.

The paper states that the batch of pangolins used for the study came from anti-smuggling operations by Guangxi Customs. In other words, the samples came from CCP officials.

In fact, as early as 7 February 2020, South China Agricultural University (SCAU) in Guangzhou also announced high-profile that coronaviruses with high similarity to covi were found from a group of pangolins, so pangolins were "potential intermediate hosts."

SCAU experts later revealed that the batch of pangolins they used was provided by “certain specific institutions” and implied that they were “responding to national calls” under “huge pressure” to reveal their high-profile research achievements  to the public before the paper was written. Netizens at home and abroad have accused that the "achievements" announced by the experts are full of loopholes, and they are likely to complete the "political tasks" officially delivered.

Ten days later, scholars from Guangxi and Hong Kong took the lead in submitting their dissertations, which are equivalent to keeping the high-profile “research results” announced by SCAU as theirs. The SCAU experts did not seem to dispute this.

The CCP officials are eager to get rid of the public opinion question of the "artificial virus theory", and the lack of intermediate hosts is the main obstacle for CCP experts to continue to promote the "natural virus theory". According to common sense, coronaviruses originating from bats are difficult to directly infect the human body. Generally, it is necessary to complete the genetic mutation of an intermediate host of a larger animal to have the ability to invade the human body.

At present, public opinion circles at home and abroad and even government agencies have expressed doubts about the source of the virus in Wuhan. The CCP is "leading the public opinion" and trying to "shift attention" from two directions. One is to continue to publicize "the natural mutation of the virus", and the other is to use the Internet to make rumours and accuse the United States of "delivering biological weapons to China." : Communist officials ordered suspension of testing and destruction of SARS-CoV-2 samples in Wuhan on 1 January 2020

Reporter : Zheng Gusheng
Editor : Ming Xuan
Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television
Ref :
English Translation : Gan Yung Chyan
                                  / KUCINTA SETIA

Image : Schematic diagram of the virus SARS-CoV-2 of disease COVID-19. Courtesy of CDC.

The inside story of the China Communist Party (CCP) cover-up of COVID-19 (covid, in short) epidemic has been gradually disclosed. China media recently confirmed that as early as 1 January 2020, CCP officials ordered laboratories to stop testing and destroy SARS-CoV-2 samples in Wuhan. reported on 26 February 2020 that according to Zhao Su, chief physician of the Department of Respiratory Medicine, Wuhan Central Hospital, his hospital sent covid virus samples of patients with respiratory symptoms from the Wuhan Huanan Seafood Market to a third-party testing agency for NGS on 24 December 2019. After three days of testing, that is, 27 December, the testing agency notified the test results by phone that "it is a new coronavirus."

The report and quoted multiple sources stated that as of the end of December, many domestic NGS testing agencies had successively detected covid, and pointed out that the coronavirus was highly contagious, and also reported to relevant government departments. However, no official announcement by CCP was made.

Not only that, the report quoted a source from a gene sequencing company as saying that on 1 January 2020, he received a phone call from an officer of the Hubei Health and Medical Commission to inform him that if Wuhan had any samples of covid virus, these samples could not be tested again. Existing SARS-Cov-2 samples must be destroyed, sample information cannot be disclosed to the public, and related papers and related data cannot be released to the public.

On 3 January 2020, the General Office of the National Health Commission of the Communist Party of China issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Biological Sample Resources and Related Scientific Research Activities in the Prevention and Control of Major Infectious Diseases." The notice stipulates that all relevant institutions will provide biological samples to designated pathogen detection institutions to conduct pathogenic testing and complete the transfer procedures in accordance with the requirements of health and health administrative departments at or above the provincial level. Without approval, biological samples cannot be provided to other institutions and individuals with relevant information. Institutions and individuals who have obtained biological samples of relevant cases from relevant medical and health institutions should immediately destroy the samples in situ or send them to the depository designated by the state for storage. During the epidemic prevention and control work, no institution or individual may release information about pathogen detection or experimental activities.

After the notice was issued, some virologists revealed that the Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was required to stop pathogen detection and destroy existing samples.

The report said that from 30 December 2019, the Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences complete virus gene sequencing from the virus sample to virus isolation and isolate the virus strains until 11 January 2020 when the virus genome sequence was announced to the public, which is 15 days from the first case since genetic sequencing confirmed the SARS-CoV-2.

The days from the end of December 2019 to the beginning of January this year should have been a crucial moment in determining the fate of countless people but at the time the public was unaware of the virus.

The CCP once claimed that Wuhan Huanan Seafood Market was the source of the virus but the authorities quickly disinfected and cleaned the market. Hong Kong SARS expert Guan Yi questioned that he did not understand why the authorities were so anxious to clear the source of the virus that foreign experts could not follow up on the research.

SARS-CoV-2 has recently been questioned as possibly coming from Wuhan Institue of Virology. The White House has ordered the world's top experts to study the source of the virus. Several US officials have publicly stated that the possibility of the virus being artificially manufactured is not ruled out.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Argentine airports strengthen epidemic prevention and control over Italian inbound flights

Reporter : Yao Mingfeng
Publisher : People's Network International Channel 
Ref :
English Translation : Gan Yung Chyan 
                                 / KUCINTA SETIA

Image : Aerolineas Argentinas operates flights between Rome, Italy and Buenos Aires, Argentina.

On 25 February 2020, Argentine Health Minister Gonzalez publicly stated that in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (covid, in short) to Argentina, Argentine airports will take special control measures for flights arriving from Italy.

Gonzalez said in an interview, "We are ready for the epidemic, and we will improve the existing framework of epidemic prevention measures in accordance with relevant quarantine regulations." 

According to the new anti-epidemic control measures of Argentina, flights from Italy to Essa International Airport in Argentina will be docked in a different area from other flights. Passengers on board will undergo additional health tests. Passengers will also need to sign a health statement to prove during their entry into Argentina, they have no infection symptoms. 

Gonzalex pointed out that although passengers from Italy had undergone temperature checks before they left Argentina, Argentineans still hoped that everyone would do a self-examination and take the initiative to inform them of the symptoms.

Italy has 11 deaths infected with covid. There are 12 direct flights between Argentina and Italy every week. The government of Argentina is concerned about the likely transmission of SARS-CoV-2 through air travel to Argentina after Brazil has reported a Brazilian man is tested positive for nucleic acid after returning from Italy on 25 February. Brazil is the first South American country to have a confirmed covid case.

A few details of the earliest COVID-19 patient in Wuhan

Reporter : Li Jin Lei
Editor : Yuan Qing Qing
Publisher : China News Service
Ref :
English Translation : Gan Yung Chyan
                                 / KUCINTA SETIA

On 26 February 2020, the online official account of Wuhan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government stated that the medical treatment team of Wuhan Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Headquarters has responded with the following information from its inquiry system : 

The earliest patient with COVID-19 registered in Wuhan is by the surname of Chen, and his symptoms onset date is 8 December 2019. He was discharged after being treated by the hospital. The patient lives in a community in Wuchang and has denied visiting Wuhan Huanan Seafood Market.

StayGate's Notes:
No further details of the patient and hospital are available.

China media have been investigating the identity of patient zero as the patient is critical to understanding the transmission route of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus) and origin of COVID-19 (the disease).

On 23 February 2020, China media revealed that Wuhan Huanan Seafood Market is not the origin of the disease, based on the scientific research study of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden under the Chinese Academy of Sciences ...

Ref : Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden analyzes the evolution and spread of SARS-COV-2 based on genome-wide data

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Air Busan : Top-level executive resignations and salaries' reductions in view of COVID-19

Report by : Gan Yung Chyan
                  / KUCINTA SETIA

Recently, China Business News reporter learned from the Head of Air Busan that due to the impact of reduced travel demand that may be caused by the COVID-19 (covid, in short) epidemic in South Korea, the airline decided to take into account the attitude of the person in charge of investors. All executives, including the CEO and the general manager, will submit their resignations and return 30 per cent of their annual salaries to help the company overcome difficulties.

According to the above information, the company's executives will be divided into required personnel and non-essential personnel. Non-essential personnel will leave the airline immediately after submitting resignations, while required personnel will leave the company after the epidemic is over.

In addition, Air Busan will deduct 10 per cent of salaries for middle-level cadres, and will implement rotating unpaid vacations for all grass-roots employees, and ground all flights to 25 China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Southeast Asia airports, as well as all flights with Daegu as the destination or departure point that will account for nearly 70 per cent of Air Busan's total flights.

Air Busan is a low-cost airline and the joint venture between South Korea ’s second largest airline Asiana Airlines and the Busan City Government. Based on the 2018 annual report, it is the only low-cost airline that generated net profit of 20.6 billion Won. However, although the company's 2019 annual report has not yet been released, the analysis given by the top ten brokers in South Korea on Air Busan's financial performance is all a loss. If the forecast is confirmed, Air Busan will also usher in the first loss in 10 years.

Air Busan currently operates flights to 33 cities including 13 cities in China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. After the emergence of covid in China, the airline has reduced some flights to these destinations. 

The person in charge of Air Busan verified the above information with the First Financial Reporter and revealed that due to restrictions on route allocation and aircraft types, its low-cost flights are mainly concentrated in China, Japan and Southeast Asia and other surrounding areas, but due to South Korea and Japan trade disputes, as a result, the passenger numbers on Japanese routes plummeted, and China's covid that followed caused passenger numbers on the Chinese routes to plummet further. The emergence of covid in South Korea caused travel demand to plummet. In this case, the survival of the airline company will only be more difficult. In addition, Air Busan is still working on negotiations with leasing companies on whether it is possible to delay the payment of lease fees.

Professor Li Guoxian from Korea University of Korea’s School of Economics and Economics explained that since the late 2000s, in order to support the local economy, the South Korean government has issued a number of small and medium-sized civil airlines business licenses in South Korea. During the period, more than 10 low-cost airlines including Air Busan were generated, but due to excessive reliance on short-haul routes such as China and Japan, and the competition of low-cost airlines from South Korea, China, and Japan are too fierce, these lead to a decline in these airlines' profitability. Therefore, a few South Korean low-cost airlines have experienced bankruptcy such as Air Philip, Air Pohang and lately Korea Express Air as they cannot even pay for aircraft leasing costs, and are eventually forced to go bankrupt.

"However, because Air Busan is backed by a large airline company and cooperates with commercial customers in Busan, the second largest city in South Korea, it has always been operating well. If even Air Busan has a dilemma that may not be able to pay the lease fee, then other airlines' situation will only get worse." Li Guoxian said.

StayGate's Notes:
According to official South Korean data, as at 25 February 2020, a total of 977 patients have been diagnosed with covid in South Korea, becoming the second largest country diagnosed after China. The speed is increasing rapidly and due to the impact of the domestic epidemic prevention situation in Korea,  13 countries or regions have issued immigration control measures to South Korean citizens, according to South Korea ’s largest travel agency HANATOUR. 

Korean Air and Asiana Airlines have also announced that after cancelling some of the China-South Korea routes, all domestic routes at Daegu Airport have since been cancelled for a limited period from 24 February. Other airlines such as Air Macau, Malaysia Airlines and Singapore Airlines have also announced the reduction or suspension of flights to South Korea.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Thousands of Hubei police officers infected with COVID-19

Reporter : Chen Han
Editor : Huang Yimei
Post Production : Zhong Yuan
Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television
English Translation : Gan Yung Chyan
                                  / KUCINTA SETIA

Image : Security officer (centre) in a Wuhan hospital. Courtesy of New Tang Dynasty Television.

There are several COVID-19 (covid, in short) infections in hospitals and prisons around Wuhan, including military and police. According to an internal Hubei Province circular disclosed by The Epoch Times, at least more than 1,000 people in the Hubei public security system were infected with covid during the epidemic prevention work designated by the Communist Party as "People's War". Reviews suggest that the number of people infected may be higher.

Image above : The internal  Hubei Province circular dated 30 January 2020. Courtesy of New Tang Dynasty Television.

According to The Epoch Times, they received a "New Coronavirus Infectious Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Work" from Hubei Province. This 30th issue of the report details the number of confirmed diagnoses in Hubei Province on 21 February 2020 how to deploy the military, police to "maintaining stability" and other work content.

The document also revealed the number of police officers infected with covid including 4 dead police officers. Among the confirmed cases, there were 271 police officers, 61 retired police officers, 100 auxiliary police officers, and 381 family members of the police.

Former Liu Xiaobin, a police officer in Dalian, said, "According to the disclosure of the internal documents, there are a lot of police officers that are sick, and many of their family members are also sick. This is definitely unavoidable. If a police officer has been infected, a lot of contacts with the police, including his colleagues, need to be isolated. In this way, the number of police forces deployed is insufficient. "

Image courtesy : New Tang Dynasty Television

At the same time, it was announced on Twitter that Chongqing would use special planes to transport about 100 police officers to "support" Wuhan. On 23 February 2020, a picture (below) also appeared on the Internet, showing that the public security organs of Hunan Province sent about 80 police officers to support Wuhan at one time.

Liu Xiaobin added, "The local people want to live, that is, they want to live, right? Now that he is hungry, or if he wants to go to the hospital for treatment, the police don't allow him to go, that means his life is at risk. There are a lot of people who are going out and going to the streets, so in this case, what Hubei need is more police forces to come to the society to protect and control the society, so it needs to invest more police forces. "

Li Hongkuan, the original founder of the "Big Reference" e-newsletter, said, "The China Communist Party (CCP) sent police to support Wuhan. It should be the worst plan, because the people may resist and they will resist. This video has already been too much.

Li Hongkuan, the founder of the original "Big Reference" e-newsletter, said that the CCP authorities have armed forces in all major cities in China and are ready to control the mass at any time.

Li Hongkuan recalled, "And I also watched a video today titled Anti-Terrorism Exercise. The CCP has already thought about it. If a large number of people drive cars to the streets and do not cooperate with the government's orders, what will they do? Then how to suppress and arrest? They are practicing this thing. The CCP has defined disobedience and refusal to follow the government's orders as terrorism. As long as you leave without cooperating with the police, it constitutes terrorism. "

Liu Xiaobin  said that when he was serving in Liaoning, there was a problem of law enforcement in other places, because the police force in other places did not have relatives in the local areas. So there was no concern about law enforcement.

He elaborated, "For example, when there is a group emergency in Anshan, it is often from Shenyang, Dalian, and Jinzhou that the police force is transferred to Anshan from outside. Why, when these police forces are in violent law enforcement, you have to go. In the event of an emergency, I guess they are also prepared for this, that is, a large number of foreign police officers go to Wuhan to take this kind of violence and law enforcement to suppress disobedience in the name of maintaining social stability. "

Liu Xiaobin believes that when the CCP authorities have always encountered emergencies, they do not think about how to solve the crux, but rather focus on superstitious of two points. He elaborates,"The first point is its so-called 'pen pole'. CCP will use the media from all over the country. Its so-called mouthpiece announcements are drafts that mask the truth of the facts and deceive the public. The other point is that it believes that its gun is violence, including the suppression of instability with armed forces. "

Not only are the number of officers infected within the CCP's public security system high, the latest news shows that CCP officers and men have also reported collective infections. Former US Army General Zhang Liping, who is in charge of medical diplomacy and public health, told the Voice of America that CCP policymakers should not ignore this issue for their own benefit. In any war, the spread of disease is a great threat. With regard to public health, CCP's political approach to public health has turned into a terrible situation, which has led to fear and mistrust.

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