Saturday, November 14, 2020

Bible code reveals fraud in U.S. election, leftist agenda may lead to doomsday

Reporter : Li Zhaoxi / Editor : Yun Tao / / Direct translation

Image : YouTube Screenshot

Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson is an expert on the code of the Bible. Recently, he found a very important evidence of fraud in the US election.

Glazson made a video about this, "Are there fraud in the US election?" Rabbi asked, "Trump said yes, but we need to verify in the "Bible" that the "Bible" is the blueprint of the creator. Everything that has happened and will happen can be seen inside."

The Bible code, also known as the TORAH CODE, refers to a series of codes hidden in the Hebrew text "Torah". It is said that this method has predicted many famous Historical events.

Using special software to search for hidden clues in the isometric letters, Rabbi Grazson found a fourth book in the Pentateuch, Book of Numbers, Chapter 7, Section 32 A chart corresponding to the current event. Using the spacing of 312, Rabbi Grazson emphasized that this is 6 times 26. In gematria, the name of God is spelled "י-ה-ו-ה".

Glazsen said that in Hebrew, twelve months is the zodiac sign, representing a complete cycle of time.

At the beginning of the chart, in Numbers 7:66, Glazson found that Biden's name (בידן) was spelled out in intervals, and the word "president" (נשיא nasi, usually translated as prince) was clearly grounded into the side of the compartment.

"This is the best meeting of these letters in the Torah," Rabbi Grazson explained, "So then I realized that there is a special message here. So I started looking for more clues."

Right below, he found the letters "ארהב", which is a commonly used abbreviation in the United States (ארצות הברית). In the lower left part of the chart, the word "fraud" (רמאות) is spelled out in intervals. Also at the bottom of the chart are the word "election" (בחירות) and the Hebrew calendar year (תשפא). The word "trial" (משפט) was also found.

Then, he found the name of Israel's old enemy Amalek (עמלק). If you spell it upside down, it would be the name of Biden's running partner, Kamala. Spelling it upside down shows a high degree of deception.

There is even the name of Biden’s former boss "Obama" (אובמה), which is also spelled backwards, indicating a serious lack of integrity. The sign that emphasizes this trait of dishonesty is a clear "snake" in the center of the chart. (Nachash נש) the word.

It is written in Numbers 21:9: "Moses made a bronze snake and installed it on the post; when someone was bitten by a snake, he would heal by watching the bronze snake."

"Obama must have contributed to the election of Biden," said Rabbi Grazson, "and we know that Obama does not like Israel or the Torah." Obama is very supportive of abortion and homosexuality. These are violations of the Torah and the Seven Noahide laws, and these are crimes that cause floods and rot all flesh. Rabbi Grazson said that the more ironic thing is that the word snake in Hebrew numbers is 358, which is exactly equal to Messiah (משיח), which confirms what the Messiah described, at the end of the day. Deception is overwhelmingly prevalent and will dominate the world.

Rabbi Grazson concluded by saying that the relationship between man and woman is the foundation of creation and its continued existence. Then he explained that after the flood, God promised that He would not destroy the world through the flood again, but in the days before the arrival of the Messiah, as a means of purification, two-thirds of the people in the world will perish.

"It may be through anything, any kind of plague, or even something like the CCP virus," Rabbi Grazson explained that when very important things are violated, such as abortion and homosexuality are allowed, this will definitely happen.

Rabbi Grazson also revealed the meaning of the left-wing name in a previous interview. In Kabbalistic mysticism terms, left-wing means trial (din). In Hebrew, the word "smole" (meaning left) has a hidden connotation, linking it to "Sameer", who is the chief archangel in charge of death.

The word smole (left) has a hidden connotation in Hebrew, linking it to 'Samael', and the most important role of Samael in Jewish legend is the angel of death.

The rabbi warned that the realization of the left-wing agenda must be prevented, otherwise the CCP virus pandemic may lead to the end, like the flood in the Bible, killing most of humanity.

Ref : 
Matiyahu Glazerson, Important Bible Code Table- Fake and Fraud Suspected in the U.S Elections

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