Saturday, January 30, 2021

6.5 million people recovered from covid suffer from smell inversion for hours to days

Editor : Cai Minggen / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

Image :  6.5 million people in the world have recovered from covid but they are suffering from an inverse sense of smell (Shutterstock Dazhi Image, TVBS News) 

Since the spread of the covid epidemic, the number of confirmed cases in the world has exceeded 100 million. Many patients have symptoms of abnormal taste or smell during the infection. Now it is reported that many people that have recovered from covid are suffering from "inversion of smell". The situation is the smell of food, soap, and family members all make patients after recovery want to vomit. It is estimated that about 6.5 million people worldwide have this symptom, but the cause and treatment are still not clear to the medical community. 

According to the BBC report, Clare Freer, a British woman suffering from an inverted sense of smell for 7 months, complained that every time she wanted to cook for her family, she would smell the smell that made her dizzy and vomiting when she turned on the oven. She described "the house is full of rotten smell, which is simply unbearable." Others include onions, coffee, meat, fruit, alcohol, toothpaste, cleaning products, perfume or tap water. Even the smell of a partner makes her unacceptable. 

Chrissi Kelly, the founder of the charity "AbScent", founded a club on Facebook in June last year to help about 6,000 people understand and improve the symptoms of perversion. Kelly pointed out that almost all of these patients lost their sense of smell after being infected with the disease, and finally caused an inversion of the sense of smell. When they smell many things, they will turn into the terrifying smell of "death, rotting, rotten meat, and excrement." 

According to statistics, about 65% of covid patients will have symptoms of smell or taste abnormalities, and 10% of them will eventually become "qualitative olfactory disorders", that is, inverted sense of smell or, more rarely, hallucinations, among 100 million infected worldwide.

 Among many people, there are probably 6.5 million people suffering from inverted sense of smell. "AbScent" believes that olfactory training is beneficial to control the condition including regular smelling of essential oils, dietary adjustments and avoiding heavy-tasting foods. 

University of Reading scientist Jane Parker pointed out that the unpleasant smell of patients with perversion will stay on the body for a long time. For others, the smell of coffee will only stay in the nasal cavity for a few seconds, but it may stay on the patient for several hours to several days. Before the epidemic, there were not many relevant studies, so it may take several years to study this.

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 Photo copyright : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA