Sunday, January 17, 2021

Expert: The successive occurrence of unrelated cases does not necessarily mean a higher risk of community transmission

Publisher : Lianhe Zaobao / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

According to statistics, in the three weeks since Singapore entered the third stage of unblocking, there have been 13 new community cases that are temporarily unrelated to other cases. in recent days, but the interviewed experts pointed out that this does not necessarily mean that the risk of community transmission has become higher, but the current monitoring mechanism is more effective. Singaporeans do not need to panic because of this but they must still comply with epidemic prevention and safety measures. According to statistics, in the three weeks since Singapore entered the third stage of unblocking, there have been 13 new community cases that are temporarily unrelated to other cases, and another two are from guest worker dormitories. In an interview, Professor Tambiah, President of the Asia-Pacific Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, said that the source of the confirmed cases of working near airports or terminals may be undetected imported cases. As for the 32-year-old police veterinary assistant and the 57-year-old housewife who have been diagnosed a few days ago, Tambiah said that the two people have no obvious source of infection, but even if the authorities find signs of community transmission from them, it may not reflect such transmission. It may just be that the mechanism for screening cases is more effective. "As we have seen in airports and hotels, there are currently more imported cases from abroad, and they will certainly flow into the community." Associate Professor Lin Fangyuan, Director of the Suriford School of Public Health of the National University of Singapore and Director of the Global Health Program, also pointed out that the world is still under the envelope of the SARS-CoV-2 (covi, CCP virus) epidemic and Singapore is not completely immune. The emergence of some community cases when the border is gradually opened is a "necessary price." Both experts believe that the effectiveness of national vaccination will become the most important anti-epidemic indicator. Tambiah said that if the covi vaccine proves to be highly effective, it is expected that the vaccine can be used to block the chain of transmission in the future, instead of relying solely on contact tracing and isolation. "Prior to this, it is still important to continue to monitor the number of unrelated local cases."

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StayGate Pictures : Flowering season in Guiyang

 Photo copyright : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA