Friday, January 29, 2021

Study: SARS-CoV-2 damages the brain, 13% of patients suffer from mental illness within half a year

Reporter : Luo Tingting / Editor: Wen Hui / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

Researchers have recently discovered that SARS-CoV-2 (CCP virus) may remain in the brains of severely ill patients. A British study pointed out that nearly 13% of confirmed patients suffered from mental illness within six months.

According to the British "Guardian", researchers at Oxford University in the United Kingdom have launched a one-month survey since December last year. They have counted 236,379 cases of confirmed covid cases of the CCP virus, and found that nearly 13% of the patients were diagnosed with 6 cases suffered from mental illness within months.

The university's research report pointed out that if patients with a history of mental and neurological diseases are included in the statistics, the rate of mental illness caused by the CCP virus will rise to one-third.

Mounting evidence shows that the CCP virus is not only a respiratory disease, but also a threat to brain and mental health. A study quoted by The New York Post pointed out that the Chinese Communist Party virus may remain in the brains of severely ill patients and recur again.

Professor Mukesh Kumar, who conducted this research, said that as long as the brain is infected with the CCP virus, it will have many complications, because the brain is the human center, which controls the heart and lungs and is very sensitive.

The University of Leicester, University College London and National Statistics (ONS) recently conducted a study on 47,780 confirmed patients who were hospitalized between January and August last year. The average age of the patients was 65 years.

Research results show that the proportion of patients suffering from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases has increased after recovery. The CCP virus may cause damage to the heart, lungs and brain.

The study also found that 29.4% of patients were hospitalized again within 140 days, of which 12.3% died. And the readmission rate is highest among the elderly, African Americans and Asians.

In addition, the latest research from Georgia State University shows that the Chinese Communist Party virus infects the brain from the nasal cavity, causing deaths.

American virology expert Lin Xiaoxu said, "There is some experimental evidence that the CCP virus does not directly rush to the brain to infect it. It first passes through the peripheral nervous system and then leads to the central nervous system after peripheral infection. "

Lin Xiaoxu said: The amount of the virus in the respiratory tract and lung disease has been reduced, but the amount of the virus in the brain has not decreased but increased. The patient died not because of lung infection, but because of brain infection.

He said that even if the virus cannot be detected in the patient's respiratory tract and appears to be cured, the virus may still be present in the brain and relapse. "If the virus is hidden in the brain, if it is further activated, the virus will infect other parts of the body again, making other organs of the body may be further infected, and even if there are more infections in the brain, it will cause problems for other organs."

Lin Xiaoxu pointed out that the "CCP virus" surpasses previously known coronaviruses. It can use cunning mechanisms to escape the human immune system, which is very difficult to deal with.

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