Saturday, January 30, 2021

Progress in U.S.-Taiwan relations, Democracy developments in China, the U.S. and Taiwan

News (1)

 The Biden administration will have the first dialogue with Taiwan to discuss supply chain cooperation

Reporter  : Yan Xi / / Direct translation

Taiwan’s Ministry of Economy confirmed that Taiwan will hold a meeting with the US on February 5 to discuss supply chain-related issues. This meeting is the first US-Taiwan dialogue since President Biden took office.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Republic of China confirmed on January 29 that Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Meihua will attend a video conference with the United States on February 5th. The conference will include topics on Taiwan-US supply chain cooperation in semiconductor, automotive chip and other industries.

It is reported that Matt Murray, Assistant Undersecretary of the State Department, and Richard Stephens, Acting Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Department of Commerce, will attend the meeting.

Senior executives from Taiwan's largest chip manufacturer TSMC and MediaTek Inc. will also attend the meeting.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said in response to a reporter’s question that day, “I don’t know about the meeting.

According to a report by the Voice of America, Taiwan’s representative to the United States, Xiao Meiqin, said that supply chain security was a project launched during the Trump administration in November last year and an important part of the US-Taiwan economic partnership dialogue.

Biden’s State Department spokesperson Price recently urged the CCP to stop exerting pressure on Taiwan’s military, diplomacy, and economy, and stated that the United States’ commitment to Taiwan is rock solid.

Currently, there is a global shortage of automotive chips. The United States, Japan, and Germany are all trying to seek assistance from Taiwan through diplomatic channels. The meeting on February 5 was the first dialogue between the United States and Taiwan after U.S. President Biden took office. Therefore, it has attracted attention from the outside world.

News (2) 

U.S. security adviser talks about China policy, suppressing Taiwan, Hong Kong and Xinjiang must "pay a price"

Reporter : Jiang Ziyang / / Direct translation

The old and new National Security Advisors of the United States participated in an online seminar yesterday. The former National Security Advisor O’Brien pointed out in a straightforward manner that the primary issue they handed over to the new government is also the number one challenge for the United States. China issues. Sullivan, National Security Advisor to the Biden Administration’s top priority is the epidemic and climate change. In response to the Chinese Communist threat, he said that the Biden administration will change its approach.

Former U.S. National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien said, "Among the major issues (handover), the CCP ranks first. We have a very arbitrary and rising CCP that has become America’s number one geopolitical challenge. Throughout the generations, the CCP has become increasingly radical towards Taiwan."

The U.S. Institute of Peace (U.S. Institute of Peace) continued its 20-year tradition yesterday (29th), inviting new and old national security advisers from the United States to participate in an online seminar, symbolizing the handover and inheritance of national security affairs. Former U.S. National Security Adviser O’Brien first named the CCP as America’s number one problem, and the threat to Taiwan is increasing day by day.

The new National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan did not rank the CCP issue first, but first talked about the global epidemic, climate change and other issues. After the host’s questioning, Sullivan proposed four policies for China: First, China promotes that the "Chinese model" is better than the "American model", and the United States should reform its own race and economy. Second, work with allies to promote a free, prosperous and fair society to counter the Chinese (Communist) aggression. Third, maintain the leading position in technology to achieve leadership. Fourth, clearly convey the above information and take actions, such as taking actions against the CCP’s actions in Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Taiwan.

U.S. Security Adviser Sullivan said, "I have to pay a price for China's actions against Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and the threat of force being projected on Taiwan.

Japan’s Sankei Shimbun reported that the CCP frequently used military aircraft to harass Taiwan, possibly for the purpose of intimidating US aircraft carriers off Taiwan’s southern waters.

However, according to Reuters and many other foreign media reports, the US Pacific Command issued a statement yesterday that the Roosevelt Aircraft Carrier Strike Group (Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group) closely monitored all the actions of the Chinese Navy and Air Force. They did not pose a threat to the US military at all. The US Pacific Command has reiterated the commitment to maintain regional stability.

News (3)

Flashback: Before signing barrage of executive orders Biden said dictators rule that way

News (4)

Lawyer: Biden's immigration policy may hit American society

Reporter : Li Jiayin / / Direct translation

The new President Biden signed six administrative orders on immigration issues on the first day after he took office. California Chinese lawyer Liu Fenglan believes that some policies will impact American society and may cause irreversible losses. 

In response to Biden’s six administrative orders concerning immigration issues issued on January 20, senior California lawyer Liu Fenglan stated that these six administrative orders are all aimed at illegal immigrants, and the increasingly relaxed policies may affect many aspects of the United States. Cause adverse effects.

California lawyer Liu Fenglan said, "These people come here without the ability to survive, eat, drink, and educate. Many of them use children to come. I think (they) use children as tools. That's why there are so many futures. Adult children come to the U.S. This is a moral kidnapping. (Some) Latin Americans don’t care about education. In the impression of (some) Latin Americans, it seems that if they come to the U.S., they don’t have to work, but they should get welfare. So the population quality will decrease."

Regarding Biden's pledge of 4 billion U.S. dollars in Central America to fund the construction of countries in the region, Lawyer Liu said this will lead to a vicious circle.

California lawyer Liu Fenglan said, "While he opened the door to Central and South Americans, he also gave their home country money. The home country of those people is very happy at first glance. I keep sending people to (the United States). Anyway, you ( The U.S. policy is to accept, we commit crimes, non-working, welfare, and children, I will put them in your country, and you will raise them for us. At the same time, it poses a threat to your country. You have to give me money."

Lawyer Liu believes that after Biden took office, a series of actions were intended to overthrow Trump's political achievements. Among them, Biden's cancellation of travel bans against seven Muslim countries will also endanger the homeland security of the United States.

California lawyer Liu Fenglan commented, "I think there have been no terrorist attacks in the United States in recent years. Unlike European countries, there have been so many terrorist attacks in Paris and London. They are all due to Trump. I think he (Trump) is very Yingming. He is banning (entry) from Muslim countries, but it is not completely forbidden. He will conduct a background check on you and come back after the investigation. If this is taken away by Biden, I think the homeland security of the United States will also be very problematic. "The common people have to pay a lot of taxes to support these illegal and potential terrorists, and to pay taxes to support others to kill the legitimate taxpayers in the United States." "This is very scary."

Lawyer Liu believes that illegal immigrants currently attempting to enter the United States in a caravan are not only unable to maintain social distancing in the car, but it is also unknown whether they wear a mask. The entry of such groups into the United States may worsen the epidemic, and then overwhelm the medical system.

News 5 and 6 by Han Rui/ / Direct translations

News (5)

Three Trump era senior officials from Department of Homeland Security joined the Heritage Foundation 

Three senior officials of the Department of Homeland Security during the Donald Trump administration, including former Acting Secretary Chad Wolf, former Acting Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli and former Acting Director of Customs and Border Protection Morgan (Mark Morgan) announced on Friday (January 29) to join the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank in the United States.

The three people will be committed to research in the fields of national security, digital networks, border security, and immigration, including how the CCP uses the US immigration system and other issues related to China.

After Biden took office, through a series of administrative orders, many border and immigration policies of the Trump administration were suspended or cancelled, including the suspension of the border wall, the termination of the repatriation of illegal immigrants, and the cancellation of immigration protection agreements.

In an interview with FOX News, former Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Wolff said that Biden’s immigration policy can be measured by three criteria: 1. Whether it is legal; 2. Whether it will increase the difficulty of immigration officials and law enforcement personnel; 3. , Will it encourage more people to enter the United States?

During the epidemic, Wolff was very worried about the Biden government's additional manpower to go to the border and strengthen the processing of asylum applications.

News (6)

The judge extended the ban, Biden suspended the deportation of illegal immigrants and was blocked again

After Biden took office, he asked the Department of Homeland Security to stop deporting illegal immigrants with deportation orders within 100 days from January 22.

Federal Judge Drew Tipton for the Southern District of Texas issued a two-week ban on the order on the 26th. Judge Tipton stated on the 29th that because the case requires more time for deliberation, he decided to extend the ban on this immigration administrative order by the Biden administration for another two weeks.

Previously, the Texas Attorney General requested the District Court to block Biden’s administrative order in violation of the law and constitution. At present, Arizona also supports Texas’s request. Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich has written to the Department of Homeland Security, Ask it to withdraw this decision.

According to a report from the Immigration Research Center, this administrative order to suspend the deportation of illegal immigrants involved 85% of the subjects with criminal records of sexual assault, domestic violence, and fraud.

News (7)

Multi-national activists jointly sign an appeal for U.S. assistance to Guo Feixiong

Reporter : Ke Tingting / / Direct translation

Chinese rights activist Guo Feixiong was intercepted by the CCP when he was about to fly to the United States on the 28th to visit his seriously ill wife and immediately lost contact. Hundreds of people from all walks of life initiated a joint signature recently, hoping that the US government can assist Guo Feixiong. The US State Department said on Friday that it was disturbed by reports that Guo Feixiong came to the United States to take care of his wife and was prevented from leaving the country, and is paying close attention to the case.

On the evening of January 28, Guo Feixiong was about to take a plane from Shanghai Pudong Airport to the United States to visit his seriously ill wife Zhang Qing. He was intercepted by the authorities on charges of “suspicion of endangering national security”. He went on a hunger strike on the spot. After that, Guo Feixiong was lost. Lian, there is no news so far.

Wang Dan, the leader of the 1989 democracy movement, initiated a joint letter on Thursday. Within 12 hours, it received responses from 165 pro-democracy activists and enthusiastic people from the United States, Britain, Poland, Hong Kong and other places, and wrote a letter to Speaker of the House of Representatives Pelosi ( Nancy Pelosi) and related personnel of the State Council.

Wang Dan also called on Western countries to pay attention and assist Guo Feixiong to visit his wife in the United States.

Ning Xianhua, chairman of the China Democracy Party’s National Joint Headquarters and one of the co-signers: "No matter what the U.S. responds, we must also let the international community and the public know what the Chinese government is doing now. This is a very typical human right. I think the Biden administration will definitely pay attention to cases of persecution."

Rev. Fu Xiqiu, head of the US civil rights organization ChinaAid, said that he had urgently contacted the US State Department to seek US diplomatic attention on the incident.

News (8)

Taiwan's Legislative Council passed a resolution to evaluate the change to the national emblem, the Kuomintang opposed

Reporter : Zheng Gusheng  /  Editor: Yun Tao / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

Image : The national emblem of the Republic of China and the emblem of the Chinese Kuomintang. (Web picture)

On January 29 (Friday), Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party legislators passed a proposal in the Legislative Yuan, requesting the Ministry of the Interior to assess the necessity of changing the national emblem of the Republic of China. In this regard, the Kuomintang strongly opposed.

Due to the support of the Democratic Progressive Party group, the motion proposed by the Green Era Power Party Group was passed with 63 votes in favor and 37 votes against it. The Force of the Times believes that the national emblem of the Republic of China and the Kuomintang party emblem are too similar and easy to confuse. Therefore, it is proposed that the Ministry of the Interior assess whether it is necessary to modify the national emblem.

After the proposal was passed, the Ministry of the Interior stated that it would comply with the resolution of the Legislative Yuan and submit a project report within two months.

The bill attracted strong opposition from the Kuomintang. Kuomintang Chairman Jiang Qichen responded on Saturday that the national emblem and party emblem are not the same and there is no need to change it. He also called to President Tsai Ing-wen, who is also the chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party, to question whether the matter was led by her.

The former chairman of the Kuomintang, Zhu Lilun, also shouted to the Green Camp, asking whether the next step was to change the national flag and the national emblem, and asked the DPP not to use this method to cover up "independence of Taiwan."

DPP legislator Chen Tingfei retorted that the DPP had requested the KMT to modify the party emblem so as not to confuse it with the national emblem, but the KMT refused and ridiculed the DPP’s "change the national emblem if they had the courage". The Legislative Yuan's decision to evaluate a change to the national emblem is meant to "follow KMT's intention".

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StayGate Pictures : Full moon in the morning, Hanoi

 Pictures copyright : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA