Saturday, January 16, 2021

Pompeo: Researchers of Wuhan Institute of Virology were infected with SARS-CoV-2 in autumn 2019

 Reporter : Li Yun / Editor: Li Quan / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

Image : United States Secretary of State Pompeo (Pablo Martinez Monsivais/ POOL / AFP via Getty Images)

U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo said recently that all the existing evidence shows that the SARS-CoV-2 (CCP virus, covi, novel coronavirus) outbreak originated in China. He also said that researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology developed symptoms similar to the CCP virus epidemic in the fall of 2019. On January 15, the U.S. State Department issued a press statement and a factual report on the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which clearly pointed out for the first time that the CCP had concealed the truth about the source of the virus, and pointed out that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was engaged in secret military activities. The press statement is titled "Ensuring a Transparent, Thorough Investigation of COVID-19's Origin" while the State Council report is titled "Fact Sheet: Activity at the Wuhan Institute of Viology".
The State Council report stated that for more than a year, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has systematically prevented a transparent and thorough investigation into the origin of the CCP virus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic. It is to invest a lot of resources in deception and false propaganda. The report said that the CCP’s confidentiality and control of information came at the expense of public health in China and the world. 2 million people have died worldwide. Their family should know the truth. Only with transparency can we understand the causes of this pandemic and how to prevent the next plague. The report concluded by stating that given that the world continues to fight the pandemic and the WHO investigators only started work after more than a year of delay, the source of the virus is still uncertain. The United States will continue to fully support credible and thorough investigations, including continuing to require the Chinese authorities to maintain transparency. Pompeo also posted a series of tweets about the United States' fight against the pandemic on social media that day. Pompeo quoted sources as saying that the US government has reason to believe that several researchers in the Wuhan Institute of Virology had become ill in the fall of 2019. He emphasized that this is contrary to the CCP’s long-term claim that researchers in the institute have not been infected.
Pompeo also said that although Wuhan Institute of Viology claims to be a private institution, since 2017, the institution has been cooperating with the CCP military to publish publications and conduct secret research projects. These classified studies include laboratory animal experiments in the institute. Pompeo also issued a statement, urging the World Health Organization investigation mission that arrived in China on January 14 to pressure the Chinese government to release information. He said that important information that Beijing continues to conceal is necessary information for scientists to protect the world from deadly viruses. On January 12, Pompeo also said in an interview that he was not sure whether the virus pandemic began with an accidental leak in a laboratory in Wuhan, but he said that this statement is possible, and all the available evidence currently shows that the virus outbreak originated in China. He said that for more than a year, the CCP has refused to anyone outside to obtain the information they need to investigate the truth of the matter. The world must continue to demand to know the truth about what happened in China to ensure that such things will never happen again. At the beginning of May last year, Pompeo also said that there is a lot of evidence that the virus came from a laboratory in Wuhan, and this is not the first time people have been infected because of an accident in a Chinese laboratory. Since the outbreak of the CCP virus in Wuhan in 2019, due to the CCP’s information blockade and misleading propaganda, the epidemic has raged around the world. So far, more than 90 million people have been infected and more than 2 million people have died. The Voice of America reported that the CCP’s information blockade and misleading propaganda led to catastrophes throughout the world. Regarding the origin of the disaster, the CCP has been playing hide-and-seek games with the world. As WHO experts went to China on January 14 to investigate the origin of COVID-19 (covid, novel coronavirus pneumonia, CCP pneumonia, Wuhan pneumonia), the CCP was still trying its best to announce that it had taken timely and decisive measures to contain the epidemic.

Updates 17/1/2021
Pompeo urges WHO to pressure CCP to solve three problems

Reporter : Luo Tingting / Editor: Zhu Xinrui / / Direct translation

WHO experts arrived in Wuhan a few days ago. US Secretary of State Pompeo issued a statement on the State Department website urging the WHO to pressure the Chinese government to resolve three questions about SARS-CoV-2 (CCP virus), the COVID-19 virus. On January 15, U.S. Eastern time, Pompeo said in a statement, "To assist the important work of the World Health Organization (WHO) investigation team that arrived in China this week, the U.S. government today shared the 2019 China (CCP) government laboratory interior New information about the event." The report, titled "Fact Sheet: Activity at the Wuhan Institute of Virology", said that for more than a year, the CCP systematically blocked investigations into the origin of the CCP virus pandemic, instead investing a lot of resources in deception and false propaganda. Pompeo said that the United States urges the WHO to press the Chinese government in this visit to China to solve the following three problems: 1. Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) internal infection problem: The US government has reason to believe that several researchers within the Wuhan Institute of Virology became ill in the fall of 2019, before the first case of the CCP virus was confirmed. The symptoms of these researchers are consistent with the CCP virus and common seasonal diseases. This makes people question the credibility of Shi Zhengli, a senior researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Shi Zhengli once publicly declared that the staff and students of the institute had "zero infection" against SARS-CoV-2 or SARS-related viruses. 2. Wuhan Institute of Virology research on "RaTG13" and "gain of function": Since at least 2016, the researchers of the institute have conducted research on the RaTG13 virus, which will be the first of 2020. The bat coronavirus identified in the month is the closest sample (96.2% similarity) to SARS-CoV-2. Since the outbreak, Wuhan Institute of Virology has neither been transparent nor inconsistent with its work on RaTG13 or other similar viruses. These works involve possible "gene function gain" experiments to increase transmission or lethality. 3. Secret connection between Wuhan Institute of Virology and military research: Although this civil institution is self-proclaimed, it cooperates with the CCP military on publications and secret projects. Since at least 2017, the Wuhan Institute of Virology has been engaged in classified research on behalf of the Chinese military, including laboratory animal experiments. Pompeo said that the CCP virus pandemic can be avoided. Any responsible country will invite global health investigators to Wuhan within a few days of the outbreak. But the CCP rejected the help provided by the United States and other countries, and punished those brave Chinese doctors, scientists, and journalists who tried to alert the world to the dangers of the virus. Today, Beijing continues to prevent scientists from obtaining important information. Scientists need to use this information to protect the world from this deadly virus and prevent the next wave of viruses. Pompeo emphasized in the statement, "The United States reiterated the importance of (investigators) unhindered access to virus samples, laboratory records and personnel, witnesses, and whistleblowers to ensure the credibility of the final WHO report. Unless the CCP allows a full and thorough explanation of what happened in Wuhan, it is only a matter of time before China has given birth to another pandemic and caused the Chinese people and the world to suffer." Nearly a year after the global outbreak of the CCP virus plague, the CCP allowed the WHO expert team to enter Wuhan to investigate the origin of the virus. On January 14, 13 experts from the WHO expert team arrived in Wuhan, China. They are expected to stay in Wuhan for about one month. However, the CCP government requires the expert group to isolate themselves for 14 days before arranging them to visit Wuhan Huanan Seafood Market, local scientific research institutes, hospitals and other places. However, before the departure of the WHO expert group, the British "Sunday Post" disclosed that the website of the National Natural Science Foundation of China rarely deleted more than 300 research reports from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Maria, the head of CCP virus technology at WHO. Fan. Maria Van Kerkhove also stated on January 15 that in the process of searching for the origin of the CCP virus, humans may never find "patient zero". In fact, the outside world is not optimistic about the WHO expert team's visit to Wuhan to investigate the origin of the virus. Because after more than a year of delay, the CCP authorities have already destroyed the evidence of the source of the virus. In addition, after the outbreak of the Chinese Communist Party virus plague, the WHO and the Chinese Communist Party secretly colluded to cover up the truth of the epidemic on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party. This is obvious to all, and the United States withdrew from the WHO even more angry. The outside world believes that the WHO expert's trip to Wuhan is more like a show, and it is impossible to make a fair and scientific investigation conclusion. More importantly, the CCP authorities have been concealing the epidemic. The outside world cannot even determine the exact time of the outbreak of the CCP virus. How can they find the "patient zero" and the origin of the virus. It is worth mentioning that on the eve of arrival in China, WHO's Director of Health Emergency Response Michael Ryan has expressed his attitude to the outside world. This visit to China is to find the origin of the CCP virus, not the "culprit."

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StayGate Pictures : Flowering season in Guiyang

 Photo copyright : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA