Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Biden admits to election fraud, condemns Socialism and Communism

 Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA / Image : Twitter Screenshot

News (1)

Biden admits to US election fraud

As if Americans needed any more evidence that the Democrats stole the election, Joe Biden just confirmed what Americans already knew, FreedomWire revealed.

During a press conference last week, Biden made clear that “it’s no longer just about who gets to vote…it’s about who gets to count the vote.”

“Who gets to count whether your vote counted at all,” he said in what feels like a slap in the face to millions of Americans who believe the election was stolen from them.

Not only did Biden normalize election fraud in his statement last week, but his White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirmed that they are making lists of dissenters from the Biden administration’s vaccine narrative on social media.

“There’s about 12 people who are producing 65% of anti-vaccine misinformation on social media platforms,” said Psaki. “Facebook needs to move more quickly to remove harmful, uh, violative posts.”

If this does not designate platforms like Facebook as “publishers” that are liable for curating content, I do not know what will. The Biden Government is now openly working with Big Tech to censor the American people.

News (2)

Biden: “It’s About Who Gets To Count The Vote”

Biden says in the Twitter video, “It’s no longer just about who gets to vote…it’s about who gets to count the vote. Who gets to count whether your vote counted at all.”

News (3)

Biden condemns Socialism and Communism

Amid the Cuban uprising against the communist regime, Biden has faced rising concerns that his administration sympathizes with communism.

To dispel this thought among millions of Americans, Biden said, “Communism is a failed system, universally failed system, and I don’t see socialism as a very useful substitute.”

News (4)

Trump spokeswoman warns: No 'Next Election' without repairing 2020 Election

Reporter : Jeffrey Rodack, Newsmax

The U.S. has to "fix" what happened in the 2020 election otherwise there’s not going to be a "next election," said Liz Harrington, former President Donald Trump’s spokeswoman, in a televised interview.

"When all these Republicans and RINOs (Republican In Name Only) suddenly start pretending like they cared about election integrity, it's always the next election," she said. "Well, what the base is focused on, what the average American is focused on, regardless of your party if you were paying attention during the election, what you were focused on, is we can never allow this to happen again. And we have to fix what happened in 2020 or otherwise there's not going to be a next election," Harrington told One America News Network’s Natalie Harp on Monday.

"Really, all this talk now of election integrity and stopping H.R. 1, stopping the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, isn’t that an admission that something was wrong on Nov. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7? All the aftermath and all the rigging and all the cheating that went on — that is an acknowledgment that the system that the Democrats and their allies in big tech put into place [that] they're trying to make permanent," she said.

"The best poll was Election Day, seeing the turnout and really the best truth because we know these counties like Fulton County in Georgia, Wayne County in Detroit, in Phoenix, Maricopa, in Allegheny, in Philadelphia. We know they’ve been crooked for decades, but the turnout on Election Day made them take it to a whole different level."

And in a Monday tweet she noted: "They'll call it an ‘election’ but it won't be in any real sense. It will be a Fake Election like 2020, whatever predetermined outcome Big Tech, Media, the Uniparty want -- no matter how many real voters stand in their way We won't let it happen!"

Meanwhile, Trump told Newsmax on June 25 that he’ll make an "announcement" about 2024 "in the not too distant future," adding that "you’re going to be thrilled" with the election results that year.

"I'll be making an announcement in the not too distant future," Trump told Newsmax’s "Wake Up America." "Right now, I'm helping a lot of people get into office, and we're fighting the deep state, and we're fighting [the] radical left. They're after me. They're after Rudy [Giuliani], they’re after you, probably. They’re after anybody. They're vicious. They're vicious, and they don't do a good job and they're very bad for the country… But I've been fighting them for 5.5 years.

"I think you're going to be thrilled" with the results of the 2024 elections. "I think you're going to be very happy. We want a little time to go by, maybe watch what happens in [2022]. We’re giving tremendous endorsements ... and some people go up 40, 50, 60 points."

News (5)

DeSantis calls out Biden's 'double standard' on 'political migration'

Reporter : Eric Mack, Newsmax / Image : Joe Raedle / Getty Images

The Biden administration being firm against Cuban asylum seekers making the 90-mile trek to Florida, but permitting them to walk across the border in Texas, Arizona, and California is a bold political double standard to Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis.

"They have a hundred times stronger case for political persecution leaving a communist dictatorship than the other migrants who are coming across the border who are basically coming across the border because they want more economic opportunities," DeSantis told Fox News' "Watters World."

"It's a total double standard, but honestly, it's something we expected because I do think a lot of their border policies are very political in nature in its intent."

Host Jesse Watters asked if Democrats are more inclined to block a Cuban refugee seeking asylum because the ills of communism has them likely to ultimately vote more conservative and less likely to support their socialist agenda items.

"Look, I think there's political dimension to it, there's no doubt," DeSantis replied.

DeSantis added he does have the position the best way to help Cubans most is to help them on the island of Cuba.

"We do believe the fight for freedom is in Cuba, with the Cuban people," DeSantis continued. "We want to be supportive of that.

"But we don't think it's in their interest, or in our interest, to have a big migration."

DeSantis also noted there are legit cases of asylum on the southern border with Mexico, too, but political persecution is stronger with the Cuban refugees.

"Some of these people themselves are being victimized and being trafficked by the cartels, but they don't rate the same as leaving a dictatorship, a communist dictatorship," he concluded.

DeSantis was speaking from Texas, where he has sent 50 law enforcement officials from his state to help curb the open flow of migration across the southern border under President Joe Biden.

"Where the federal government is failing, Texas is having to step up, and Florida and other states are helping," DeSantis said, noting the migrants will ultimately be fleeing to Florida, so his state needs to help in Texas.

"Most of the people that are Florida folks have admitted their ultimate destination is the state of Florida," he said. "So this has huge implications not just for our country as a whole, but states like my own where a lot of these folks are going to end up coming illegally."

DeSantis called out the Biden administration aiding illegal immigrations by helping them with lawyers and travel to other states, because of the conditions in Texas and Arizona.

"When they get turned over to the feds, what the feds are essentially doing is giving them a bus ticket and letting them go where they want to go," DeSantis said.

"This has big implications for our schools, our social services, all of those other things. Make no mistake about it, this is a deliberate policy to allow illegal migrants to go all over the country in violation of our laws."

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