Monday, July 5, 2021

Serious concerns from CCP covi vaccine development, Covenant with God or dire consequences

News (1) to (6) / Text : Chen Xiaonong / Publisher : The Epoch Times PREMIUM

News (1)

Timeline of China's COVID vaccine development raises serious concerns

Ever since the CCP virus began spreading in China around the fall of 2019, its vaccine development was once ahead of the rest of the world. However, as one analyzes the timeline of the R&D process of Chinese-made vaccines, a series of anomalies occur, prompting the international community to question the origin of COVID-19. Moreover, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) vaccine production plan reveals the regime’s attempt of profiting from the pandemic.

News (2)

The Starting Date of China’s Vaccine R&D

According to official data, the first case of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus, was identified on Dec. 1, 2019; and by Jan. 21, 2020, only 440 people were confirmed to have contracted the virus. On Jan. 15, 2020, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission’s 8th public health report stated that “no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission has been found so far.” If this information was accurate, then it appears the regime did not expect the virus to spread globally and weren’t prepared for such an event.

However, on March 25 this year, an article in the state-run media Beijing Daily blew the narrative in the opposite direction. This report mentioned that the CCP had formulated five R&D strategies for vaccine developments in early 2020 and began to roll out various prototypes; and one of these five vaccine technologies came from Major General Chen Wei, the chief expert of the CCP’s military biochemical weapons, and her team. This news is both suspicious and thought-provoking.

According to Chinese state media, immediately after scientists in Hubei Province isolated suitable virus strains on Jan. 9, 2020, local authorities created a joint team between Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and Wuhan Institute of Biological Products to develop vaccines against the CCP virus.

Among all the vaccine R&D teams involved, specific starting dates were publicized for two companies: Sinopharm’s vaccine R&D was officially approved and started on Jan. 19, 2020, and Tianjin-based CanSino Biologics’ COVID-19 vaccine project was approved and started on Jan. 20, 2020.

Three questions can be discerned from this.

First, if the initial virus sequence really evolved from natural origins (for example, all the harm is to be blamed on a few bats) as the CCP said, and it is not transmissible between people, then why did the CCP mobilize all available forces, including its military biological warfare units for the large-scale research and development of vaccines?

Second, the CCP set off the research and development of multiple vaccines before the Wuhan lockdown on Jan. 23, 2020, indicating that it was very clear to the CCP that the virus would spread on a global scale. That being the case, why would they fabricate lies on how the virus is not easily contagious? Such nonsense will only let the virus spread even faster across the world.

Third, at the beginning of 2020, all types of vaccines at that time have entered the application-oriented stage (not all were commercialized). Why wasn’t Wuhan locked down then? Wouldn’t the number of infections and deaths be minimized this way? People with common sense can deduce that the CCP’s actions in the early stages of the pandemic were questionable, which exposed that the regime was not trying to contain the virus and prevent it from spreading around the world.

News (3)

CCP vaccines already prepared before pandemic

Prashant Yadav, a healthcare supply chain expert at the Center for Global Development, an international think tank, pointed out that “vaccine manufacturing is an endeavor where an almost infinite combination of things have to work perfectly.”

“There’s variability in the raw materials, the microorganisms needed to grow vaccine products, the conditions of the culture in which those microorganisms are grown, and more,” Yadav told USA today.

Therefore, it usually takes several years to design a vaccine prototype and then develop new vaccines. However, China seemed to be very familiar with the development of this vaccine.

It is common knowledge that vaccine prototypes used in clinical trials must first be developed over a lengthy time. The Pfizer vaccine began research and development on March 20, 2020 and it took them at least four months to produce a feasible prototype; Chinese state media reported the Sinopharm vaccine began its R&D on Jan. 19, 2020, and started clinical trials on April 12 in the same year.

Sinopharm was faster at creating a vaccine than Pfizer, which implies that the CCP was prepared for a pandemic before it all began, including getting a head start on the vaccine.

News (4)

China swiftly mass produced COVID vaccines

There are currently at least seven vaccine producers in the world, including Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, J&J/Janssen, Sinopharm, Sinovac, and Covishield. When the American vaccines were launched at the end of 2020, the production capacity of the Pfizer vaccine was quite small at that time; only until today has their manufacturing rate reached 100 million doses per month. However, Chinese vaccines have been made at a pace preceding Pfizer’s by almost one year.

The Pfizer vaccine in the United States began research and development in late March last year; they then moved forward with prototypes, the three phases of clinical trials until the final approval and market launch. This process took them about nine months. The Pfizer team itself couldn’t even believe how fast this happened. It took the company another few months to get the production speed up to 100 million doses a month. So, it took Pfizer about a year from initiating their vaccine program to the full scale market launch.

China joined the World Health Organization’s “COVAX” in early October 2020, providing vaccines and funding for the purchase of vaccines for 92 low- and middle-income countries. When China joined the plan, Zheng Zhongwei, head of the vaccine R&D team of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the CCP State Council, said that by the end of 2020, China’s annual vaccine production capacity could reach 610 million doses. In other words, as early as the end of summer and early autumn of 2020, the production capacity of Chinese vaccines would be close to the monthly output of hundreds of millions of doses. This is why in the first few months of this year, only the Chinese vaccines dominated the world’s vaccine supply. Vaccines in Europe and the United States started being manufactured only by the end of 2020, and it would take them three more months to mass-produce them. Compared with the Chinese vaccine, European and American vaccines had a late start in the world, and the supply of their vaccines was far behind domestic and foreign demand. This left a window of almost six months for the Chinese vaccines to become ubiquitous in the world.

Even if China’s vaccine research skills and manufacturing capacity have reached the same level as that of the United States, the cultivation process of the microorganisms required for clinical trials and vaccine production cannot be compressed or accelerated. Therefore, the shortest time required for China to achieve mass production of vaccines on a large scale should be roughly the same as the United States, which was about one year. However, considering that China’s vaccine had reached the scale of 100 million doses per month in early autumn last year, the CCP must have begun preparation work for microorganism cultivation, screening, testing, and packaging by the fall of 2019.

Chinese authorities claimed that the first patient who was infected with the virus was reported in Wuhan on Dec. 1, 2019, but this lie was overturned by its timeline showing rapid mass production of vaccines. Based on the above information, in the autumn of 2019, the CCP not only had the novel coronavirus in its hands, but also mastered a number of vaccine types that could be used, and even began to prepare for mass vaccine production. It must have made the assumption that the epidemic would soon spread from China to other countries, wreaking havoc around the globe.

News (5)

CCP prioritizes vaccine exports, delays domestic vaccinations

When the Chinese vaccines were produced at a massive scale, they were not used in China. On the one hand, China stocked hundreds of millions of doses of vaccine, and on the other hand, the vaccines were sent to other countries for clinical trials, opening up the gate for large-scale vaccine export. As early as July 2020, the Sinopharm vaccine started Phase III of clinical trials in the United Arab Emirates. This clinical trial included 40,832 people in the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt and Jordan. Sinovac’s CoronaVac vaccine also started a Phase III trial in Brazil, Turkey, Indonesia, and Chile on July 21, 2020. At that time, the United States was still at the initial research stage for vaccine development.

Why didn’t the CCP preemptively announce in June 2020 that it was ready for mass production for Chinese-made vaccines when it was set to arrange clinical trials in other countries?

The CCP, well known for being a habitual liar, chose not to bluff this time because there were two factors it had to take into consideration. First, if the vaccine had been announced to be ready for mass production in June last year, it would inevitably expose its secret and the whole world would suspect that the CCP had prepared the vaccine before the virus spread all over the world. Second, the CCP had to wait for the epidemic to spread to other countries before it could arrange clinical trials in selected countries, so as to obtain the necessary qualifications for the global sales of its vaccines.

This first factor determined that when the CCP had the capacity of vaccine mass production in June 2020, it had to keep the information confidential. Therefore, Chinese authorities did not launch mass inoculation domestically, although it was urgently needed for containing the virus.

In addition, the CCP intentionally delayed the domestic vaccination timeline for the sake of promoting its vaccines to foreign countries. According to a recent report from Taiwan’s United Daily News, Beijing had pledged to sell or donate nearly 700 million doses of vaccines to more than 90 countries as of June 7, 2021.

Chinese state-run media Xinhua News Agency reported that by Jan. 13, 2021, only 10 million doses of vaccine were administered in China. At that time, China’s annual vaccine production capacity had already reached 600 million doses.

According to public information released by the National Health Commission, China’s mass vaccination didn’t start until March this year, and the total vaccination was as small as 80 million doses as of March 23, 2021, which was one-eighth of China’s annual production capacity.

Then the total vaccine administered reached 250 million by the end of April, and 1 billion doses by June 21.

Why was China’s domestic mass inoculation delayed until March? Because during that month, European-made and American-made COVID vaccines entered the stage of mass production, and the vaccines the West developed are far superior compared to the Chinese-made vaccines. As China knew that it could hardly compete with the West in vaccine effectiveness, the CCP had to seize the opportunity to act quickly within a limited time frame—the few months before the West could produce large quantities of vaccines, to make profits from its vaccine exports. The CCP’s prioritization of vaccine exports over domestic inoculation reveals its sinister intention to deliberately allow the virus to spread globally and then profit from the pandemic.

News (6)

China fools international buyers with unreliable clinical trials

In order to quickly sell large quantities of Chinese vaccines before the U.S. vaccines became available, the CCP’s clinical trials in foreign countries were all conducted in a sloppy manner. China’s Sinopharm and Sinovac vaccines both completed Phase III clinical trials as early as fall of 2020, but Sinopharm’s Phase III clinical trial report was delayed until March 2021. It was then published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) on May 26, 2021. Before May 26, the CCP had already made a lot of money from the pandemic.

As soon as the Phase III clinical report of Sinopharm’s vaccine was published, the international medical community immediately raised concerns.

Bloomberg reported on May 27 of this year that Chinese vaccine manufacturers have been criticized because they did not share enough data on vaccine safety and effectiveness.

“The testing was heavily skewed toward men, who accounted for nearly 85 percent of the participants. Less than 2 percent were aged 60 or older, and most were healthy. As a result, there is little evidence about the efficacy and safety among women, the elderly, and those with underlying diseases,” the report said.

Dong Yuhong, a Europe-based virology expert, believes that such clinical trials lack sufficient data to prove the vaccine’s capability to protect recipients from developing severe symptoms.

The Bloomberg report pointed out that the World Health Organization (WHO) gave the green light to China’s Sinopharm vaccine to be sold globally despite the sloppy trials. As of today, the WHO has not officially cleared China’s Sinovac vaccine because its clinical trial report has not been publicized. However, the CCP has already sold 380 million doses of the Sinovac vaccine worldwide.

Voice of America published a report on June 27, summarizing the three new discoveries on the origins of the virus, from research all across the world.

The conclusions are: 1) the first case of the virus infection identified in China was at least two months earlier than the date China currently reported, and the virus had spread globally before Wuhan was placed under lockdown; 2) the virus that emerged during the earliest time already showed amazing adaptability to the human body, indicating that the possibility of lab leaks cannot be ruled out; 3) Chinese experts destroyed the early-stage virus samples, which is considered to be an attempt to destroy evidence and to cover up the origins of the virus.

I believe that we are moving forward in discovering the truth about the CCP’s cover-up on the source of COVID-19.

Cheng Xiaonong is a scholar of China’s politics and economy based in New Jersey. Cheng was a policy researcher and aide to former Chinese Communist Party leader Zhao Ziyang. He also served as chief editor of Modern China Studies.

News (7)

Christian scholars: America has a covenant with God, breach of contract or dire consequences

Reporter : Li Zhaoxi / Editor : Li Jia / / Direct translation

Image : Statue of Liberty in New York City, USA. (Kena Betancur/AFP via Getty Images)

The oath is regarded as the most sacred and binding, and it is an oath that will never be violated. The earliest settlers in the United States vowed to serve and proclaim God on the entire earth. However, the Americans seem to have forgotten this pledge recently. Experts warn that this may have dire consequences.

According to an American evangelical Christian religious television network and production company "Christian Broadcasting Network" (Christian Broadcasting Network, CBN), some Christian leaders and historians in the United States explained to people how the relationship between God and man comes through the sacred oath. Set, and the terrible consequences of breaking the oath.

"This is even the basis for his redemption of us,'I came with a new vow through Jesus, and his blood made this vow effective'. This is a promise that must be kept in his view." One of the Christian leaders in the United States Dutch Sheets warned, "We have left the covenant with God" even from the beginning of the marriage contract. The divorce rate in the United States soared 302% in the 20th century.

American history began in the oath, and the early British settlers also hoped that their new land would share such a binding oath. Christian historian Eddie Hyatt said that the earliest people who came to Jamestown, Virginia since 1607 wrote in their Virginia Compact:

"To spread and expand the gospel, the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, and to bring the gospel to those who ‘lie in the dark and don’t know the only true God.’ They said, that’s why they came." Heyatt said.

Pilgrims who arrived in Massachusetts in 1620 said the same thing. Jerry Newcombe, author of The Book That Made America, recounted what they wrote: "A voyage was taken for the glory of God and the development of the Christian faith. "

Newcomb gave a further explanation to the later pilgrims and Puritans: "They came for God, not for gold." He believes that many things that happen in the United States today are because "We ignore the relationship with God." pledge". The United States used to be the number one exporter of the gospel, but now it is the number one importer of illegal drugs and the number one exporter of pornography.

Newcomb said that God warned about this. He said: "Observe me and I will bless you. But if you don't listen to me, I will cancel my blessing."

David Barton, the founder of the Texas right-wing organization "Wallbuilders", pointed out that they studied 3154 direct quotations in the political works of the founders and found that God's words accounted for a large proportion of them. He concluded: "The primary source is the Bible. Of all the quotations in these political documents, 34% are from the Bible."

"When these early settlers wrote their vows, they understood very clearly,'We must obey God. We need to make God the center of what we do. If we do, he will bless us. If we do, he will bless us. If we don't do this, we will be in trouble'." Patton said.

If the United States really wants to become a place to spread the gospel to the whole world, then the redemption of billions of people now hangs in the balance. Hitts believes that Americans still have hope, but only if they renew their pledge to God, "because this makes us God's family."

Hitts gave an example. He said, “If I don’t know the kids across the street, if they do something evil or wrong, I don’t feel obligated to try to bring them back because I didn’t make a contract with them. Not in that relationship. So is God."

Experts said that just go back to the oath. Just as Joel 2:13 said, "Now to the Lord-your God, because He is kind and compassionate, slow to anger, full of love."

News (8)

U.S. celebrates Independence Day, Washington, New York fireworks, Biden speaks

Reporters : Bi Xinci and Chen Haiyue / / Direct translation

July 4 is the 245th Independence Day of the United States. After more than a year of epidemic lockdown, New York and Washington have reopened people to watch large-scale fireworks displays. US President Biden delivered a speech at the White House that day, saying goodbye to the darkness brought about by the epidemic and isolation.

Among the dazzling fireworks, the "Stars and Stripes" national anthem was played, and the American people celebrated the 245th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In New York, the large-scale firework show on Sunday is still sponsored by Macy's.

More than 65,000 fireworks were set off from five large barges docked on the East River in New York and lasted more than 20 minutes.

That night, a large-scale firework show was also staged on the National Mall in Washington, attracting a large number of people to watch.

Luciano Perez: "I came here for July 4th (celebration) and came to Washington to watch the fireworks. It reminds us of before the epidemic."

In 2020, due to the spread of the "Chinese Communist virus" worldwide, the United States has almost cancelled all celebrations.

After a year of blockade, it was finally possible to celebrate Independence Day again, and the people watching the ceremony were very excited.

American Citizen Tina: "We were in the epidemic last year and we were very depressed to stay at home. It was like the first time we spent July 4th in the United States. It was very exciting and very special.

There were more than one thousand guests who attended the celebration on the South Lawn of the White House on Sunday.

US President Biden: "Happy July 4th (Independence Day) in the United States, God bless you all, and may God protect our army. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

President Biden stated that the United States is closer to getting rid of the epidemic than ever.

US President Biden said, "We will never want to go back to today a year ago."

Since the beginning of the epidemic last year, more than 600,000 Americans have lost their lives.

News (9)

Biden withdraws oil pipeline, Canadian company wants U.S. to pay 15 billion

Editor: Li Ming / / Direct translation

Canadian energy company TC Energy recently stated that they are seeking US$15 billion in compensation from the US government for US President Biden’s decision to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline project.

TC Energy said in a statement last Friday (July 2) that it had submitted a notice of intent to the U.S. Department of State, requesting that it be subject to the "North American Free Trade Agreement" under the "U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement." "(NAFTA) leftover claims.

The company said that the compensation was intended to "recover the economic losses caused by President (Biden)’s revocation of the Keystone XL project license", and pointed out that "the U.S. government violated the obligations of the North American Free Trade Agreement." The company suffered losses of more than 15 billion U.S. dollars.

The Epoch Times has contacted the State Council for comment.

On the first day of taking office, Biden signed an executive order to stop the permit for the expansion of the Keystone XL pipeline connecting the United States and Canada approved by former President Trump (Trump), and included this ban in the new government’s response to climate change. The main agenda of the crisis.

Subsequently, TC Energy officially withdrew from the project on June 9. The project was first proposed in 2008 and is expected to ship hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil from Canada to the United States every day.

Although Biden's decision was welcomed by many environmentalists, most Republicans and industry groups criticized his executive order. Some critics say that tens of thousands of jobs disappeared overnight after Biden cancelled the pipeline permit. TC Energy also stated, "This has directly led to the dismissal of thousands of union workers."

Biden once asserted that the Keystone project "is not in the national interest of the United States" and mentioned that his January 20 order is intended to "promote and protect our public health and the environment, protect our national treasures and historic sites, and ensure the memory of our country." (Referring to history can continue)".

The pipeline was originally planned to transport 830,000 barrels of oil a day from the oil sands of Alberta, Canada to Nebraska, USA. But under the opposition of many environmentalists, Native Americans and some landowners, the project was postponed for more than ten years.

According to a Bloomberg report, Biden’s ban has sparked interest in shipping Canadian crude oil to U.S. refineries by rail, due to the recent decline in oil from Mexico and Venezuela, although this route involves more “carbon intensive” problem. According to statistics, Canada used railroads to export 129,727 barrels of oil a day to the United States in April, indicating that the industry is continuing to use these alternatives to import fuel.

Canadian Governor Jason Kenney said in a June 9 statement that he is still “disappointed and frustrated with the situation surrounding the Keystone XL project, including President Biden’s cancellation of the border crossings of the pipeline. license".

The province has invested approximately US$1.1 billion in this pipeline project, which means it now has to bear losses.

News (10)

Hong Kong police bans citizens from mourning assassin who committed suicide

Editor : Zhu Ying / / Direct translation

Hong Kong citizen Liang Jianhui committed suicide after attacking a police officer on 1 July. The Hong Kong police banned citizens from offering flowers to mourn the dead, and arrested three citizens on the charge of "inciting others to kill the police" because they made comments on social media that were considered extreme. The Director of the National Security Administration of the Communist Party of China in Hong Kong said that there is no tenderness at all. Some legal scholars pointed out that going online at every turn will only intensify social conflicts.

The Hong Kong police recently classified Liang Jianhui's suicide after attacking a police officer as a "lone wolf-style local terrorist attack" and prohibited citizens from paying tribute to the location of the incident in Causeway Bay. On Sunday (4th), the Hong Kong police arrested two netizens who made controversial remarks on social media, accusing them of “inciting others to kill police and arson”; on Monday they also arrested a man for his online remarks Suspected of inciting others to commit "crime with intent to hurt others."

Some media reporters asked the police how many illegal remarks had been made by the three arrested persons? Is it an article, a comment or a post? What specific words are crimes? For such questions, the police refused to respond on the grounds that "the case is under investigation" and threatened that more people would be arrested.

According to a report by Radio Free Asia, Zheng Yanxiong, the Director of the National Security Agency of the Communist Party of China in Hong Kong, said in a speech at the Hong Kong "National Security Law" Internet Legal Forum on Monday that the nature of the social movement during the anti-transmission in Hong Kong in 2019 was "subversion of power and violations." Sovereignty, and the extreme activities such as "speculation" and "dark violence" have evolved into "inhumane and serious anti-social crimes." He emphasized that the police did not compromise on this, and they were soft-hearted. "There is only struggle, only law, and there is no other way."

In response to the arrest of three citizens by the Hong Kong police for making controversial remarks on the Internet, the Commissioner of Police Xiao Zeyi claimed that the Hong Kong National Security Agency has taken over the investigation of related incidents and will investigate whether the suspects have been instigated and committed crimes. Does anyone support or manipulate behind the scenes? Xiao Zeyi emphasized that the police will never tolerate anyone who mourns or "beautifies" the perpetrators of the July 1 killings, nor does it tolerate remarks that might incite other people, divide society, and hate the police.

Regarding Xiao Zeyi's above statement, some Hong Kong netizens posted questions, "Do you just find a message to arrest people?"

In an interview with the media, Chen Wenmin, professor of public law at the Hong Kong University Law School, said that although he does not agree with violence to solve the problem, the police's statement that "presenting flowers in mourning may be illegal" is indeed far-fetched. At this stage, it has not been determined whether Liang Jianhui’s attack on a police officer was a “terrorist activity” or an attack on the police. The people expressed their condolences to Liang Jianhui, who committed suicide. It may be out of sympathy or an expression of dissatisfaction with the government. Putting the incident on the platform will only intensify the conflict between the government and the public.

Chen Wenmin pointed out that if someone called Liang Jianhui a "martyr", the police would equate this addressing with "promotion of his behavior", and then equated with "encouraging others to do these behaviors" and also equivalent to "inciting others to do these behaviors." , Logically jumped many levels in one go. He said: “You have to make people believe and do certain things to instigate it. (The government) said today that ‘martyr’ can be incitement, and tomorrow you can say another term is incitement, and the red line will be drawn too much."

Professor Ye Zhaohui of the Department of Social Work and Social Administration of the University of Hong Kong also said that offering flowers does not necessarily mean agreeing with the behavior of the assailant. He pointed out that Liang Jianhui chose to commit suicide after attacking a police officer with extreme tactics. This is a tragedy for society. The public needs to have an appropriate way to express their grief, and offering flowers is one of them.

"I believe the citizens also have different feelings about this incident, and they should also be allowed to have appropriate ways to express their grief. This grief is not necessarily an act of identifying with the assailant, but may be a grief for the city." Ye Zhaohui said, "I think it is important to have proper catharsis."

News (11)

Ruili locked down due to epidemic, detected as Delta mutant

Reporters : Hong Ning and Lin Cenxin /, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

In Ruili City, a border city in Yunnan, the third local epidemic has occurred. As of 6 July 2021, 8 confirmed cases have been officially notified and a three-level response has been initiated since 4 July. According to mainland media, the confirmed case was infected with the more transmissible Delta variant (Covi72).

Citizen of Ruili, Yunnan: "You can't get in, and you can't get out. Those who come from Mangshi must turn around, and those who come from Ruili must turn around!"

According to official reports, 3 newly confirmed local cases in Yunnan Province on 4 July, all male, 2 of Chinese nationality and 1 of Myanmar nationality, were found in the nucleic acid test of all employees in Ruili. The official data of the Chinese Communist Party are generally regarded as false.

The video shows that "Caiyun City", which is located in the traditional commercial center of Ruili, has been under closed management.

Ruili citizen Li Yuan (pseudonym): "We have it in the Wanding area, as well as in our (Ruili) urban area. The urban area is in Caiyun City. It is in their kind of snacks. It was found right there, so the flow of people is a bit heavy. , But that place has been sealed off."

An employee of a merchant in Caiyun City, Ruili, said, “Now it’s because there may be an epidemic, so the store is closed. We are now at home and we are quarantining at home, and we have not issued a notice to quarantine at home. We just stayed at home and did not go out.”

Vegetables on the shelves of local supermarkets have been sold out, and nucleic acid tests have been launched across the city. Local residents said that in addition to controlling the community, other shops, shopping malls, and schools can still operate normally.

Li Yuan, a citizen of Ruili: “The government’s message just told us that there were five infected, but we still don’t know where these five people have been, and what itinerary. The closure of the city was said to have been detected at around 9:30, but today, at the border, there is a total martial law on some of our borders."

The Prevention and Control Center requires all personnel not to enter or leave Ruili unless necessary, and that the bridge is forbidden to pass, and in principle, they cannot enter or leave.

There is news on the Internet that Ruili was infected with the Delta mutant virus this time around.

"" quoted a notice issued on July 5 by the disease control department of Luzhou City, Sichuan, which borders Yunnan, saying that within the previous week, Yunnan Province had sent positive covi genes to Dehong Prefecture through Yunnan Province and "surrendered in the country". Five cases of Covi72 were detected among the "persons". The virus is extremely contagious.

News (12) to (16) / Reporter : Li Zhaoxi / Editor : Li Jia / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News (12)

CCP men in military uniforms appear on Sri Lanka construction sites, and all concerns are controlled by CCP

Image : On 20 November 2018, the Ritz-Carlton and JW Marriott Hotel, a Chinese Communist Party-managed project under construction along the deep sea port of Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Paula Bronstein/Getty Images)

The CCP's continuous strengthening of the management of Sri Lanka's infrastructure projects has once again raised concerns that the country may quickly become a Chinese colony. It is said that the military personnel deployed by the CCP in Hambantota in the country have aroused people's anger and concern.

According to the "True Ceylon News" report, recently someone saw several Chinese digging an ancient water weir in the Hambantota area. They were dressed similar to the Chinese Communist Party's military uniform. According to Sri Lankan law, wearing or even possessing military uniform is a punishable crime when not in service.

An opposition party in Sri Lanka questioned the appearance of foreigners wearing similar CCP military uniforms in the country, and pointed out that there is a lot of evidence that this uniform does belong to the CCP army.

The former Sri Lankan army commander, veteran and member of parliament Sarath Fonseka publicly alleges that CCP soldiers are operating in the area. He said, "Many people in this administration have connections with wealthy businessmen in China, so it is clear how the decision was made."

News (13)

Excavation work done without Archaeological Bureau approval

The excavation work started without permission from the Sri Lanka Archaeological Bureau but as soon as the video was broadcast, the excavation work was stopped.

At the weekly cabinet press conference last Tuesday (29  June 2021), cabinet spokesman Keheliya Rambukwella stated that if the archaeological law is violated, Sri Lanka can resort to the law, but “said that we are concerned about this. The incident remains silent and cowardly, and we strongly oppose it."

News (14)

Chinese operating sea cucumber farm in Sri Lanka has no local government permit

"True Ceylon News" also reported that people noticed that the Chinese were operating a sea cucumber farm in Kilinochchi. The Minister of Fisheries of Sri Lanka, Douglas Devananda, stated that the farm has been operating since the previous government was in power in 2017.

Presumably, in the northern part of the country, no permits have been issued to operate such farms. The farm is currently being investigated.

News (15)

Sri Lanka leases Hambantota to the CCP for 99 years

In 2017, the Sri Lankan government had to lease Hambantota Port, a deep-water port, to the CCP for 99 years due to its inability to repay the huge loan from the CCP.

There have been concerns that Beijing will expand its power in the country through a controversial infrastructure plan. On May 20, the Sri Lankan Parliament voted to pass the "Colombo Port City Economic Committee Bill" supported by the CCP. The $1.4 billion Colombo Port City project will become Sri Lanka's largest non-public sector development project. The sharp decline in Sri Lanka’s tax revenues in 2020 has exacerbated this concern.

News (16)

CCP profiteering from selling Sinopharm vaccine to South Asia

Last month, the CCP sold Sinopharm vaccine to Bangladesh for US$10 per dose, while the price for Sri Lanka was US$15. This caused a huge response. Even some Sri Lankan politicians are also criticizing the CCP on social media.

News (17)

Former Zhengzhou Public Security: White vehicles and the industrial chain behind them

Interview : Long Tengyun /  Editor : Shang Yan / / Direct translation

Bob used to be an ordinary policeman in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, and is now in the United States. Recently, he told this channel about his personal experience, the inside story of the CCP’s organ harvesting from death row prisoners. We will introduce to you several times. Today, let’s listen to his disclosure of the white vehicles that always appear at the execution scene and the industrial chain behind them.

Former Bob of Zhengzhou Public Security Bureau: "During the process of public security work, I personally went to the execution ground and saw some organ harvesting from death row prisoners at that time."

From 1996 to 1999, Bob was a police officer in Zhengzhou. He would escort death row prisoners to the execution ground with his prison car, so he witnessed the secretive "organ harvesting" of the Chinese Communist Party.

Former Zhengzhou Police Officer Bob: "I saw this group of death row prisoners with my own eyes, and then they were shot. After being shot, they were taken to a white ambulance-like vehicle that was prepared next to the execution ground for organ harvesting. I saw it with my own eyes."

Almost every time he went to the execution ground, Bob could see this white ambulance, parked very close. At first he thought it was for first aid, but later found out that it was not.

Former Zhengzhou Police Officer Bob: "The actual situation is that the door behind his car opened once. After opening it, I found two people wearing white hangers, masks and gloves were on the scene. There was a bed in the middle. On both sides are two men in white coats. They look the same as doctors in the operating room, but in fact their job is not to rescue, but to harvest organs. Inside are not the general operating room configuration, all are Use plastic film to cover it as much as possible, including the seat, to prevent blood from splashing everywhere in the compartment. After the operation is completed, put him in a body bag and put the plastic directly With the film removed, the carriage is still clean."

The white vehicle is only one link in the process of organ harvesting from death row prisoners. The reason why it accurately appears near the unknown execution ground every time involves the judge.

Former Zhengzhou Police Officer Bob: "The judges at the scene should have played a role in whispering or telling them the location, otherwise they would not know in advance where the execution ground is, how many people there are, and what number of prisoners need to be removed. Which organs. Their goal is very clear. Because once the death penalty is executed, someone will quickly carry the corpse to an ambulance for anatomy. Not every corpse will be dissected, but it is very clear. The division of labor is very clear on which car will be carried. The personnel on the car are also very clear about which organs to be removed, which is arranged in advance.

The white vehicle itself involves the hospital.

Former Zhengzhou Police Officer Bob: "In fact, other policemen behind told me that they were specially matched blood types, including prisoners, to harvest their organs in a targeted manner. So many doctors in hospitals, then I guess I would also participate. The matching of such a blood type includes the process of finding a donor. Judging from the implementation of Zhengzhou, this is already a complete industrial chain, including the division of labor and coordination of various departments, the specific location of the execution ground, and the on-site visit The dispatch of organ harvesting doctors has already been arranged."

In addition to judges and doctors, detention centers for prisoners on death row are also in this industry chain. Bob revealed that before the execution, the detention center will "close to the body for 24 hours protection", check the body, and give injections to prevent blood clotting. Cooperate with the upcoming removal surgery.

Former Zhengzhou Police Officer Bob: "This is an industry chain that is almost semi-open. And from the time I joined the police for 96 years, until 1997 and 1998, it has almost always been like this. From the on-site process operation, I am skilled. Judging from the degree of mutual cooperation, this is not a one-year or two-year work. It has been a very long time, forming an industrial chain and a relatively complete process of organ harvesting. Between various departments The cooperation is very close, including the judges, including the doctors in the detention center, including external donors and some groups of the audience, and even the prices have been clearly marked."

Bob believes that this situation still exists in China, because the black market organs are expensive and huge profits drive these people to ignore professional ethics and humanistic care. And the death row himself and his family did not know about it.

News (18)

New Zealand parliamentarians disapprove CCP's live organ harvesting practices

Reporters : Chen Huimo and Zhang Dongxu / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

On Monday, New Zealand TVB reported the CCP’s live organ harvesting. Members of Parliament urged the government to legislate and strongly boycott the CCP. New Zealand Prime Minister Arden said on Monday that she had raised the issue of live organ transplants to Beijing.

New Zealand Prime Minister Arden said, "We, as the government, have raised the issue of organ transplantation to China. We have also sought the latest information on this issue, and the consent and transparency of policy reforms (organ providers). This is what we have proposed at this level."

The Prime Minister of New Zealand said on Monday that she had raised the issue of organ transplants to China, emphasizing that New Zealand does not import organs and is already making legislation to deal with modern slavery.

New Zealand Prime Minister Arden replied, "(Reporter: Live organ harvesting supplies the global black market.)" "I think from New Zealand's point of view, this may be important. We don't import organs from any country."

Radio New Zealand program "Red Line" and related reports allege that an 18-nation "China Policy Transnational Parliamentary Union Co-Chairman, Labor Party Member Wall, accused the CCP of harvesting live Falun Gong practitioners and Xinjiang Uyghur organs in the "Red Line" program, emphasizing that the allegations are directed at the CCP, not the Chinese people.

New Zealand Congress Labor Member Wall said, "Uyghurs and Falun Gong practitioners have been identified as prisoners of conscience. We know that they are slaves (by the CCP), and we also know that they have been subjected to live organ harvesting."

Wall also called on the government to legislate against the CCP’s slave labour trade to ensure that New Zealanders do not receive transplanted organs from CCP China or any country that cannot prove that the donation process is ethical.

News (19)

Jiegao Guomen Community in Ruili is adjusted to a medium-risk area

Research : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

On 6 July 2021, Ruili's Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Headquarters issued a notice. According to the national and provincial requirements for the zoning and hierarchical prevention and control of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, and evaluated by the epidemic prevention and control expert group, since 6 July. From then on, the Jiegao Guomen community in Ruili was adjusted to a medium-risk area, and other areas were low-risk areas.

On 5 July 2021, Yunnan Province has newly confirmed 3 local confirmed cases and 2 asymptomatic infections. There were 8 newly imported confirmed cases and 2 asymptomatic infections. One case of asymptomatic infection was released from isolation for medical observation (inbound case).

As of 6 July  there are currently 75 confirmed cases in Yunnan Province (6 in the local area, 69 imported from abroad) and 15 asymptomatic infections (2 in the local area, 13 imported from abroad), all of whom are isolated in designated medical institutions treatment for medical observation.

News (20)

MVC Vaccines to carry out human clinical trials of its covi vaccine in Paraguay

Research : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

MVC Vaccines announced on 6 July 2021 that it has cooperated with the Paraguay AsunciĆ³n University School of Medicine to carry out the third phase of human clinical trials of its covi vaccine in the affiliated hospital. MVC said that after communicating with the local regulatory authority "National Health Supervision Bureau", immunization will be taken. The design of the bridge is tested for comparison with the AZ vaccine.

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