Friday, September 4, 2020

The Sino-Indian conflict has revealed the Snow Mountain Lion Flag

 Writer : Shi Shan / Editor : Wang Xiaoyu / Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television

Ref : / Direct translation

Image : CCP in tensions with India. Video Screenshot

According to The Epoch Times Hong Kong News Centre, in the latest conflict between China and India, the snow mountain lion flag appeared in the Indian army. The matter is not trivial. Shi Shan tells you the inside story of the armed forces of the Tibetan army.  He also touched on the issue of the CCP eliminating Mongolian language teaching in Inner Mongolia and creating a northern enemy out of thin air. 

Everyone knows that the CCP has had a lot of trouble recently, and the biggest trouble is of course the fallout with the United States. To fall out with the boss of the world, it is not just a fall out with an opponent, but with all of the boss's men. Therefore, China will encounter unprecedented troubles in the Asia-Pacific region and Europe in the past 40 years.

But this is not all. Because of the structural problems of the CCP’s own rule, problems within the mainland will continue to appear. What we want to talk about today is that the two most difficult issues among these internal issues are Tibet and Inner Mongolia.

On August 31, the Chinese Communist army and the Indian army had another fierce conflict in the Pangong Tso Lake area of ​​Kashmir. The two sides accused each other of launching a "provocative military action."

Pangong Co Lake is the largest lake in Kashmir, and it is also regarded as a holy place by Tibetans and Indians. The lake is so big that you can walk around on foot in three days.

The conflict was in the southern part of Pangong Tso Lake, and both sides seized a high ground.

The spokesperson of the People’s Liberation Army’s Western Theater District, Zhang Shuili, stated in a statement on September 2 that on August 31, the Indian army undermined the consensus reached during the multi-level talks between the two sides and once again illegally crossed the line on the southern bank of Pangong Lake and near the Reqin Pass. Blatant provocations caused tension on the border. He emphasized that the Chinese army is taking necessary countermeasures.

The Indian military also stated at the same time that during the evening of August 29th to 30th, the Chinese army conducted a "provocative military operation" on the south bank of Pangong Co. Soldiers tried to cross the Line of Actual Control (Line of Actual Control) into Indian territory. The Indian spokesman, Colonel Aman Anand, criticized the CCP's move as a violation of "the consensus reached in the military and diplomatic negotiations between India and China."

The speeches of two military figures confirmed that there was indeed a conflict in the area. But what is this conflict? How is the result? Neither party said.

The British "Telegraph" (The Telegraph) report quoted sources as saying that Indian troops occupied an important Chinese military camp on the hills around Pangong Tso Lake. It is said that India took this military action early in the morning on Monday (August 31). This was in retaliation for China's sending of 500 soldiers to try to break into Spanggur Gap, a narrow valley near Chusul.

The news said that "a mobile force from India" engaged the Chinese army for three hours, and the People's Liberation Army was subsequently repelled. Sources revealed that the Indian army has now repelled the Communists and occupied the territory near Chushur, opening a new front.

The Ministry of Defense of India issued a statement accusing the Chinese People’s Liberation Army of violating the consensus reached in military and diplomatic negotiations. Therefore, the Indian Army preemptively prevented the PLA’s actions on the south bank of the lake in Pankong, eastern Ladakh, and India took measures to strengthen Their defensive position and prevent China from unilaterally changing the facts.

This means that India discovered that the CCP intends to occupy a highland on the south bank of Pangong Co Lake, so it preemptively sent an army to fight against 500 communists. It won and grabbed this highland.

China and India have often clashed in recent years, rushing to and fro, you come and go, the outside world does not know what happened. But the weirdest thing in the whole incident was this fragment.

Foreign media reported that after the Indian army occupied the high ground, Tibetan soldiers in the army sang and danced. Judging from the clip, this is indeed a Tibetan song, and the flag on it is the Snow Mountain Lion Flag.

As you all know, the Snow Mountain Lion Flag is the Tibetan flag recognized by Tibetans in exile.

There are reports that during this conflict, exiled Tibetan soldiers participated. Note that Tibetan soldiers in the Indian army and Tibetan troops in exile are completely two concepts. There are Tibetan soldiers in the Indian army. This is natural because most Tibetans in exile are in India. If they have Indian nationality, they go to perform military service. They are Tibetan soldiers in the Indian army. But the exiled Tibetan soldiers are quite another matter.

Many Tibetans live in exile, most in India, with about 200,000 people. Tibetans are mainly concentrated in Dharamsala and another place in southern Tibet. In Dharamsala, there is the Tibetan government in exile, the central government, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Public Security, etc., of course, there is also the Ministry of Arms which is the military department.

We don’t know whether the conflict with the Chinese Communist army on the southern shore of Pangong Lake Lake is Dharamsala’s “troops”, we don’t know, and we dare not talk nonsense. Because from the fragments, the Tibetan soldiers of this Indian army are organized and not individual. There is more than one side of the Snow Mountain Lion Flag. Everyone sings Tibetan songs and dances Tibetan dances.

In addition to the armed forces of the Tibetan government-in-exile in Dharamsala, what I must say is that Arunachal Pradesh, India, also has a unit, the Indian Fifth Division, which is a mountain division, about 20,000. People are mainly Tibetans.

Arunachal Pradesh is what China and Tibetans call southern Tibet. This area is only more than 100,000 square kilometers, but it has a population of more than 1 million. You know, the Tibet Autonomous Region has 1.2 million square kilometers and a population of less than 2 million. In other words, a large proportion of the Tibetan population is in this area of ​​southern Tibet.

Unlike places like Bhutan, Nepal or Sikkim, Tibetans in Arunachal Pradesh are still mainly Gelugpa. Other Buddhism in Bhutan and Nepal is also Tibetan Buddhism, but mainly Geju. It is what the Han people call Baijiao. Many people in Hong Kong and Taiwan worship the Karmapa Living Buddha. The Gelug Sect is the so-called Huang Sect, and the highest spiritual leader is the Dalai Lama.

In other words, the soldiers of the Indian Fifth Mountain Division believe in the Dalai Lama.

Is the problem complicated?

In the past, when the relationship between the United States and China was good, these were not problems. The boss of the world and the police of the world have to deal with these problems. However, after the fallout between the CCP and the United States, such problems will surely arise, and they are likely to become a major problem for the CCP.

In fact, before 1972, when Nixon met Mao Zedong, and the relationship between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party was normalized, the problem had always existed, and it was very serious. Tibet was still a semi-open area until the 1980s. Why? It is because there is still no thorough control.

In 1972, the US Central Intelligence Agency stopped funding the activities of the Tibetan guerrillas. The situation in Tibet began to slowly improve and the CCP began to take full control.

That guerrilla is the Sishui Liugang guerrilla. The Tibetans are called Sishui Liugang Guards. The Americans began to support and provide training in the 1950s until it stopped in 1972.

I met a Tibetan friend in Washington, from the Four Rivers and Six Posts. He said that when the Americans loaded them on a plane from India, they stopped after 20 hours and got into a sealed vehicle. After getting off the car, they found that the Tibetans were too popular. They cursed the Americans, saying it was training and flying. After a long time, he arrived in Tibet, deceiving people.

In fact, the Americans transported them to Camp Hale, a military base in Camp Hale, Colorado. You can search for it yourself. The place is in the Eagle River Valley in Colorado. It is a very beautiful place with a rushing river below, a forest in the middle, and a forest above. There are also snow mountains. There is also a training base nearby, called Fort William, which is basically no different from Tibet, so the Tibetans took a look and thought they were back in Tibet.

The training of the CIA is of course guerrilla warfare training, sabotage, and information stealing. Four Rivers and Six Posts are very active in Tibet. They are also very successful because they are locals in their hometown.

When I was in Tibet, some veteran soldiers said that the guerrillas were guarded with two guns, and a company of troops could hold them down for several hours, because the terrain was too rugged, the guerrillas were familiar with the terrain, and the army could not be scattered. They can only attack slowly, wait until the top of the mountain while others ran away early.

Of course, this was at that time, without helicopters, without drones, it may be different now.

However, this time the Indian army was fighting with the Communist army, or it was a fight, because guns and knives could not be used. If Tibetans joined, it might be very cheap. Because Tibetans can sling rocks, it’s called Holdo in Tibetan. It’s just a rope with a leather bag in the middle. Put a stone in the middle. When throwing it, hold both ends of the rope and shake the circle first. Then loosen one side of the rope and the stone flies. Get out.

This kind of thing has been used by humans a long time ago, and many nomads in Afghanistan, Iran, the Middle East and Central Asia will use it. In the Old Testament of the Bible, David defeated the giant with this sling stone.

You think, everyone doesn't need a gun or a knife. Of course, this Hordor is the most powerful weapon.

For the CCP, the serious problem is not Hordor, but what is the origin of the Tibetans who participated in the fighting? Is it a Tibetan soldier in the Indian army, or an exiled Tibetan army, or is there a larger backing, like the four waters and six posts? So this is not a trivial matter, and it may not be just a border conflict.

If Mongolian is eliminated, something big will happen

Another problem occurred in Inner Mongolia. The CCP strictly abolished the Mongolian mother tongue teaching in Mongolian elementary schools, and all used Chinese, which is Mandarin. As a result, almost all Mongolians in Inner Mongolia resisted. In the past few days, the incident is still fermenting and spreading. The rebelling Mongolians are not only ordinary people, but also government officials, judges and senior intellectuals.

So far, the CCP still has one method, which is hard work and hard pressure. It has been the same over the years. It has dealt with Tibet, Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and the Mongolians.

But Inner Mongolia is different from other places, and the CCP is likely to step on iron nails. Because the Mongolians have their own country, called the Republic of Mongolia, which is Outer Mongolia.

Former Mongolian President Dolige has already spoken. He asked Mongolians all over the world to come out to support the Mongolian people in Inner Mongolia. You can see how this matter will develop. It is by no means as simple as Xinjiang and Tibet.

You know, people in Outer Mongolia don't like Chinese very much. When traveling to Mongolia, the Chinese have to say that they are Korean or Japanese, otherwise they are easily beaten. This CCP media never reported it because it didn't want to offend the Mongolian authorities, but it didn't want to lose face.

In the past, the CCP provided Mongolia with a large amount of economic assistance and a large amount of benefits. Therefore, the policy of the Mongolian authorities is acceptable on the surface, but if the Mongolian people in Inner Mongolia are violated, it may be different.

The Mongolian people are characterized by unity, that is, they pay attention to this Brotherhood, and Chinese is about loyalty. The existence of this nation actually depends on this. If the situation in Inner Mongolia continues to develop, the relationship between Mongolia and the CCP will definitely go wrong, which means that the CCP will create another enemy in the north, and it will be embarrassed on all sides. 

This video translation only represents the writer's views and statements.

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