Monday, January 4, 2021

US Deputy National Security Advisor: Virus leaked by Wuhan Institute of Virology


Reporters : Luo Ya, Lin Cenxin and Liu Fang / / Direct translation

US National Security officials pointed out that according to the latest intelligence, the SARS-CoV-2 (CCP virus) may have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Another source pointed out that some staff from the Wuhan Institute of Virology have provided relevant information to the US.

The British "Daily Mail" reported that Matthew Bottinger, Deputy National Security Adviser to the Trump administration, told members of the "China Policy Alliance" formed by members of parliament from eight countries last week that "more and more evidence shows that the laboratory is the most credible origin of the virus."

Bottinger mentioned that even Chinese officials now admit that the virus did not originate in the Wuhan Huanan Seafood Market, but was probably caused by a “leak or accident” from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is about 18 kilometers away from the seafood market.

Smith, the former leader of the British Conservative Party who participated in the video conference, said that Bottinger's statement shows that the United States has determined that the Wuhan Institute of Virology is the culprit of the epidemic.

Smith also said that there is news that the United States has controlled key witnesses, and he knows that there is a former scientist from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the United States.

European virologist Dong Yuhong said, "A large part of the first few patients discovered have no history of contact with the Huanan Seafood Market. From an epidemiological perspective, its birthplace is still a mystery because the viruses are parasitic in bats. Where did the bats come from? Scientists who study bats, people naturally think of these laboratories."

European virologist Dong Yuhong believes that there is indeed a risk of leakage or accidents in the Wuhan virus laboratory. If the United States has control of key witnesses, it hopes to disclose it to the world as soon as possible.

European virologist Dong Yuhong added, "Why is everyone talking about this Wuhan virus laboratory? First of all, it is because their laboratory is doing the most SARS viruses. Scientists such as Shi Zhengli often publish papers on bat virus research in top journals. . It did not bring any benefit to humans, but increased the risk of exposure to more deadly and dangerous viruses."

Since the scope of the investigation of the WHO foci investigation mission does not include the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the WHO experts have fallen into controversy before the trip. Bottinger also called on all countries at the meeting not to let the WHO investigation become "bleaching" for the CCP.

1 comment:

  1. fake news, the spansih government published they had it 8 months before china, so any story about it starting in china has already been debunked as fake new ya d1ckhead get an education saying it is still china now just shows you work for the Nazi NATO world invading scum,trying to blame china after it was disproven 6 months ago


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