Saturday, January 2, 2021

Powell: Even after January 6, Trump will definitely be re-elected

Reporter Luo Tingting  /  Editor: Zhu Xinrui / / Direct translation

Former U.S. federal prosecutor and well-known lawyer Sidney Powell said recently that she was convinced that even after January 6, President Trump would "absolutely May be re-elected. At present, dozens of members of Congress have announced that they will challenge the Electoral College votes on January 6. President Trump also announced that a large number of evidence of election fraud will be made public on January 6.

On December 29, 2020, the host of the FlashPoint program Bailey asked attorney Powell whether the joint meeting of Congress on January 6 or the inauguration of the president on January 20 was "the end of Trump's reelection"? "Will more evidence be exposed? Is it possible for Trump to be re-elected?"

Powell replied, "(Trump's re-election) is absolutely possible. The Supreme Court can do it if it wants to."

However, she admitted that the longer the delay, the more difficult it will be for Trump to be re-elected.

Powell did not further explain the relevant judicial procedures. So far, the U.S. Supreme Court has dismissed two lawsuits by the Trump team that challenged the election results, and federal and state courts have also rejected more than a dozen related lawsuits by the Trump team.

Attorney Powell also represents the American people in challenging election fraud on the legal front. She said, “There are now many (election fraud) lawsuits pending in the Federal Supreme Court. We applied to the Supreme Court for large-scale election fraud in four swing states (Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia). The emergency order requires the court to cancel the election results of these four states to certify that Biden was elected president."

She hopes that the audience will review the appeal documents and related evidence of the aforementioned cases, which record allegations of fraud against the 2020 presidential election.

In the complaint against Arizona, the core allegation is that "the scale of election fraud in violation of the Constitution in the 2020 presidential election is the largest in U.S. history, unprecedented. Biden's votes include illegal votes, fraudulent votes, and there are hundreds of thousands of unqualified votes or completely false votes. However, hundreds of thousands of Trump's votes have been deliberately destroyed, lost, or changed under the name of Biden. This large-scale fraud has changed. The result of the 2020 general election has changed from Biden’s defeat to Biden’s "victory"."

However, in the face of such large-scale fraud, election officials, the Department of Justice, and other officials in every state in the United States have adopted a procrastinating attitude.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) of the Department of Homeland Security even claimed that the November 3 election was "the safest election in American history."

However, John Ratcliffe, the director of national intelligence, confirmed to the media as early as December that there will be foreign interference in the 2020 U.S. election, including the CCP, Iran and Russia.

The congressional joint meeting on January 6 is an important opportunity to challenge the election results. On January 2, 11 Republican senators issued a joint statement that they will challenge the results of the Electoral College vote at a joint meeting of Congress on January 6, and demand that Congress immediately establish an election committee to conduct a period of time for controversial swing state ballots. 10-day emergency audit.

If the challenge is successful, the Electoral College votes in the challenged state will be invalidated. Provisional elections may be conducted under the Twelfth Amendment under the premise that neither presidential candidate has won 270 Electoral College votes.

President Trump recently announced that a large number of evidence of election fraud will be made public on January 6, and called on the American people to participate in the "Stop Election Stealing" event held in Washington DC that day.

Trump said to his supporters in a tweet, "You must come, don't miss it!" According to external analysis, President Trump may take some major actions that day.

Powell : Pence should reject electoral votes from disputed states

Meanwhile, Attorney Sidney Powell told FlashPoint host Gene Bailey in the December 29 interview that Vice President Mike Pence should reject Electoral College votes from states facing legal challenges on grounds of alleged election and voter fraud.

“Vice President Pence should simply refuse to accept the illegal electors—the electors from the states in which there was demonstrable, significant fraud,” Powell said. “And if he does that, then it would have to go for President [Donald] Trump.”

The power of the vice president to reject electoral votes is disputed.

Powell was responding to a series of questions by Bailey about the “viable paths” that remain to a second term for President Donald Trump. In the interview, Powell said she believes it is “definitely possible” that Trump retains the presidency for a second term.

Powell also spoke of a lawsuit filed against Pence that requested the court to grant him “the exclusive authority and sole discretion in determining which electoral votes to count for a given State” during the joint session of Congress, when the Electoral College votes will be considered, counted, and certified by lawmakers.

A court on Friday rejected that lawsuit, with U.S. District Judge Jeremy Kernodle writing in an order of dismissal (pdf) that plaintiffs lack standing to bring the legal action that could keep Pence from confirming [Democrat presidential candidate Joe] Biden’s electoral victory.

Some Republican lawmakers have said they plan to object to the Congressional certification of the electoral votes on Jan. 6. For the attempt to be viable, it would require both the Democrat-controlled House and the Republican-controlled Senate to agree to discard the electoral votes and, if neither candidate receives the 270 votes needed for victory, potentially force a contingent election under the 12th Amendment. Under a contingent election scenario, state delegates in the House—one from each state—vote for president, with Republicans having a majority in the House when counted by the number of states.

In the interview, Powell was then asked whether she thinks the contingent election scenario would be a possibility for a second term for Trump, to which she replied: “I think the possibility is that he [Pence] has the actual ability to select the president himself by virtue of disregarding the illegal electors.”

Powell also called on voters in key battleground states to appeal to their state legislators to convene in emergency sessions and decertify the electoral votes for Biden.

State election officials, the Department of Justice, and others have pushed back against claims of voter fraud of a significant enough scale to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

Ref: Tom Ozimek,

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