Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Boy in Kenya invented non touch hand washing machine and won the Presidential Award

Reporter : Fu Yuanxi
Editor : Cheng Yiren
Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television

Images : Video Screenshots

Image : A nine-year-old boy from Nyamira North invented the non touch hand washing facility with the help of his father, reducing the risk of contact with viruses and bacteria. He won the Presidential Award for this. 

Africa continent is not immune to covid. A nine-year-old boy in Kenya invented a non touch hand washing machine with the help of his father, which allows people to wash their hands without touching the surface of objects, reducing the risk of contact with viruses and bacteria. He won the Presidential Service Patriotic Award of Kenya.

Based on comprehensive media reports, the boy Steve Wamukota lives in Bungoma County in western Kenya and is currently in the third grade of primary school. Early this year he saw that people often wash their hands, so he had the idea of ​​inventing to non contact washing facility.

The touch-free hand washing machine invented by Wamukota is made of wood nailed frame. An inverted bucket is placed on the upper layer of the frame, and a plastic basin is placed under the outlet of the bucket. There are two pedals on the bottom of the facility, one is for water supply, the water will automatically flow out after the pedal is pressed, and the other pedal is used to provide soap liquid. People do not need to touch the surface of any object with their hands when washing their hands with the facility.

A total of 3,000 Kenyan shillings (approximately $28) was spent on the invention of this hand washing machine by Wamkota. He received the Service Patriotic Award from President Uhuru Kenyatta, and he is the youngest of 68 winners.

Wamukota’s father, James Wamukota, posted the hand washing on Facebook and caused a great response. He said that the speed of netizens' response is completely beyond his expectations.

Wamukota has currently manufactured two hand washing machines. He said he wanted to manufacture  more such facilities. He also hopes to become an engineer in the future. His father praised him for his creativity.

The Kenya Ministry of Health tweeted, "This homestead in Nyamira North sub county has innovated a non touch improved hand washing facility to defeat the coronavirus pandemic. Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to get rid of germs." 


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