Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Hong Kong Government's anti-epidemic measures lack scientific basis

Report by : Gan Yung Chyan
                   / KUCINTA SETIA

Liang Zichao, an expert on infectious diseases in Hong Kong, says that there is no scientific basis that limiting a number of people outdoors will reduce spread of infectious diseases such as covid.  In response to the Hong Kong's epidemic prevention and control measures. Dr Guo Jiaqi says the Hong Kong Government's measures lack scientific basis.

The recent demonstrations and protests in Hong Kong have shown that the number of covid cases in Hong Kong as a result of the protests has not increased since all of them wear face masks.

Liang Zichao: Should target high-risk places such as book fairs

Liang Zichao, Chairman of the Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee of the Medical Association, said that there is no scientific basis for any number limit (maximum number of people). He believes that specific high-risk places, such as indoor environments without masks, book fairs, and other large-scale public events, should be made with corresponding epidemic prevention restrictions, rather than using "magic numbers" to limit the number of people. He pointed out that indoor air in Hong Kong is not circulating, and the risk is higher than outdoors. For example, when wedding party participants toast everywhere, "What is the distance from the wedding stage?. During indoor banquets, the risk of spreading an infectious disease increases and it will even spawn a super spreading event." He also suggested reopening the auditoriums of the outdoor courts. For example, if the people wear masks and have enough distance, "500 people may not trigger any viral spread".

Guo Jiaqi: Strange anti-epidemic practice. Wedding banquet is at higher risk than outdoors

Guo Jiaqi, a Citizen Party who is a doctor himself, described the government’s strange approach as not limiting the number of premises in the catering industry, but limiting the number of people gathering. He criticized the Hong Kong government’s measures for lack of scientific basis, “only suppressing the July 1st marches and demonstrations for politics”. He believes that wedding banquets are high-risk places. Relatives and friends will remove their masks to chat and toast each other. It is difficult to keep a distance. If the government believes that high-risk activities can be unlimited, that is, the restriction on the order does not have to be maintained.

Hong Kong Food and Health Bureau further relaxes epidemic prevention and control measures

The Food and Health Bureau announced on 16 June 2020 that it will relax the epidemic prevention measures on 19 June. The number of restaurants allowed to hold wedding banquets will be lifted, but the "restriction order" has not been lifted. Only the upper limit of 8 people gathered in public local groups will be relaxed to 50 people. It took effect until 2 July to cross the 7.1 parade. Doctors, parliamentarians, and civil society criticized this as unscientific. The Director of Food and Health Bureau Chen Zhaoshi repeatedly emphasized that there was no political considerations, but the Democratic Front criticized the Hong Kong Government for repeatedly prohibiting demonstrations by restricting the gathering. Other doctors believe that the risk of outdoor transmission is lower than that of indoors. They stress that the gathering restrictions should be fully revoked.

Fitness centres, karaoke rooms and billiard halls up to 16 people
Bars and  nightclubs can seat 8 people

The 8-person restriction order expired on 18 June.  The Food and Health Bureau said yesterday that the epidemic in Hong Kong was relatively stable and the measures could be relaxed. It announced that the upper limit of the restriction order would be relaxed to 50 people.  Restaurants and other places can lift the number of people. So at restaurants, there is no limit to the number of people who can hold wedding banquets, but it is necessary to maintain a distance of 1.5 meters. Originally limited to a group of 8 people, the same room or the same fitness centre, karaoke room and billiard hall, etc., the upper limit has been changed to 16 people while bars and nightclubs can seat 8 guests (up from 4).

Chen Zhaoshi denies political considerations

Chen Zhaoshi emphasized that anti-epidemic measures are public health considerations, and take into account economic needs, as well as society's expectations for recovery. There are no political considerations. Questioned about the scientific basis for the 50-person upper limit, Chen responded that the number of people in the Hong Kong government's earlier weddings, annual general meetings or special meetings was 50, thinking that the number was "acceptable".

As for why there has been an outbreak of covid among restaurant groups in Hong Kong, yet the Hong Kong government still revokes the maximum number of people, Chen Zhaoshi said that eating is a must for citizens’ daily life. At present, some measures have been relaxed to help restore daily life. It is also said that the government does not completely relax restrictions. The distance should still be maintained at 1.5 meters. When asked whether the 50-person limit order would take effect, and whether the public could march in groups of 50, Chen Zhaoshi did not respond positively.

FDC: The July 1st March will be announced later

The FDC convener Cen Zijie criticized that the restriction on the polymerization increased the upper limit from 4 to 50 at the beginning. As the Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yuee said earlier, there is obviously no scientific basis, referring to the Hong Kong government's ban on demonstrations and the reason for the ban. As for where the 7.1 march will go, it will be announced later.

A spokesman for the private rally team Liu Weikuang believes that "there is normal wisdom to know that the (restriction order) is to suppress the parade and assembly movement", saying that it will continue to apply for the anti-amendment 1st anniversary commemorative rally, and the time will be changed to the day after the expiration of the latest restriction order (July) (3rd), "Let the life of the Hong Kong people be limited to the longevity of the gathering." He also said that he believes that Hong Kong people will be creative, such as setting up street stations, holding mournings or "sing with you" and so on.

Democratic Party Member Huang Biyun believes that there is only one reason why the government sets the upper limit of the number of gatherings to 50. It is to suppress various demonstrations and limit the rights of citizens. "The government does not want to see millions of people gather on the streets against the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law, and put demonstrations on the screen for the  international communities to watch. Maintaining the restriction order is the lowest cost measure to suppress civil rights."

Source : Ming Pao

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