Monday, June 1, 2020

Australian scholar: SARS-CoV-2 targets humans like never before

Interview / Editor : Jiang Yue
Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television
Ref :
Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan
                                  / KUCINTA SETIA

Image : Web Screenshot

Since the covid outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 (CCP virus in the US) in Wuhan, six months ago, the world has been forced to undergo drastic changes. Many countries closed their cities, their economies shut down, and there was safe distancing between people. However, scientists have discovered that this virus has more unusual features. The affinity of the virus with human cells exceeds that of all animals studied.

The latest research found that the affinity of  SARS-CoV-2 to human cells exceeds that of many common host animals, such as bats and pangolins, making the source of this virus even more mysterious.

The research team of Nikolai Petrovsky, a professor at the Flinders University School of Medicine in Australia, used structural homology modeling methods to compare the affinity of SARS-CoV-2 to human cells with 13 common hosts.

The results show that the spike protein of  SARS-CoV-2 has the highest binding energy with the human ACE2 receptor, surpassing all other tested species, including bats. The bat is considered by many to be the natural host of the virus.

These data suggest that the virus especially aims at humans, which is confusing. Where did this virus originate from?

Professor Petrovsky told the NTD that their research implied that the novel coronavirus has unique adaptability to human cells. This is unusual for new viruses spreading across species.

He said that usually the virus binds weakly to human receptors, but strongly binds to animal receptors.

Professor Petrovsky, professor at the Flinders University School of Medicine in Australia, said, "As time goes by, its binding to the new host gradually strengthens. But this time, the virus has a strong binding to human receptors as soon as it comes up. What we found is surprising."

Professor Petrovsky is an expert in immunology. For the past 25 years, he has been engaged in vaccine research for plague and has participated in the development of more than 20 vaccines, targeting avian influenza, Ebola virus, SARS, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), SARS-CoV-2, and swine flu.

Professor Petrovysky explained that when a virus has existed in an animal for tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, people call it a natural host.

Petrovvysky said, "In this case, the virus optimizes itself and designs itself to be perfectly adapted to that kind of host, because it has evolved on this kind of host for many years. So this is why you see that viruses always have the strongest combination with natural hosts, and weaker with other hosts. So we generally expect that viruses should have the strongest combination with natural hosts."

Therefore, if we only look at the research data of Petrovysky's group, one can think that humans are the natural host of the CCP virus.

Petrovysky said, "If we don't know anything about this virus, we will study the virus without any information and only look at our data. We will think that humans are the natural host of this virus. Look at the data. That's how it looks."

Professor Petrovysky said that in human history, no natural host of any virus is human. Almost all plagues spread from animals to humans. If there are exceptions, it is the plague caused by leaking pathogens in some laboratories.

Although from the research data, humans are the natural host of SARS-CoV-2. However, it is difficult for scholars to believe this, because it was not until last November that people knew that the virus existed in humans.

Usually, the affinity between a virus and its host is formed after hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. Only six months after the CCP virus was born, it formed a strong affinity with human cells.

Where did the CCP virus fall from the sky? A special article in The Epoch Times may give people some ideas.

The article said that in history, the last year of most dynasties was accompanied by the plague of natural disasters, which ended the dynasty regime. Using history as a mirror and an overview of the spread of Wuhan's epidemic in countries around the world today, it is not difficult to see that the virus is directed at the China Communist Party (CCP).

Both Iran, Italy, France, Germany, and other distant countries, as well as close neighbors such as South Korea and Japan, have suffered heavy losses in this plague because of their close relationship with the CCP. Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mongolia, which border the mainland, have mild outbreaks because they may oppose or alienate the CCP. The spread of the CCP virus outside of China clearly shows CCP as a target.

Judging from the miraculous nature of the CCP virus, perhaps, it does have supernatural power.

The Epoch Times special article said that the magical way to escape covid is to break away from CCP and reject the CCP.

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