Monday, June 1, 2020

Zhang Wenhong: The second wave of outbreaks will definitely occur in autumn and winter

Reporter : Luo Tingting
Editor : Zhu Xingrui
Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television
Ref :
Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan
                                 / KUCINTA SETIA

Image : Shanghai epidemic prevention expert Zhang Wenhong admitted on the CCTV program that the second wave of epidemic in autumn and winter will definitely happen. Schematic (video screenshot)

The epidemic situation in Northeast China is severe. Recently, there have been frequent student fevers in various places, causing panic among the people. Shanghai epidemic prevention expert Zhang Wenhong admitted on the CCTV program that the second wave of epidemic in autumn and winter will definitely happen. Earlier, in an interview with US media, Chinese expert Zhong Nanshan also warned that China is still facing the huge challenges brought by the epidemic, and the risk of the second wave of outbreaks is increasing.

In the afternoon of 31 May 2020, Professor Zhang Wenhong, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, was a guest in the CCTV news broadcast room, communicating with netizens on topics such as the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, daily protection and nutrition and health.

At present, the mainland has resumed resumption of school, but recently there have been frequent reports of student fever and discomfort on campus, which has caused public concern. Zhang Wenhong said that the biggest challenge for returning to school is to stop the virus spread in the campus, basically because a certain student brought the virus from home, causing the virus to spread.

Zhang Wenhong pointed out that first of all, it is necessary to do a good job of home epidemic prevention. Secondly, school desks should be kept at a distance of one meter as far as possible, classrooms are often ventilated, and students should wear masks and wash their hands frequently.

During the live broadcast, some parents worried that they would ask if there will be a second wave of outbreaks in autumn and winter? Zhang Wenhong responded that the second wave of outbreaks in autumn and winter is affirmative, and the outbreaks abroad are still relatively serious, and there is still a risk of the epidemic spreading.

In an interview with US media CNN in mid-May, Chinese epidemic prevention expert Zhong Nanshan also warned that although China gradually relaxes its epidemic prevention measures, it still faces tremendous challenges brought by the epidemic, and the risk of a second outbreak is increasing.

He also said that most Chinese people lack antibodies to the CCP virus, so they are easily infected with the virus.

The epidemic heats up

In fact, there have been signs of warming of the epidemic in the mainland recently. Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning have successively closed many cities, indicating that the epidemic is quite serious.

The National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China announced on 1 June 2020 that the number of new infections has increased by nearly 5 times, but the outside world generally doubts that the official number has shrunk severely.

Image : Since the resumption of classes in various parts of China in April, there has been a mass fever outbreak among students in many places, which has caused panic among the people. (Lintao Zhang/Getty Images)

Since the resumption of classes in various parts of China in April, there has been a mass fever outbreak among students in many places, which has caused panic among the people. On 30 May, a high school student in a county in Henan reported to The Epoch Times that within a month of resuming classes at his school, hundreds of people had fever and other suspected symptoms, but the school did not detect it at all, as long as they returned home After returning to fever, you must return to school for classes and exams immediately.

The student said that because he had a fever and was examined at school, he saw the number of people in each grade in the school medical office.

He also said that the school does not perform nucleic acid testing on students, and only allows students with fever to go home for 14 days and can return to school without fever. In fact, many people still go back to school with low fever, and the school is very loosely managed. School temperature measurement is also a form, just send a form to allow students to fill in temperature data.

According to CCP media reports, about 1 p.m. on 27 May, 41 students in Yushu No. 1 Middle School in Jilin experienced vomiting and diarrhea, and some students had fever. The school sent the students to the hospital for treatment, but the reason has not been explained, which makes parents very worried.

On 22 May, a total of 53 students collectively experienced "unexplained cough and fever" in Xinkuang Primary School and New Primary School in Ningshan County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province, and two schools were suspended. It wasn't until May 31 that the Ankang CDC in Shaanxi Province came forward and stated that it was claimed to be "a collective upper respiratory tract infection caused by rhinovirus", and the two schools have now resumed classes.

Prior to this, many schools such as Jinping County in Guizhou, Pingdingshan in Henan, Ma'anshan in Anhui, and Pukou District in Nanjing, Jiangsu had reported that students had a fever and even suspended classes.

Netizen Chen Jun disclosed on the Internet on 26 April that he talked to a friend in Shanghai and learned that his 14-year-old child would return to school the next day for the exam. However, among the students who had returned to school the day before, 26 students had been diagnosed.

He also said that the school situation in Harbin is also very serious, so every student who returns to school must pass the inspection, and parents must also pass the inspection to return to school, but must pay for it.

In mid-April, there was a video on the Internet. Four students from Pingdingshan No. 2 Middle School were taken away by ambulance late at night, and someone wearing protective clothing appeared.

However, the aforementioned schools later denied that the school had an outbreak and declared that it was only "common cold" or "common fever", and the students concerned "test negative". In the confirmed cases officially notified, the incident was not reflected.

However, according to a person in the medical industry in the mainland, the second wave of outbreaks in China has actually broken out. However, because the symptoms were milder than the first time, and the economy was in crisis, the authorities would no longer seal the city for epidemic prevention. According to multiple sources online, the Communist Party of China concealed the epidemic and local officials suppressed the epidemic and dared not report it.

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