Thursday, June 4, 2020

Football star Hao Haidong in live broadcast announced the establishment of the New China Federation (video)

Reporter : Li Yun
Editor : Li Quan
Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television
Ref :
Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan
                                / KUCINTA SETIA

Image : "New China Federation" was announced on the webcast. Chinese football star Hao Haidong read out the Chinese declaration! (Video screenshot)

June 4, 2020 is the 31st anniversary of the June 4 massacre of the Chinese Communist Party. "New Federal State of China" was announced in the webcast. Steve Bannon, the former chief strategic adviser of the White House, read the declaration on behalf of the English world, and Chinese football star Hao Haidong read out the Chinese declaration!

The New China Federation Declaration Ceremony started at 7:00 a.m. on June 4, China time, and officially started at 7:37!

Himalaya International Workstation
Mr. Wen Gui 18 hours uninterrupted live broadcast on June 4…

Himalaya International Workstation @GlobalHimalaya
Mr. Wen Gui 18 hours live broadcast on June 4th :

The ceremony for the declaration of the founding of the new Chinese Federation was led by Guo Wengui, a wealthy businessman in exile in the United States. What's amazing is that the preachers of the founding of the People's Republic of China, in addition to the former White House chief strategic adviser Steve Bannon, former Chinese football star Hao Haidong, also made a half-hour declaration on the live broadcast.

The declaration is a case of the history of tyranny after the founding of the Communist Party of China, and announced the establishment of a new Chinese federation, and at the same time expressed the new nation’s founding program. Then Bannon read the English declaration.

Mr. Hao Haidong read the New China Federal Declaration!

Embedded video
8:39 am-June 4, 2020
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Public information shows that Hao Haidong was born in 1970 and is a household name in China. He was a famous football player in the 1990s. He played for two football clubs, Bayi and Dalian Shide. He was selected for the China National Football Team for the World Cup many times. He was the number one striker of the Chinese team at that time.

Hao Haidong is still active in football after retiring, often bombarding the CCP football system.

In May, because of his support for Wuhan writer Fang Fang, he shot cannons on Wumao Xiaopin, and laid out mansions and famous paintings, which attracted a large number of mainland netizens to watch and help, and once appeared on Weibo. He also reprinted an article on Weibo, about the article about Lin Zhao, a talented woman who was persecuted to death during the Cultural Revolution, which caused a heated discussion among netizens.

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