Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Guo Wengui : The United States will play a series of punches against Beijing

Editor : Li Hong
Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television
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Main Contents translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan
                                                         / KUCINTA SETIA
Image : Web Screenshot.

Guo Wengui: The United States has serial boxing, or establishes diplomatic relations with Taiwan

Guo Wengui, a wealthy mainland businessman in exile in the United States, broke another news on May 30. He said on the tubing that the CCP passed the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law". Next, the United States will hit a series of "serial punches" against Beijing. You will see things that have never happened in the history of the United States. A series of boxing fights all the way, one move after another, the WTO withdrew, immediately established diplomatic relations with Taiwan, or declared independence to Taiwan.

The establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and Taiwan is a major event. Although the US official or the media have not yet circulated such news, some media in the mainland analyzed the interview of US Secretary of State Pompeo on Fox News Network on May 31. Pompeo was receiving During the visit, Chinese President Xi Jinping was called the "General Secretary" and said that this is a notable change from the practice of US government officials calling Xi Jinping the "Chairman".

The report also stated that Pompeo constantly criticized the CCP's policies in the interview that day, and called "China" almost every time as "the Chinese Communist Party."

"The Chinese Communist Party has placed the American people in danger for the purpose of destroying Western thought, democracy, and value." (This is a Chinese Communist Party that has come to view itself as intent upon the destruction of Western ideas, Western democracies, Western values. It puts Americans at risk.)

The report quoted Yonhap’s analysis as saying that the United States seems to be emphasizing the image of the CCP’s totalitarian system and trying to oppose it in concept.

The ancient Chinese said, "Different ways, do not work together." Pompeo directly used the title to show that the CCP's totalitarianism is incompatible with a democratic society. This is the opposition of two values.

Earlier, on May 22, just when the CCP held two sessions, the US government published the 16-page "U.S. Strategic Guidelines for the People's Republic of China." The report also first distinguished the Chinese people from the Chinese Communist Party. Xi Jinping is called the general secretary, not the president of the country. Chinese expert Chen Pokong analyzed that Xi Jinping’s leadership has nothing to do with popular elections. The United States calls Xi Jinping the general secretary, just like the general secretary of the former Soviet Union. It is the Trump government’s major signal that Xi Jinping’s leadership is no longer recognized. .

Of course, this does not mean that the United States has released a signal to establish diplomatic relations with Taiwan. However, under current Sino-US relations, everything is changing and everything is possible.

But the British media "Sunday Express" recently reported a British source saying, "If we finally recognize Taiwan and join forces with other countries to help Taiwan, don't be surprised."

James Rogers, director of the "British Globalization Project" of the Henry Jackson Institute, a think tank in the UK, said: "The official recognition of Taiwan by the UK depends on the speed of Beijing's progress on revisionism and authoritarianism. It may also be earlier than imagined. It will happen within 5 years because there is little sign that Beijing will change."

Countries actively provide shelter for Hong Kong people

Guo Wengui also predicted that various countries will actively provide asylum help for Hong Kong people to escape the rule of the CCP.

Then Britain and Europe will accept Hong Kong. Of course, the passport issued by the British, Hong Kong people will immediately settle in the UK, it will certainly happen. Hong Kong will suddenly become an empty city.

Will Hong Kong become an empty city in the future because of this "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law"? Previously, entertainers such as Jackie Chan or Hong Kong tycoons have expressed support for the CCP’s implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong. Although the CCP is good at attracting the nobles, will Hong Kong people's demands for democracy be easily influenced and changed? Just look at the frequency of Hong Kong people's online search for the word "immigrant". Even if you can't afford it, you must strive for freedom to hide! The U.S. and British governments have also recently sent a message that they are beginning to provide Hong Kong people with humanitarian shelter from the CCP.

On June 1, U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo made a recording of his speech to the Washington think tank "American Enterprise Institute" on May 29. When asked whether the United States is considering "welcoming Hong Kong people to the United States and introducing their companies "Home Creative", Pompeo said, "We are considering this matter."

On May 28, Representatives Mike Gallagher and John Curtis of the Republican Party of the United States Congress said they would soon propose a bill calling on the United States to designate Hong Kong citizens as "second priority refugees," Under special circumstances, the issuance of visas to Hong Kong people and the provision of asylum green cards will be relaxed. They also called on the Secretary of State to coordinate the reception of Hong Kong refugees among like-minded allies.

On May 30, the US Republican Federal Senator Ben Sasse also announced on the official website that he would propose the "Hong Kong Asylum Act" in early June, suggesting that the US government automatically grant Hong Kong residents asylum to help Hong Kong people with allies. He said, "The brave Hong Kong people will live in peace in the United States until their homes are freed."

On June 1, the Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said in Congress that the United States has a deep tradition as a navigation light to escape war and communist refugees. Play the role of navigation lights." He also suggested that the United States open its doors to the people of Hong Kong in the same way as other democratic governments.

British Foreign Secretary Rab said in a local parliamentary speech on June 2 that China is pursuing a "authoritarian" national security law in Hong Kong. Rab said he did not expect the CCP to change the decision. He said: "We think this is impossible." Rab said that if Beijing continues to go on, the United Kingdom will form a coalition to resist the CCP. At the same time, holders of British National Overseas Passports in Hong Kong will have the opportunity to become British citizens. Currently, there are 300,000 people holding British nationals overseas passports, and another 3 million people are eligible.

The perseverance and efforts of Hong Kong people for democracy have earned Hong Kong respect, and have shaped a real Hong Kong that is different from the world trade port and attracts global attention. If those who cast a spiritual monument for Hong Kong leave, How many days can it live? Even though Xiangjiang is still prosperous, it is inevitable that people think of what a Hong Kong female writer said, "beauty is beautiful, there is no soul."

June 4th is an important day

June 4 is an important day. Guo Wengui believes that this will be the beginning of the real collapse of the Communist Party. He also made it very certain that most of the foreign investment in the mainland, especially US investment, will be withdrawn.

He said: "Any 100% of American and European companies will see a straight line falling, not exceeding 5%. Why do you know 5%? Some humanitarian things are necessary, and some are protected by law."

Earlier, in April, the US government had put forward a proposal to attract US companies to withdraw from China and return to the United States. At the same time, they would pay for the costs of US companies leaving China to encourage them to return to the United States as soon as possible.

The Japanese government also launched a plan to "reform the supply chain" in April, which will provide 234.5 billion yen (about 2.2 billion U.S. dollars) to support Japanese manufacturers to transfer production lines to Japan; 23.5 billion yen (Approximately more than 200 million US dollars) used to fund Japanese companies to transfer production to other countries.

A day ago, British Foreign Secretary Rab said that China’s economy reached US$14 trillion and the US economy was US$21.4 trillion. Apart from the US, no Western country can compete with China. But he said that the United Kingdom cannot threaten the CCP, but the United Kingdom will form a national alliance to resist the CCP.

The CCP has forcibly pushed forward the "Hong Kong National Security Law." Some scholars believe that once the United States deprives Hong Kong of its special status, it will cause a devastating blow to the Chinese economy. Over the past 40 years, Hong Kong has been an important window for the CCP to introduce investment and foreign trade. Among them, about half of the imported foreign capital in mainland China comes from Hong Kong; Hong Kong, as a world re-export and offshore trade center, in 2018 alone, the total trade volume between mainland China and Hong Kong reached as high as 700 billion US dollars, equivalent to the United States and Total trade between China. Even during the Cultural Revolution of the Communist Party of China, Hong Kong was an important departure and a window for foreign trade to maintain the CCP’s bottom line.

British think tank Z/Yen Group, released in March this year, the Global Financial Center Index shows that Hong Kong's ranking has fallen to sixth place, lagging behind New York, London, Tokyo and so on. In 2019, Hong Kong is Asia's premier financial center. As the United States cancels its special treatment for Hong Kong, how long can Hong Kong's glory shine?

On May 31st, US Secretary of State Pompeo told the media that if the CCP equates Hong Kong with other cities on the mainland, then the United States will abolish all preferential treatment given to Hong Kong one by one.

"He (President Trump) has asked us (US Department of State) to review all preferential treatments granted to Hong Kong and is committed to abolishing them one by one, because these no longer make sense." (He has asked us to review every preferential treatment that Hong Kong had and work to eliminate it. It no longer makes sense.)

An economist in mainland China said that as long as China does not have foreign capital input, as long as Chinese private enterprises cannot solve most of the employment problems, China's economy must be in jeopardy.

At the just-concluded two sessions of the Communist Party of China, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang also just praised the "land-sharing economy". The CCP regards economic performance as the basis for the legitimacy of the CCP regime. Without the so-called economic prosperity, even if the illusion of prosperity can only rely on spreading the economy to the front, how long can the CCP regime last?

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