Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Transcript : Communist elements on the background of the American riots

Host : Tang Hao, The World's Crossroads
Ref :
Main Contents Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan
                                                         / KUCINTA SETIA

Image : Antifa, the radical group in the US, believes in Communism. It is a terrorist group in the US, according to Trump. Web Screenshot.

Focus one: Who caused the riot? What is the impact on the US and China?

The origin of the entire riot came from a case of excessive law enforcement by the police in Minnesota, which was tentatively referred to as the "Minnesota Incident."

On 25 May 2020, an African-American named George Floyd was arrested by the police on suspicion of using counterfeit banknotes.

During the process, the police once kneeled on George's neck for more than 8 minutes. George said that he could not breathe and looked miserable. Finally, he unfortunately died. Racial discrimination is suspected.

The police suspected of excessive law enforcement were immediately arrested by the authorities and charged with "three-level murder" and "second-level negligent homicide". According to the forensic autopsy, George's death was not suffocation, but when he was suppressed by the police, he died of heart disease and high blood pressure.

The case involved the most sensitive ethnic issue in the United States. The authorities handled it with care and clarity. President Trump also ordered the FBI and the Department of Justice to conduct an in-depth investigation into the tragedy.

However, a large number of people still take to the streets, calling for attention to the lives of black people. But soon, the entire struggle began to deviate, a large number of violent elements intervened, and in the name of "Freud's death", an anarchic "smashing and looting" began, and riots broke out.

Then, the riots quickly spread to more than 70 cities across the country, and violent acts of arson, robbery, and beatings have appeared in various places, and many cities have also announced curfews.

Even the capital of the United States, Washington, was set ablaze, with fire blazing at night and thick smoke.

US Attorney General Barr (2020.5.30):

"The voice of peaceful struggle was hijacked by radical elements of violence." "In many areas, violent actions are clearly planned in advance, organized and promoted by anti-government leftist extremist groups, which use anti-fascist groups. . Many of them are from the field to promote violence."

Well, we can see that although the entire incident and excessive police law enforcement are related to ethnic issues, even though the authorities quickly arrested and prosecuted the police involved, Trump also ordered an in-depth investigation, but the riots did not gradually subside, but instead quickly violent, Nationalization.

Even the 200-year-old St. John's Church, opposite the White House, was deliberately set on fire, which is obviously not a means of resistance for the general public. Because most Americans have faith, they dare not do anything wrong with the church. Who did it?

Trump named on Twitter by Antifa and radical left groups, and announced that Antifa will be officially listed as a terrorist organization.

Antifa, literally interpreted, is the "Anti-Facist" organization (Anti-Facist), first originated in Europe, claiming to fight the far-right fascism, for example, the Nazis were one of fascism. Antifa has gradually become active in the United States in recent years.

Antifa often wears black clothes, but the methods used are quite radical and violent, quite similar to the "violent revolution" of the Communist Party, so it is considered an "extreme left" anarchist group. We will not show you the violence.

In fact, Antifa was active only after Trump took office, and was suspected of multiple riots. As for who is the member of Antifa and who is behind the organization, it is still unknown.

However, in 2018, when Trump nominated Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Antifa had caused trouble, but afterwards suspected disputes, some members ran to the "financial giant" George Soros (George Soros) agency In front of the door, shouted slogans.

People in black:

"George Soros, where is my money?"

This move seems to make the gold behind the scenes of Antifa ready, and Trump himself also publicly named on Twitter, these people were hired by Soros and others.

Coincidentally, during this American riot, someone was once again witnessed to give money to the participants. Of course, we still don't understand the content of this video and the parties involved, so it is not appropriate to assert casually.

However, from the activities of Antifa in the past few years, as well as the rapid spread of the US riots throughout the country and even to overseas countries, it is difficult to doubt that there should be "superiors" behind the riots.

As for the "superior" behind this scene, is it Soros? Or is it the so-called "Deep State"? More evidence is needed to judge.

Focus two: What impact will the US riots have on the US and China?

No matter who the real messenger behind this riot is, we may first assess what impact this riot will have on the American political community and even the CCP.

Let’s first look at the Trump administration. I think that this riot on the surface has caused a lot of negative interference to the Trump administration, including:

First, interfere with Trump's economic resumption plan.
Second, interfere with Trump's election situation and poll support.
Third, it interferes with the support of black voters to Trump.
4. Interfering with Trump's investigation of the CCP.
Fifth, interfere with Trump's support to Hong Kong.
Sixth, interfere with Trump's layout of Taiwan and other foreign policies.
Seventh, interfere with Trump's pursuit of the Obama administration's eavesdropping and interference in his election.

In other words, this riot will obviously do more harm than good to the Trump administration in the short term.

From the perspective of Trump's opposition, that is, the US Democratic Party, what role will this riot play?

1. Damaging Trump's election and support
Second, dampen Republican parliamentary elections
3. Disperse Trump's energy and reduce criticism of the Democratic Party and Biden
Fourth, racial issues are heating up, which will help the Democratic Party to win votes from ethnic minorities
5. Prevent Trump from tracking Obama, Hillary and other former officials

From the perspective of the CCP authorities, I believe that this American riot has several effects on China:

1. Prevent Trump from continuing to investigate the epidemic
Second, divert the attention of all countries in the world, forget the responsibility for epidemic situation and Wuhan Virus Research Institute
3. Prevent Trump from defending Hong Kong and confront Beijing
Fourth, distract countries from all over the world to pay attention to Hong Kong
5. Impede Trump from advancing a more comprehensive US-China confrontation
Sixth, the internal propaganda of the United States is very chaotic and the racial problem is serious
Seven, the internal propaganda of the US government is not good, causing people to fight
8. Confused audiovisual at home and abroad, saying that Hong Kong’s resistance is the same as the American riots

Obviously, this riot seems to have "benefits outweigh the disadvantages" to the Democratic Party and the Communist Party of China. In other words, the rapid hype, magnification, and spread of the Mingzhou incident is probably not simply a civil rights act, but is related to the US general elections and the re-election of Congress, but also to the overall confrontation between the United States and China, and the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law.

To put it simply, this American riot is behind the international political wrestling between the United States and China, as well as the domestic political wrestling between the two parties in the United States.

Focus three: Is it related to the Chinese Communist Party behind the scenes of American riots?

This issue is believed to be curious by many friends. But frankly, there is no evidence of "one shot was killed", which is the smoking gun in English. However, so far, there are several special signs or coincidences of this riot, all related to the CCP.

First of all, from the point of time, the Minnesota Incident occurred on 25 May, and then it quickly spread and became a national riot. This time period is exactly the time when Trump was fighting the Chinese Communist Party for the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law.

Image : Web Screenshot.

Secondly, in this riot, several weird "CCP elements" also appeared. For example, on 29 May, a banner in Chinese appeared on the ground at the protest site in Denver.

Through the aerial shot of the helicopter, you can see the banner with Chinese characters "Our workers have power". "Our workers have power" is one of the Chinese Communist Party's Red songs. Why did it appear at the scene of the riots in the United States? It was deliberately placed on the ground, as if knowing in advance that there would be a helicopter flying above to shoot.

Is this an infiltration provocation deliberately arranged by the Beijing authorities to be seen by the White House? Or does anyone want to use this to give the Beijing authorities a "high-level black"? Or is there patriotic little pink passionate participation? Or should the Confucius Institute take the opportunity to teach Americans to learn Chinese? We don't know.

Image : Web Screenshot.

Furthermore, at the scene of the conflict outside the White House, a group of people in black confronted the police, and some people even chanted "Quick walk" and "Quick walk" in Mandarin. As for whether this is a dialogue between people in black at the scene, or is it a Chinese media reporter's cry? We cannot confirm.

In Santa Monica, California, a group of black men with Chinese faces were also arrested by the police. However, we still have no way of knowing their identity.

As for the Chinese Communist Party official, in addition to publicizing the negative news of the United States on the media and the Internet, the strange thing is that the Chinese Communist Party media have played the role of philanthropists who "oppose American racial discrimination" and "caring for vulnerable groups."

Even the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zhao Lijian, actually started to help the ethnic minorities of the United States speak out and defend their rights. For a country that has always ignored human rights, the official spokesperson even publicly shouted the rights slogan, just like hearing ghost stories in the middle of the night.

Hua Chunying, another spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, is also the same. She tweeted her message "I can't breathe" to mock the US side, and then said "against all forms of racial discrimination."

However, it is embarrassing that not long ago, international human rights organizations and foreign media constantly called on China not to discriminate against Africans in China, and pointed out that there are "potential racist problems" in China.

Behind the Chinese Communist Party's statement and practice, is it to retaliate against the US? Was the CCP also playing a role in inflaming the flames in this riot?

Even more exaggerated, Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of The Global Times, actually publicly tweeted that he suspected that the riots in the United States were infiltrated by the “thugs” in Hong Kong.

Sorry, I must say to Editor-in-Chief Hu that your speech has been suspected of leaking party-state secrets. You have leaked to the outside world: the ability to lie blatantly, reverse right and wrong, and make false accusations turned out to be a necessary condition for applying for senior officials of the Communist Party of China.

However, not only did the Chinese Communist Party media and the diplomatic system play a "fake charity" propaganda war, the Chinese Communist Party's cyber army also dispatched again.

According to the research of Taiwan’s well-known information warfare scholar Shen Boyang, a large number of accounts from China have recently used “Recover America”, “no thugs, only tyranny” and “standwithusa” (standing with the United States) on Twitter and Facebook. Words, trying to imitate the slogan of the anti-send campaign to spread fake information overseas.

This means that the CCP did intervene in this riot through cyber forces or artificial intelligence robots, launching fake information wars and psychological wars against the US.

In addition, one thing is worth noting. When the outside world was strange about the rapid expansion of the riots and the high degree of violence, and questioned whether foreign forces were behind to intervene in the operation, the US CNN actually reported that this riot did involve Russian fake information. But most of them come from real struggles among the people.

However, it is logical to infer that the riot is doing more harm than good to the Trump government, and Trump is currently the CCP’s biggest opponent and threat. It is reasonable to say that the CCP is also likely to intervene in this fake information war, but CNN never mentioned the CCP. Instead, the focus shifted to Russia.

CNN's shifting focus and covering the CCP also made Trump unable to directly break through. He criticized CNN for constantly saying "Russia", but he dared not criticize the CCP. "Is it because they need cash?"

Retired Air Force Brigadier General Robert Spalding, a former Chinese strategic adviser who served as chairman of the joint meeting of the chiefs of staff of the US Department of Defense, bluntly tweeted that the riot was supported by the CCP, Russia, and other countries because Those countries want to destroy the United States.

Well, seeing this, as we said at the beginning, there is no evidence of "one shot" to show that the CCP directly intervened in this riot. However, there are many unusual facts and signs that the CCP should be related to this riot.

As for whether the CCP has intervened and how deeply? Let us continue to observe.

Focus four: What is the difference between the American riots and the Hong Kong anti-send fight?

We just mentioned that Hu Xijin said that the American riots were caused by Hong Kong “thugs”. Recently, the Chinese Communist Party media frequently compared the American riots with the Hong Kong resistance and used it to criticize the United States for double standards. While supporting Hong Kong’s resistance, The rioters in the United States are called "thugs".

In fact, this is a common trick used by the Chinese Communist Party. We can use a few simple facts to compare the difference between the resistance in Hong Kong’s anti-delivery and the American riots.

First, the cause of the struggle in Hong Kong is that the CCP and the Hong Kong government have forcibly pushed forward the vicious laws, including the previous amendments to the "Fugitive Offenders Ordinance" and the current "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law." The CCP must undermine the promise of "one country, two systems", undermine Hong Kong people's freedom, human rights and the rule of law, and change the lives of Hong Kong people forever.

The cause of the unrest in the United States is because the police have over-enforced the law, but the policeman has been brought to justice. Of course, it is nothing wrong for the people to use this to initiate a peaceful struggle to protect human rights, but the protests were immediately kidnapped by violence and spread quickly throughout the United States and overseas regions, which is obviously not simple.

Second, although the Hong Kong resistance has violent resistance from the "Brave", most of the time it is peaceful and rational resistance. Not only do they clean up the streets after the resistance, but when vehicles pass, a large number of people will actively open the way. It is also appreciated and recognized by the outside world.

Even on the day of the capture of the Legislative Council, the protesters took the initiative to remind everyone not to destroy books and cultural relics, and to pay for drinks.

However, despite the peaceful riots in the United States, many people took advantage of the fire to break the shop window and sneak in. The previous Chinese land reform was to "fight the local tyrants and divide the fields"; the current American riot is to "fight the merchants and rob NIKE".

Even thugs who rob businessmen will rob each other. This behaviour is very different from the Hong Kong protesters.

Third, although the Hong Kong police who suppressed the protesters were criticized for suspected violations of law and abuse of power, no one was held accountable or even paid a salary increase; however, police officers with excessive law enforcement in the United States were quickly arrested and held accountable and prosecuted.

Fourth, the Hong Kong protesters are pursuing the maintenance of Hong Kong's "one country, two systems" and the protection of freedom, human rights and the rule of law. Although some people attacked the Legislative Council and the Liaison Office, it was to express resistance to the CCP’s totalitarian rule.

In addition to the appeals for solidarity with human rights, participants in the American riots are regrettable that the voice of peace has been kidnapped by a large number of violence, there have been many smashes and arsons, and even people have tried to attack the local government and the White House.

However, the United States is a free and democratic country. The government does not persecute the people or deprive them of their right to freedom, but the rioters deliberately attack the government. The motive and purpose behind it are obviously not simple.


Finally, we must emphasize that although the Minnesota Incident triggered a large-scale riot, there are still many people who express their demands rationally in order to protect human rights and refuse to be provoked by the riots.

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