Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Latest poll: More than 80% of Hong Kong people do not trust the Chinese Communist Party; 44% give Carrie Lam 0 points

Reporter : Liu Minghuan
Editor : Dai Ming
Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television
Ref :
Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan
                                  / KUCINTA SETIA

Image : On 24 May, Hong Kong people held publicity materials for "The CCP" and marched in protest against the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" (Anthony Kwan/Getty Images)

According to a latest poll, more than 80% of Hong Kong people do not trust the CCP. Carrie Lam, who is supported by the CCP, is rated 0 points by 44%.

According to comprehensive media reports, the latest poll released by the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong shows that the people of Hong Kong are already very disgusted with the CCP government and their trust has dropped to 13.7%, that is to say, more than 8% of the people do not trust the CCP. The Hong Kong SAR government, which has always supported the Chinese Communist government, has also received bad reviews, and its satisfaction has dropped to a record low, only 13%.

CUHK conducted an effective visit to 732 citizens over the age of 18 from 20 to 28 May. During this period, it was during the review of the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" by the CCP National People's Congress that Hong Kong people showed dissatisfaction with the CCP government and the Hong Kong government. Their trustworthiness is significantly lower than in April.

According to the results of the polls, 13.7% of the respondents expressed confidence in the CCP government, down 3% from April; those who directly expressed distrust reached 68.2%, an increase of 8.4% from April; and 15.8% Interviewers answered "half and a half", which was a 4.4% decrease from April.

For the performance of Chief Executive Carrie Lam, the overall score was 22.2 points, which fell to a record low in December 2019, a sharp drop of 4.6 points from April. Among them, 44% rated 0 points, and 30.7% rated 1 to 49 points, that is, 74.7% of the total were rated as unqualified.

Only 15.6% of the respondents expressed confidence in the Hong Kong government, down 3.7% from April. People who expressed distrust accounted for 60.5%, up 7.2% from April. The number of people who answered “half and a half” was 22.5%, down 3.5 percentage points from April.

According to reports, the CCP promised in the "Sino-British Joint Statement" that Hong Kong enjoyed the rights of "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong with a high degree of autonomy" until 2047. After the Chinese Communist Party proposed the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law", the public believed that the Communist Party was undermining the freedom enjoyed by Hong Kong after the city is returned to China.

After the National People's Congress voted to pass the draft "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" on 28 May, the Hong Kong people strongly condemned it. The public is worried that after the bill is implemented, demonstrations on the street or statements dissatisfied with the government will be regarded as “violating national security” and prosecuted. In addition, during the "anti-revision" storm, many international human rights organizations expressed their concerns, and some Hong Kong people expressed concern that these acts would be regarded as "intervention by foreign forces in Hong Kong" in the future. 

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