Tuesday, June 2, 2020

6 people diagnosed in Hong Kong explosion group infection, 2 policemen died suddenly

Reporter : Luo Tingting
Editor : Wen Hui
Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television
Ref : https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2020/06/02/a102861404.html
Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan
                                 / KUCINTA SETIA

Image : After the CCP forced to push the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law", the epidemic situation in Hong Kong showed signs of warming up, and a group of infections broke out again recently, and two police officers died suddenly. (Billy H.C. Kwok/Getty Images)

After the Chinese Communist Party pushed the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law", the Hong Kong epidemic showed signs of warming up. On 1 June, there is another outbreak of covid group infection. Six people have been diagnosed. At the same time, a sudden coma sudden death occurred in the Hong Kong Police Force. Two policemen have mysteriously died suddenly.

Hong Kong epidemic surges

The Hong Kong health authority diagnosed a local virus-infected patient on 31 May. This woman lives in Luquan Building, Liyuan Village, Shatian, New Territories, and works in a Kerry Logistics warehouse. This is the first case that occurred about half a month after the local infection case disappeared in Hong Kong.

On 1 June, health officials again announced that three more people had been diagnosed, two of whom were colleagues of the female patient, and another confirmed ambulanceman had contact with the patient. And the husband of the female patient was also diagnosed with the CCP virus.

Due to the serious situation, the authorities sent health personnel to the Luquan Building where the female patients lived for disinfection on the 1st, and conducted virus tests for the residents of the building. According to official announcements, more than 600 people in Luquan Building were tested, and 4 of them were diagnosed.

At about 11 pm, after government officials and expert consultant Yuan Guoyong and others visited the site, they believed that there was no risk of virus transmission in the design and maintenance of the building, and residents did not need to evacuate.

Yuan Guoyong believes that this case has formed a community infection transmission chain. In addition to the logistics warehouse where female patients work, Luquan Building has also formed a transmission chain. He speculated that it was spread through lobby door handles, elevators and other channels.

Image : On 27 May, Hong Kong people marched against the National Security Law, and the police arrested a large number of people. (Billy H.C. Kwok/Getty Images)

Hong Kong Police Sudden Deaths

The outside world noticed that after the news of the CCP's forced push on the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" came out, new local covid cases began to appear in Hong Kong. Recently, two Hong Kong police officers died suddenly. Both of them were involved in the mission against the protesting people.

According to Hong Kong media reports, at 1 pm on 29 May, a Hong Kong sergeant by the surname of Yuan from Tsing Yi Police Department Task Force collapsed in the toilet of the Lijing Disciplined Forces dormitory, and his family called the police after they found him.

Firemen broke into the toilet after entering the room and found that the sergeant was unconscious, and then sent him to Princess Margaret Hospital, but died due to invalid rescue.

The sergeant Yuan is 44 years old and has no other long-term illnesses. It is reported that the sergeant is working in the contingent and will usually perform tasks such as plainclothes ambushing near sensitive locations such as some Chinese-funded shops in the area.

On 28 May, another 56-year-old senior police officer named Ma also died suddenly after fainting in the toilet at home. The police officer was stationed in Tianxin Police Station. It is reported that the police officer was hired to return to work after retiring. He had been on duty for 8 hours the day before his death.

The Hong Kong police has not announced the cause of death of the two policemen who suddenly died death policemen. It is speculated that it may be related to the infection of the CCP virus. Previously, a video posted on the Wuhan epidemic area showed that many people infected with the virus suddenly fell to the ground without any symptoms.

In addition, at 5 pm on 29 May, a 54-year-old police officer affiliated with the West Kowloon Traffic Department suddenly collapsed while working in the West Kowloon Traffic Operations Base Office. He was rescued by the hospital and recovered. Fainted by a stroke, he is currently in hospital for treatment.

Since the outbreak began early this year, Hong Kong has not closed the border with the mainland, but the number of infections is only more than 1,000, which is beyond the expectations of the outside world. Moreover, the early cases in Hong Kong were imported from the mainland, and later infected persons include riot police and pro-government personnel.

Some analysts believe that in 2019, the people of Hong Kong awakened and launched a massive anti-send China campaign, which sounded the horn of peaceful anti-riot and disintegration of the CCP. This also saved Hong Kong people who clearly recognized the evil nature of the CCP from plague.

A special article in The Epoch Times pointed out that the CCP virus was directed against the Communist Party, and the CCP and its factors were eliminated. The epidemic in Hong Kong revealed the secret of the success of the epidemic prevention and self-help in the CCP pneumonia plague-only by refusing the CCP can we resist the CCP virus!

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