Sunday, August 16, 2020

Yan Limeng: The PLA lab purposefully released some virus samples

Report by : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

Image : Video Screenshot

On 11 August 2020, Dr Yan Limeng appeared on Steve Bannon's War Room Pandemic to answer Steve Bannon's question why months ago she said that there could never be a vaccine for covid.

Yan Limeng answered Steve that vaccine is a big issue. Members of the public have to fully study the pathogen and study the weaknesses and also understand how it reacts in human bodies and targets at the desired results. 

Yan said, "You can develop more vaccines to overcome the pathogen. Now we see we have a high mutant new coronavirus. The virus spread all over the world and it's very difficult for us to understand how many types of virus strains there are and how long they take to induce the antibodies and how long they last in the human bodies and whether these antibodies are neutralizing the virus or just some antibodies that work at partial protection or even no help for human bodies."

Everyone does not know all the answers.

Yan Limeng revealed that back at the early stage of the covid outbreak from December 2019 to January 2020 and later, the CCP government could have lots of patience but they first hide the number of real cases and they did not provide the whole genome sequence to the world. That means the world had some chance at that time to study the virus fully before the virus spread to the other countries but this information is hidden by the CCP government.

Yan explained in detail, "They (National Health Commisson of CCP) even asked people to destroy the virus samples. When I worked in Hong Kong, the Chinese government didn't want to provide those samples for us to do the analysis. So basically though they want to use our institute (School of Public Health of University of Hong Kong) they still worry the samples will come out may be by me to go to the US to let people know what they had been done."

Lastly, Yan Limeng questioned Wuhan Institute of Viology's practice of testing and releasing the virus samples. She said their practice has impact on the reliability of the inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccines even if they are available. She pointed out, "They never do one string of viruses. In fact there are many virus strings in their stock and they purposefully released some. Why can they not release the rest and how do you get vaccine to overcome the virus?"

In the latest interview with Science journal, Shi Zhengli admits that Wuhan Institute of Viology has constraints and it is not possible to obtain the whole genome sequence of SARS-CoV-2. She said, "Due to financial and manpower constraints, it is impossible for us to complete the determination of the whole genome sequence of all samples. We hope to complete the determination of the whole genome sequence of coronavirus in some samples within the next 2 years. It should be pointed out that the amount of nucleic acid in some samples is very low and it is impossible to obtain the whole genome sequence."

War Room Pandemic Ref :

Other Refs:

Yan Limeng: Find out how PLA lab modified Zhoushan bat coronavirus,

Yan Limeng: HCQ, vaccines cannot work if 'lab-modified" nature of SARS-CoV-2 is disregarded,

Shi Zhengli disputes bats carry SARS-CoV-2, says whole genome sequence incomplete, among other issues,

Wuhan Institiute of Viology does not have RaTG13 in the viral genome of SARS-CoV-2 which is "not natural",

Shi Zhengli worried about laboratory virus leakage,

Shi Zhengli : Unexpect SARS-like coronavirus cross-specifies infection will occur in Wuhan,

External Ref:

Bernardo Cervellera, Prof Tritto: COVID-19 was created in the Wuhan laboratory and is now in the hands of the Chinese military

Ref :

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