Saturday, July 18, 2020

"91914" comes fast, wave of resignations from CCP to avoid US sanctions

Reporter : Li Yun
Editor : Zhu Xinrui
Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television
Direct translation

According to the news released by the Chinese Communist Party media "Xinhuanet" on June 30, the latest internal party statistics from the Organization Department of the Central Committee showed that as of the end of 2019, the total number of CCP members reached 91.914 million.

Because the number "1" is another pronunciation in Chinese is "yao". Netizens discovered that this latest number of party members hides the "death code" of the CCP's death. "The homonym of 9191.4 is about to die?! This number is really God's will! God's will is not violated!"

July 1 is the founding day of the Communist Party of China. This set of figures announced by the CCP is also considered by netizens to reveal a strange death meaning, "91.914 million people/is about to die! Party members participating in July 1 is the establishment of the CCP’s pseudo regime. Festival!"

Netizens left messages saying, “It’s true that the CCP is about to die!” “Heaven destroys the CCP! It’s God’s will!” “God is merciful, the official number of party members released by the CCP is for the CCP members to withdraw. There is a chance for the CCP to be saved!"

"This is reminiscent of the oath of the Chinese Communist Party members, that is, they are required to raise their right hand to swear to the blood flag: "To fight for communism for life, be ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people..."

Now the Trump administration intends to completely prohibit CCP members and their families from entering the United States, and it is considered to be maximizing the rescue of Chinese people kidnapped by the CCP.

In the 70 years since the CCP usurped power, officials have corrupted from top to bottom, and have been harsh and tyrannical against the people. Especially since 2020, plagues, earthquakes, floods, hail, etc. have followed one after another in various parts of China. The CCP is already suffering from internal and external difficulties, and its failures have become apparent.

In fact, since the discovery of a 270 million-year-old "Tibetan Stone" in Guizhou in June 2002, six neatly arranged characters "Death of the Communist Party of China" were discovered in the section of the huge boulder that broke 500 years ago. The "Communist Party" was born, triggering a three-retreat tide. Up to now, more than 360 million people have withdrawn from the CCP regiments and teams.

All this not only showed the will of God, but also united the hearts of the people. "Heaven destroys the CCP" has become an irresistible trend. Due to the frenzied persecution of Falun Gong followers who practice "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance", the CCP's institutional corruption and degeneration, as well as the moral degradation of the entire society, are like the spread of malignant cancer cells throughout the body. The CCP has long been hopeless.

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