Saturday, July 18, 2020

Trump's Rose Garden full speech other key points on 14 July 2020

Report by : Gan Yung Chyan
                 / KUCINTA SETIA

Image : Video Screenshot

On 14 July 2020, the US President Trump answered media's questions at Rose Garden on his reactions towards the China Communist Party, the US election campaign competitor Joe Biden besides announcing the US' Hong Kong Autonomy Act and his lack of interest to communicate with Xi Jinping.

The key points that were not picked up by mainstream media include:

- US will impose sanctions on China Communist Party not only because of the CCP's covid epidemic cover-up but also its agencies have stolen intellectual property from the US. It is guilty for its oppression on the freedom of Xinjiang Uighurs and Hong Kong.

- The US imposed higher tariffs on the People's Republic of China, that is obediently paying such tariffs to the US government.
- The US government has passed these tariffs to support US farmers and their economy. The farmers are grateful to Trump.

- Trump raised media awareness on Joe Biden. He said Joe Biden is pro-Communist. Joe is proud of PRC's progress through the years after entering the World Trade Organization and not the US. Joe has done nothing to help the US during the pandemic.

- Trump said Joe Biden criticized him for stopping flights from PRC. Joe later realized that his judgement is incorrect. Trump stopped flights from PRC and the European Union in time to prevent further covid cases in the US.

It can be seen that the US is fortunate for the presidency to be helmed by Trump, a Republican. Otherwise, the country could have suffered more under the Democrat Socialists, among whom Joe Biden, the US' Vice President, is a Socialist.

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StayGate Pictures : Flowering season in Guiyang

 Photo copyright : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA