Saturday, July 25, 2020

Wuhan Institute of Viology and Pakistani military agreement exposed: Expand biological warfare capabilities together

Report by : Gan Yung Chyan
                 / KUCINTA SETIA

Image : Web Screenshot

As the pandemic surges globally, and the source of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is suspected to be related to the biological weapons research of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), Indian media The India Times published a report on 24 July 2020 stating that WIV and the Pakistani military have reached a secret agreement to expand biological warfare capabilities.

The India Times report disclosed that the Australian investigative journalist and editor of The Klaxton, Anthony Klan, recently released an investigation report stating that WIV and the Pakistani military’s Defense Science & Technology Organization may have signed a three-year secret agreement under the name of "research on new infectious diseases" to carry out research projects on deadly diseases such as anthrax and bacillus thuringiensis, and are committed to the "control of the spread of biological diseases."

The Klaxton report by Klan quoted sources as revealing that the cooperation plan was named "Cooperative Research on Biological Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases and Vector-borne Diseases" and was fully funded by the People's Republic of China (PRC). WIV provides financial, material and scientific support, provides training for Pakistani scientists, and assists in building a coronavirus database.

Klan revealed that PRC and Pakistan have conducted experiments on "Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever" (CCHF), which is similar in risk to Ebola virus and has a lethality rate of 25%. However, the biosafety level of related laboratories has not reached the P4 level.

Klan quoted experts to point out that the CCP’s funding of Pakistan, called Anti-India, is actually to take the opportunity to conduct dangerous research in remote places so that risks can be avoided within PRC. 

The India Times states the threat of biological warfare has grown considerably in recent years with experts warning that PRC is heavily involved in DNA research that could potentially enable a biological weapon to target or be ineffective against humanity.

The news is also reported by India TV News.

Intelligence sources cited by Klan mention concerns that WIV had also established the Institute of Medical Biology (IMB) in Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province in PRC.

Experts are concerned that IMB, controlled by the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, is also handling coronaviruses without proper protections.

According to other public reports, the Harbin Veterinary Research Institute (HVRI) of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences also helped a university in Kazakhstan establish a "high-level biosafety laboratory." on 17 January 2018. HVRI and WIV have P4 biological laboratories. Experts from HVRI have worked to hybridize the high-fatality bird flu virus with human coronaviruses, ad the development of bio-weapons is highly questioned.

Image : The official website of the Harbin Veterinary Research Institute reported that in 2018, the institute helped a Kazakhstan university establish a “high-level biosafety laboratory”. (Web Screenshot)


Anthony Klan, EXCLUSIVE: China's Wuhan lab operating "covert operations" in Pakistan, creating "anthrax-like" pathogens, The Klaxon,

KC Archana, China & Pakistan Have Made A Secret 3-Year Deal To Expand Biological Warfare Capabilities : Report, The India Times,

Sino-Kazakh United Agricultural Science Laboratory construction and handover in Kazakhstan completed, Harbin Veterinary Research Institute,

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