Friday, July 24, 2020

Pompeo's full speech transcript at Richard Nixon Presidential Library on 23 July 2020

Editor : Li Yun

Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television

Ref :

Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan

                                 / KUCINTA SETIA

Image courtesy : Ashley Landis / Pool / AFP via Getty Images

US Secretary of State Pompeo ( Michael Pompeo ) on 23 July 2020 in California's Richard Nixon Presidential Library future communist China and the free world speech emphasize that free countries must work hard to defend freedom, and call on allies and the Chinese to cooperate with the United States and change the behavior of the CCP. If the free world does not change the CCP, the free world will be changed by the CCP.

The Nixon Library is named after the former US President Richard Nixon , who was the first US President to visit China. During a historic visit to Beijing in 1972 , he met with Mao Zedong, then the leader of the Communist Party of China, and Zhou Enlai, the Premier of the Communist Party of China.

Pompeo said that 2020 will be the 50th anniversary of Nixon's visit to China and the gradual normalization of US-China relations , but the old model of blind contact with the CCP will not succeed, and the United States will not continue to restore this model. Nixon hopes for China's internal change did not come true, and the Chinese economy recovered from its decline and CCP bite the international society that has nourished the country.

The following is the full transcript of Radio Free Asia's Chinese translation:

I. Introduction

Good afternoon everyone.

Thank you Governor Newsom for such a polite introduction.

Thank you Air Force Corporal Kayla Highsmith for her beautiful interpretation of our national anthem. Please give her applause.

Thank Nixon Foundation and the foundation's executive director Hugh • repair Iraq for inviting me to this important American institution speech.

Today , it is an honour to be able to visit Yorba Linda , the home where President Nixon was born and raised, built by the father of President Nixon.

Thank you to the Nixon Center Board of Directors and all the staff for their dedication to preserving this historic landmark, and thank you for allowing us to gather here during the extraordinary epidemic.

We are very pleased that there are several very special guests, including the grandson of President Nixon, Christopher Nixon Cox who just gave a speech I also want to thank Tricia Nixon Cox and Julie Nixon Eisenhower for supporting this visit. I would also like to pay tribute to several brave Chinese dissidents who have come from afar.

Welcome all the distinguished guests and thank you friends who watched the live broadcast online.

Finally, I grew up in Santa Ana , and there are several relatives on the scene today. I never thought that one day I would return to California as Secretary of State. I believe they were as surprised as me.


Today's speech was national security adviser Bert O'Brien, FBI Director Christopher  Lei, Minister of Justice, William Barr and my fourth part lecture series on the issue of a series of China questions. Our mission is to explain the different aspects of U.S.-China relations, the major imbalances that have accumulated in U.S.-China relations over the decades, and the Chinese Communist Party's design of hegemony.

Our purpose is to clarify the China's threat to the United States and the strategy of the United States to defend freedom that President Trump's China policy is to solve. National Security Adviser O'Brien talks about ideology. Investigation Director Lei talks about the issue of espionage. Attorney General Barr talks about economic issues. Today, it is my turn to organize all this for the American people and let the American people understand the significance of the CCP's threat to our economy, our freedom, and the future of the free world.


Next year is the 50th Anniversary of Henry Kissinger's secret visit to China. Then soon, 2022 will be the 50th Anniversary of President Nixon's visit to ChinaThe world in the Nixon era is very different from today.

Back then, we thought that contact with China would create a bright future and promise of friendship and cooperation. But today, we are sitting here, everyone wearing masks, watching because the CCP has failed to keep its promises to the world, and the number of deaths from the global epidemic is rising ... Seeing news headlines about the CCP's oppression of Hong Kong and Xinjiang ... … Seeing astonishing statistics show that China's improper trade methods have led to the loss of American jobs and losses to our companies … Look at the CCP's continuous strengthening of its armaments and increasing its threat.

I want to repeat the question that circulates in the hearts of American people everywhere, whether in California or in my hometown of Kansas: What have been the results of the 50 years between the American people and China Is the theory advocated by our leaders that China will evolve towards freedom and democracy true? Is this a win-win situation in the Chinese definition Has the US become safer?

Dear friends, if we want a free 21st century, not the Chinese century that China's Xi Jinping dreams of, then we must admit today a fact that should guide us in the coming years and decades:

The old paradigm of blindly linking with China has failed. We cannot continue. We can't go back this way. President Trump made it very clear that we need strategies that can protect the American economy and American lifestyle. The free world must overcome the new tyranny.

II. Nixon was linked to China for its reasons ...

Before I seem to be going to dismantle the achievements left by President Nixon, let me explain that what President Nixon did was what he thought was best for the American people. President Nixon was a smart student of China, a brave fighter during the Cold War, and an admirer of the Chinese people. He opened his eyes sharply when dealing with Beijing. We must recognize that he understands that China is very important and should not be ignored, even if China was weakened by its own Communist tyranny.

President Nixon's well-known contribution published in Foreign Affairs in 1967 explained his future strategy: “In the long run, we just can't exclude China from the rest of the world ... Until China changes, the world will be safe. Therefore, In terms of influencing events, our goal should be to “ induce produced in China changes. "

The key word is: induce changes.

Therefore, President Nixon's historic visit to China embarked on our strategy of dealing with China. President Nixon is noble and looks forward to seeking a safer and freer world. Over time, American policymakers increasingly believe that as China becomes more prosperous, the United States will become more free and friendly internationally. Everything seems to be an inevitable trend.

III.... However, Beijing has benefited far more from its dealings with China than the United States.

But my friends, today, this inevitable trend has come to an end. Over the years, our approach to dealing with China has not brought China the changes President Nixon hoped to cause.

The fact is that our policies — and those of other free countries — rejuvenated China's shaky economy, but only saw the Beijing regime bite the international community that helped it revive. We welcomed Chinese citizens to the United States with open arms, but saw the CCP exploit our free and open society. China sends united frontmen to our press conferences, our research centers, our high schools and university campuses, and even sends them to our school PTA meetings.

We marginalized our allies in Taiwan, and Taiwan later became a vibrant democracy. We give special economic treatment to the Chinese Communist regime ... As a result, the CCP still insists that if Western companies want to enter China, they must be silent about China's human rights violations.

National Security Adviser O'Brien mentioned several examples a few days ago: Marriott Hotel Group, American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, and United Airlines have all deleted references to Taiwan from their company websites to avoid angering Beijing. Hollywood, which is the center of American free creation and self-styled as the arbiter of social justice, conducts self-censorship in the face of any minor criticisms about China.

This kind of corporate acquiescence to the behaviour of the CCP can be seen everywhere in the world. Big companies lose their sincerity to the CCP please ... what are the benefits in return? As Attorney General Barr said in his speech last week, "The ultimate ambition of Chinese rulers is not to trade with the United States, but to rob the United States"

China stole our valuable intellectual property and trade secrets. China sucked its supply chain away from the United States and enslaved labor. China has reduced the security of major global waterways for international trade.

President Nixon once said that he was afraid that the act of bringing the world into contact with the Chinese Communist Party would create a "FrankensteinThis is really true. People with good intentions may ask why free countries allow these bad things and so many more bad things to happen. Perhaps we are too naive about the toxins of Chinese communism, or triumphism after the Cold War, or greedy capitalists, or the "peaceful rise" of Beijing .

Regardless of the reasons, today's China has become more authoritarian at home and hostile to freedom abroad. President Trump has said: Enough.

IV. The CCP will not reform spontaneously. We don't trust and we need to verify.

I believe there will not be too many people in the Democratic and Republican parties refuting these facts. But even today, some people still insist that we maintain a way of communicating and interacting in order to continue the dialogue with China.

Don't get me wrong, everyone, we will continue to have dialogue with China. But the US-China dialogue is different these days. I recently flew to Hawaii to meet with Yang Jiechi (Director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission ) in China The same way he said a lot, but didn't mention China's changes in behaviour.

Yang's promises, like the promises of many CCP officials before him, were empty words. He hoped that I could succumb to his request, because that was the practice of our previous government. I do not have. President Trump will not give in.

National Security Adviser O'Brien explained very clearly that the Chinese Communist regime is a Marx Lenin ideological regime.

Xi Jinping, the general secretary of the Communist Party of China, deeply believes in the totalitarian ideology of bankruptcy. His ideology supports his decades of desire for world hegemony based on Chinese communism. We can no longer ignore the basic political and ideological differences between the United States and China, just as the CCP has never ignored this difference.

My experience in the House Intelligence Committee, my experience as the director of the CIA, and my more than two years of experience as the Secretary of State led me to form this central understanding:

The only way to really change Communist China is to look at the actions of Chinese leaders and take action, not just listen to what they say. President Reagan strategy to deal with the Soviet Union in those days was based on trust but verify basis When we deal with the CCP, I believe that we must adopt a distrust and verification approach.

We, a free country in the world, must take more creative and bold ways to promote the CCP to change its behavior, because Beijing's actions threaten our people and our prosperity.

V. We must change the way countries around the world view China and how they treat China and its agents, and take corresponding actions.

We must first change the view of the Chinese Communist Party of our people and our partners. We cannot regard the Chinese regime as a normal country like other countries.

We now know that doing business with China is different from doing business with other normal and law-abiding countries. Beijing treats international agreements as recommendations, as a channel to gain global dominance. The U.S. Trade Representative Office reached a trade agreement between the United States and China by insisting on fair trade terms, forcing China to recognize the theft of intellectual property rights and policies that severely hurt American labour.

We now know that doing business with a company backed by China is completely different from doing business with a Canadian company, for example. Chinese companies are not managed by an independent board of directors, nor do they pursue profits. Huawei is a perfect example. We no longer pretend that Huawei is an innocent electronic communications company. We are right now to say bluntly Huawei is a national security threat and we have taken countermeasures.

We now know that if our companies invest in China, they may know or unknowingly support the CCP's persecution of human rights. Both the U.S. Department of Finance and the Department of Commerce have punished and blacklisted Chinese leaders and their industries who harm the United States and persecute human rights. Multiple federal agencies have worked together to prepare a business consultation proposal to ensure that they can provide early warning to the CEOs of American companies.

We now know that not all Chinese students and employees are pure students or employees who come to the United States to enrich their knowledge for themselves some of them obtain this knowledge through research or theft for the benefit of the CCP or its agents. The US Department of Justice and other agencies have actively sought punitive measures for these crimes.

We now know that the Chinese People's Liberation Army is not an ordinary army. The purpose of the People's Liberation Army is to maintain the absolute rule of the Chinese Communist Party's top elites and expand the Chinese empire, not to protect the Chinese people. Therefore, the US Department of Defense has intensified its free cruising operations in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait. We established the US Space Force to help resist China's invasion of the last border.


Frankly, now dealing with China's new State Council to promote the State Council President Donald Trump fair and mutually beneficial goal: Just this week, we closed the Chinese consulate in Houston, because that is inclusive espionage work center and the theft of intellectual property.

With regard to China's non-compliance with international law in the South China Sea, we have reversed the situation of being beaten everywhere in the previous eight years. We call on China to adjust its nuclear weapons capabilities in accordance with the strategic realities of this century. Officials at all levels of the State Council have dialogues with their counterpart Chinese officials and demand fair and reciprocal measures.

VI. We must take positive measures to communicate with well-behaved members and empower them; these members are the Chinese people.

Our measures can't just focus on head-to-head. We also need to communicate with the Chinese people and empower them ... Chinese people who are energetic and freedom-loving, who are completely different from the Chinese Communist Party.

This starts with face-to-face diplomacy. Wherever I go, I meet many talented and hardworking Chinese men and women. I have also seen Uighurs and Kazakhs who fled Xinjiang concentration camps. I also talked to many Hong Kong democratic leaders, from Bishop Chen Ri to media person Li Zhiying. Two days ago, I met in London with Nathan Law, a young man fighting for democracy in Hong Kong.

Last month, I listened to stories shared by survivors of Tiananmen Square. One of them is also present today. Wang Dan, one of the student leaders at the time, had never given up fighting for freedom for the Chinese people for many years. Mr. Wang, please stand up and let us greet you. Today with us is Mr. Wei Jingsheng, the father of the Chinese democracy movement. Mr. Wei was imprisoned in a labor camp in China for decades to advocate democracy. Mr. Wei, please stand up and let us salute.

The Communist Party is not honest, but the biggest lie is that the Communist Party of China claims to speak for China's 1.4 billion people. The Chinese people are under surveillance and persecution and dare not come forward. This is completely contrary to the Chinese Communist Party's claims. The CCP's fear of the honest opinions of the Chinese people far exceeds the CCP's fear of foreign criticism.

The reason is nothing more than a deep fear of losing control of power. Think about it, if the doctors in Wuhan were allowed to issue warnings about the new crown virus, how much better the world would be today?

For decades, our leaders have ignored or understated the actions of brave Chinese dissidents to expose the true face of the Chinese regime we are dealing with. Now we can no longer ignore the Chinese people. They are as clear as others that we can't go back to the past and deal with the conditions of the CCP in a way that maintains the status quo.

VII. The free world has defeated tyranny in the past, and today we can too.

Changing the behavior of the CCP cannot rely on the Chinese people alone. Free countries also have the task of defending democracy. This is not easy to do.

However, I am confident that we can do it. I have confidence because we have succeeded. I am confident because the CCP has repeated many mistakes made by the Soviet Union — alienating potential allies, undermining domestic and foreign trust, and refusing to grant people property rights and a predictable society under the rule of law.

I have confidence because I see the awakening of other countries and know that we cannot go back. I have heard it from Brussels, Sydney, to Hanoi. Most importantly, I have the confidence to defend freedom, because the sweet taste of freedom itself is so beautiful.

Look at the glorious past of Hong Kong. The people of Hong Kong rushed to emigrate because of the CCP's tightening control. Unlike the Soviet Union in the past, China has been deeply integrated with the global economy. But Beijing's dependence on us far exceeds our dependence on China.


I don't accept the argument that we are in an era that is inevitable ... That argument thinks that certain traps are predetermined ... The CCP's hegemony is an inevitable situation in the future. Our approach is not doomed to failure, because the United States is not going downhill. As I said in Munich earlier this year, the free world still prevails.

People all over the world still think of an open society to study, work, and build lives for their families but no one rushed to Chongqing to settle down.


Now is the time for free nations to act. Not all countries will adopt the same approach to this China challenge, and countries should not adopt the same measures. Every country must understand how to protect its national security, economic prosperity, and the ideals it pursues when facing the tentacles of the CCP.

However, I call on all countries to start by following the American approach insisting that the CCP and its non-homogeneous rulers can observe reciprocity, be transparent and accountable. These are very simple but powerful standards. For a long time, we have allowed the CCP to set the conditions for mutual exchanges. There is no such thing again. Free nations must set a consistent tone and follow the same operating strategy. We must draw a common boundary and not back down because of Chinese bargaining and rhetoric.

Yes, this is what the United States has done recently. We simply reject China's illegal claims in the South China Sea ... just like we urge all countries to become clean countries on 5G Now we will set the standard.

Indeed, some countries do not have the courage to stand in our ranks, at least for now. One of our NATO allies is reluctant to stand up for Hong Kong's freedom because they fear that the Beijing government will restrict their access to the Chinese market. There is a famous proof in ancient times that this cowardice will eventually harm its people.

Let us not repeat the mistakes of the past. The threat posed by China requires the concerted efforts of democracies ... whether in Europe, Africa, South America, and especially in the countries of the Indo-Pacific region.

If we do not take action now, then one day the CCP will erode our freedom and subvert the rule of law established by a free society. If we surrender here, our descendants may have to look at the face of the CCP, and the CCP's actions are the greatest challenge to the free world. Xi Jinping is not destined to rule China at home and abroad forever unless we hand over this power to him.

This is not a containment strategy. This is an unprecedented and complex new challenge: the Soviet Union was completely extinct from the free world. Communist China is already in our world, already in our borders.

So facing this challenge, we cannot fight alone. The United Nations, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, G7 G20 , the economic, diplomatic, and military forces we summarized, if properly controlled, are absolutely sufficient to withstand this challenge. Maybe we should form a new like-minded alliance ... a new democratic alliance. We have tools.

What we need now is willingness. Let me quote from the Bible, is it our spirit is willing, but our flesh is weak ?

If the free world does not change Communist China, then Communist China will change us. We cannot go back on the road just because the old methods are comfortable or convenient.

VIII. Conclusion: The United States is in a favourable position to help the free world maintain freedom this is also our mission of the times.

Defending our democracy from the CCPs invasion is our mission of the times, and the United States is in an excellent leadership position due to our founding principles. In Philadelphia last week, facing the Independence Hall, I explained that the principle of our country's founding is that everyone has some inalienable rights.

It is the government's job to protect these rights. Such a simple and powerful fact is the reason why the United States can become a beacon of freedom in the eyes of the people of the world, including the Chinese people. Richard Nixon in his 1967 year wrote a letter which states correctly that until China has changed, the world can be safe "Now, it is up to us to complete his argument.

Today, the danger is clear.

Today, the awakening has occurred.

Today, the free world must respond.

We can't go back.

May God bless you all.
May God bless the Chinese people.
May God bless America.

Thank you all.


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 Photo copyright : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA