Saturday, July 18, 2020

"Invisible defense" for the CCP, some mainstream media in the US lose public trust

Reporter : Li Zhaoxi
Editor Higashino
Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television
Direct translation

Recently, the New York Times opinion columnist Bari Weiss announced his resignation. Most Americans are eager to obtain fair news information, but the latest survey shows that 63 % Of Americans believe that most news media are politically biased.

The latest national telephone and online survey of the Rasmussen Reports, an American polling company founded in 2003, shows that 63% of people believe that most major news organizations in this country have political bias. Only 27% believe that news organizations are generally fair. 87% of Republicans believe that the media is biased, more than twice that of Democrats (42%).

Weiss accused in his resignation letter that the New York Times and other well-known news media had betrayed their standards and lost their principles. At the same time, Americans were eager to receive accurate news, important opinions, and sincere debate. 58% of American voters agree with this statement. Moreover, nearly half of the voters said that most of the media are trying to block President Trump's agenda, and only one-third of voters believe that the New York Times is completely correct most of the time.

Compared with 57% five years ago, 44% of voters still get most of the political news from television. The American media still plays an important role in disseminating information, but many of them have become the CCP’s "invisible defense."

According to the Indian Deccan Chronicle, Rachel Maddow, the most watched news anchor of the US television cable channel MSNBC, disseminated false information to US government agencies and participated in the Chinese Communist Party’s condemnation Popular plan.

The Trump administration has imposed more sanctions on the CCP in the past six weeks, but most mainstream media in the United States have minimized the severity of the CCP’s human rights violations. The New York Times believes that these news are irrelevant. Every week, he will publish a full-page advertisement in the China Daily, even if the CCP virus kills about three New Yorkers every minute.

Maura Moynihan, the daughter of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the longest-serving Senator of New York State, serves as the “invisible defense” of the Chinese Communist Party against the powerful American media and other institutions Feel disgusted.

Monihan believes that the key to the solution is that the government continues to crack down on these frontline media companies that act as the "invisible defense" of the CCP. At the same time, she emphasized the importance of investing money to eliminate funds in the pockets of Communists working in the United States. "You must hunt down moles and spies that have infected our government, media, and academia... If those in the American business community don't like it, it's easy to deal with."

Monihan praised President Trump's recent actions on the Hong Kong issue. A new poll showed that nine out of ten Americans have a negative view of the Chinese Communist government.

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