Friday, July 17, 2020

Blood type may affect the chance of covid infection but it is not a covid umbrella

Reporter : Ma Huaqing
Publisher : Lianhe Zaobao
Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan
                                / KUCINTA SETIA

People of different blood types have different chances of contracting covid. However, blood types with a lower chance of infection are not an umbrella, so no one should relax in epidemic prevention.

According to reports, a European research team published in June this year in the New England Journal of Medicine research results show that people with blood type A have a 45% higher rate of covid infection than other blood types.

People with blood type O are only 65% ​​of other blood types at risk of contracting covid.

The research team analyzed more than 1,900 patients with severe covid in Spain and Italy, and compared them with 2,300 uninfected patients, and reached the above conclusion.

During the SARS outbreak from November 2002 to July 2003, Hong Kong medical staff with blood type O were also less likely to be infected.

However, Anahita Duval, a physician at Massachusetts General Hospital who led the research team, pointed out that there is no evidence that once people with blood types A, B, and O are infected with coronary disease, their condition will get worse, requiring intubation or dying.

Jacques Le Pendu, Head of Research at Inserm, a French medical research organization, said that there are two assumptions about the connection between blood type and covid. Coagulation has been the main driver of the severity of covid.

However Le Pendu also said that this could be explained by the possibility of the virus SARS-CoV-2 carrying the blood group antigen of the infected person. Therefore, antibodies produced by people with type O blood may neutralize the virus when they are captured by people with type A blood—this is similar to the rules for blood transfusions.

"However, this protection mechanism does not work in all situations. For example, a person with type O blood may infect another person with type O blood."

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