Wednesday, July 29, 2020

White lentil extract protein can prevent coronavirus invasion

Reporter : Zhao Tingyu
Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television
Ref : 
Extract translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan
                                            / KUCINTA SETIA

Images : Video Screenshots

Taiwan’s Academia Sinica anti-epidemic team have found that the protein FRIL extracted from white lentils (the seeds shown in the picture above), considered by traditional Chinese medicine to strengthen the spleen and reduce dampness, can effectively capture the sugar of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) molecules, thereby inhibiting viral infections and blocking the spread of coronaviruses.

Regardless of white lentils' inconspicuous appearance, the protein FRIL extracted from them has a structure like a small wave-eliminating block, which can effectively block SARS-CoV-2.

Ma Che, a researcher at the Genomic Research Center of the Academia Sinica, said, "From this extract, find the protein that looks like a wave-breaking block. Its four vertices have very strong binding ability with sugar molecules. Put it, like the sugar on the surface of HA (hemagglutinin) of the flu, or the sugar of the spike protein (Spike protein) on the surface of the novel coronavirus pneumonia virus, it sticks tightly there."

White lentils are used as food crops in Africa and Indonesia, while Chinese medicine practitioners regard it as an effective Chinese medicine. The Academia Sinica team found that the nucleus of the cells added with FRIL is like an extra golden bell, and the infection rate has dropped to less than 10%. In the cell experiment of SARS-CoV-2, the team also found something.

Ma Che, a researcher at the Genome Research Center of the Academia Sinica, said, "Compared with infected cells, the amount of virus, if the protein is added, the degree of infection is probably less than 5%."

The research paper of the Academia Sinica is published by the "Cell Report" on 24 July 2020, but the current results are still basic research. Researcher Ma Che pointed out that there is still a long way to specialize research into medical supplies for treatment or prevention. 

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 Photo copyright : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA