Sunday, August 9, 2020

More than 250 local infection groups are associated with guest worker dormitories

Publisher : 8world / Direct translation

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Image : Punggol S11 Guest Worker Dormitory by Today

The outbreak of the COVID-19 outbreak in the local guest worker dormitory has been more than four months. So far, more than 250 infection groups have been linked to the guest worker dormitory. There are more than 52,000 dormitory-related cases, accounting for nearly 95% of the total number of cases in my country.

Singapore had its first imported case on January 23 this year. On February 4, it was confirmed that there was a local infection and the first infection group, Yongtaihang. The most interesting was the outbreak of the guest worker dormitory in early April.

The infection rate in guest worker dormitories exceeds 16%

As of today (9 August), the total number of local cases reached 55,104, of which 52,158 were work pass holders living in guest worker dormitories, accounting for 94.7% of the total number of cases.

There are about 323,000 guest workers living in the dormitories. According to the Ministry of Health website data, the infection rate in guest workers' dormitories has exceeded 16%, which is much higher than the 0.04% infection rate in the community.

Punggol S11 dormitory confirmed the presence of an infected cluster on April 1, becoming the first local infection cluster for guest worker dormitories and the largest infected cluster so far. As the inter-agency working group completed virus testing for all guest workers living in the dormitory, this infected group was also removed from the list of infected groups yesterday, with a total of 2,846 cases.

According to statistics, there have been about 323 infected groups in the local area so far, of which about 256 are guest worker dormitories (PBD), factory remodeled dormitories (FCD), or have construction site temporary dormitories (CTQ), temporary permission dormitories (TOL) ) And temporary housing (TLQ), which accounted for nearly 80% of the total number of infections.

Some of the other infected groups are also related to the guest worker community, including the Kenyon/Swiss Bank construction site at 9 Penang Road, the Project Glory construction site at 50 Magee Street, and The Jovell apartment building at Flora Drive. Construction site.

9,967 guest workers are still under quarantine

There are currently 43 guest-worker-only dormitories in the local area. From the list, only three do not have infected groups. They are Brani Residence on Brani Terminal Avenue and Central on Boundary Close. Staff Apartments, and Pasir Panjang Residence on Harbour Drive.

According to the information on the website of the Ministry of Health, as of yesterday, 9,967 guest workers are still being quarantined in isolation facilities in several guest worker dormitories. They will be tested again before the expiration of the quarantine period to confirm whether they are infected, so the number of new cases in the next few days may still be high and will decrease later.

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