Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The origins of the pandemic; WHO initially learned about the covid outbreak from Wuhan media

Report by : Gan Yung Chyan
                  / KUCINTA SETIA

Image courtesy : Greg Baker / AFP via Getty Images

Republicans of the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee announced in June about the origin of the covid pandemic, as well as the Communist Party of China and the World Health Organization (WHO) in the interim report on their roles played during the epidemic.

This Interim Minority Report on the "Origins of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic including the Roles of the Chinese Communist Party and World Health Organization” concludes that the Communist Party of China concealed the truth at the beginning of the outbreak of covid and suppressed the disclosure of the truth of doctors and journalists, disregarding the provisions of the International Health Regulations to notify WHO of major public health events as soon as possible.

The report pointed out that the top leaders of the Chinese Communist Party, including General Secretary Xi Jinping, did not announce the situation to the public until a few weeks after the outbreak occurred. Such malfeasance caused significant life and economic losses worldwide. The World Health Organization caters to the CCP’s propaganda and encourages the CCP’s cover-up behavior.

The report made three recommendations: 1. To replace the WHO leadership, Director General Tedros Adhamon Ghebreyesus must be blamed and resign; 2. To conduct an international investigation into the CCP’s behaviour of hiding information in the early stages of the outbreak; 3. Make further specific reforms to the International Health Regulations.

In the statement, the lead of the investigation report, the chief Republican member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, and Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas said in a statement, "The investigation over the past few months clearly shows that the Communist Party of China The cover of the New Crown (CCP) virus, especially at the beginning of the outbreak, played a major role in transforming what might have been a local epidemic into a global pandemic."

After the report was published, WHO updated the English version of the timeline of the epidemic response at the end of June, admitting that the organization initially learned from local reports that there was a "viral pneumonia" case in Wuhan, China, not the CCP, in its official initiative report.

After the WHO changed the above important information, Mr. McCaul provided a statement to Voice of America. He wrote, "I am very happy to see that both the WHO and the Communist Party of China have read my copy. The mid-term report on the origin of the pandemic has finally been acknowledged to the world that the Communist Party of China has never reported a virus outbreak in its territory to WHO, which violates WHO regulations."

McCaul also said, "The question now is whether the Communist Party of China will continue to disseminate false information, continue to claim that they have warned the world, or whether they are willing to face it openly, and begin to cooperate with the world health community to thoroughly investigate this fatal truth of the pandemic."

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