Monday, May 31, 2021
Zhuhai Airport may allow direct international flights to land after reconstruction and expansion
After COVID-19, WHO wants the world to call the covi variant strains in Greek
Report by : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA / Image courtesy : CGTN
The World Health Organization (WHO) wants the world including media to stop calling variants of SARS-CoV-2 after names of country, place or nationality to avoid nationality stigma and racial discrimination. It has released the alternative names in Greek.
For example, B.1.617 is to called Kappa while B.1.617.2 is to be called Delta. B.1.1.7 is to be called Alpha.
The renaming causes confusion and further misunderstanding. People who do not know the origins of the covi variants will treat the Greek names as if the variant strains originate from Greece. There is a likelihood that people will not remember those names in Greek as the names suggest White supremacy.
StayGate has for many times addressed the variant strains simply as covi variants, and according to their official scientific names during news translations.
Covi is short for coronavirus, novel coronavirus, new coronavirus and synonym for SARS-CoV-2 while covid is short for coronavirus disease, COVID-19 and novel coronavirus pneumonia.
The hyphen and number "-19" are deleted from "covid" because it is not confirmed scientifically that the disease is first found in 2019 since the Chinese Communist Party has the habit of covering up the virus, disease outbreaks and epidemics in China including SARS-CoV, the SARS virus.
Besides, common disease names are not capitalized such as diabetes, cancer and influenza.
Between 2011 and 2016, there are epidemics in China that are identical to SARS and covid, according to Lawrence Sellin and the students of Shi Zhengli.
Former U.S. FDA Director: The SARS virus comes from the CCP laboratory
Beijing emerges abnormally, Xi Jinping believes China "owns" America by 2035
Genome sequencing of bat coronaviruses from Mojiang, US taxpayers funded coronavirus research in Wuhan
Evidence is showing that the United States most likely paid for work at the Wuhan Institute of Virology that ended up creating the deadly coronavirus that led to the COVID-19 pandemic, argues author Peter Van Buren.
"A series of cover-ups means we are unlikely to ever know the truth of why our loved ones died," Van Buren writes for The American Conservative.
He notes that there are two origin stories for COVID-19; one pointing to it having emerged naturally but the other that it was created by the Chinese laboratory and was released.
Science writer Nicholas Wade, he added, "makes a strong case" in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists that the United States was behind the virus' financing.
EcoHealth Alliance in New York has "created viruses more dangerous than those that exist in nature" for the past 20 years, writes Van Buren.
"Scientists argue that by getting ahead of nature they could predict and prevent 'spillovers' from animal hosts to humans," he said. "Like something out of Jurassic Park, this is known as gain-of-function research, genetic manipulation to 'improve' nature."
The work has enabled scientists to synthesize the nearly-extinct polio virus, introduce a smallpox gene into a virus, and more, he said.
And the Wuhan lab, writes Van Buren, teamed with the University of North Carolina to "enhance the ability of bat viruses to attack humans," including creating a virus in November 2015 that was once dangerous "only to bats but now able to infect the cells of the human airway."
Meanwhile, Wuhan's key researcher, Shi Zhengli, called "the Bat Lady," engineered coronaviruses, said Van Buren, with her research "funded by the Obama administration's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a part of the National Institutes of Health."
The NIH assigned the grants to EcoHealth, which then subcontracted the work to the Wuhan lab, meaning "the work which likely created COVID-19 was paid for by the United States."
Shi, however, has denied being in contact with the virus or studying the specific virus that caused COVID-19 before she and her colleagues discovered the virus in late 2019 in samples from patients who suffered from a pneumonia of unknown origin.
Before that, "we had never been in contact with or studied this virus, nor did we know of its existence," Shi wrote in a document for Science Magazine.
But Van Buren writes that the Wuhan lab pulled its virus database offline after a lecture from Shi in September 2019, and the Chinese government is still refusing to provide raw data or lab records.
He also noted that in 2018, State Department inspectors were alarmed by what they found when visiting the Wuhan lab, and warned that the facility's work on "bat coronaviruses and their potential human transmission represented a risk of a new SARS-like pandemic.”
Van Buren notes that one of the strongest supporting documents concerning the theory of a natural origin was in the British medical journal Lancet, but "the letter had actually been written not by the scientists, but by Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth.
He also pointed out that Dr. Anthony Fauci has denied that the NIH funds gain-of-function research.
"He appears to have committed perjury, as Fauci now admits 'there’s no way of guaranteeing' American taxpayer money routed to Wuhan didn’t fund gain-of-function research," said Van Buren.
He also criticized the media for aiding the "cover-up" and noted its continued embrace of the natural origins theory and its slam of former President Donald Trump's China travel ban.
"It is only now, months into the safety of the Biden administration, that the media is willing to take a peek inside Pandora’s Box," he said.
"We do know Wuhan conducted gain-of-function research aimed at doing what COVID-19 does, making a virus originally not dangerous to humans into a super-infector designed to spread quickly while resisting then-existing cures and vaccines," he said.
News (7)
Beijing's mouthpiece calls for equipping PLA with more nuclear weapons to intimidate the US
Reporter : Nicole Hao / Source : The Epoch Times PREMIUM
Chinese state-owned media urged the regime to equip the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) with the largest possible number of nuclear warheads and missiles in a short time, to “make the U.S. elites tremble when they think about fighting with China.”
“We must prepare for a tense ending to the United States’s and China’s relationship,” Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of the Global Times, wrote in a May 28 editorial. “Once this happens, having a big stock of DF-41, JL-2, and JL-3 missiles will be a pillar of strength to support China’s will to fight.”
The DF-41 is China’s solid-fueled, road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missile, and the JL-2 and JL-3 are China’s intercontinental-range, submarine-launched ballistic missiles. All three of these missiles can carry nuclear warheads.
Hu’s comments are in response to Kurt Campbell, President Joe Biden’s Indo-Pacific policy coordinator, who recently said the United States and China are competitors.
In a May 26 speech, Campbell told an online event hosted by Stanford University, “The dominant paradigm [with China] is going to be competition … a period that had been broadly described as engagement has come to an end.”
Campbell said in the speech that the Beijing regime’s behavior is shifting toward “harsh power, or hard power,” which “signals that China is determined to play a more assertive role.” To support his opinion, Campbell mentioned China’s recent clashes with India regarding the border and against Australia in trade, as well as the aggressive diplomacy style the regime has launched worldwide.
In the responding editorial, Hu expressed a wish that the United States could reduce its hostility toward China.
“We should use our power and their intolerable risk to force them [Americans] to calm down.”
Zhang Tianliang, a U.S.-based current affairs commentator, said on his media channel on May 28 that he thinks the reason why Hu published the threat theory is that the Beijing regime is worried that the Biden administration will implicate it for its role in the pandemic.
On May 26, Biden said that the U.S. intelligence community believes there are “two likely scenarios” that may have caused the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus outbreak in China, noting that a significant number of officials believe the virus was spread due to a “laboratory accident.”
Zhang points out that Hu took the same action last year when the Beijing regime was alarmed on May 3, 2020, when then-U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo revealed that significant evidence linked the CCP virus to a Wuhan laboratory, and the international community asked for an investigation into the origin of the virus.
On May 8, five days after Pompeo’s comments, Hu called for the production of at least 1,000 warheads and 100 DF-41 missiles in an editorial. Hu claimed that nuclear weapons would threaten the United States into being more friendly to China.
Chinese people don’t buy into Hu’s threat theory.
Liu Xiaofei, a military commentator from the School of International Relations at China’s Huaqiao University, said on May 30 that the United States won’t fear China even though China has more nuclear warheads because China’s weapons are far inferior.
Chinese netizens posted on Hu’s Weibo—China’s social media platform—that Russia has more nuclear warheads than the United States, but still is weaker than the United States. Also, they note that a large number of the children of Chinese senior officials and military senior commanders are in the United States, making it unlikely that the parents could launch missiles against cities where their children live.
Reporter : Masooma Haq / Publisher : The Epoch Times PREMIUM
A number of reporters from mainstream media outlets have recently admitted that the Wuhan “lab leak” theory was originally dismissed because it came from Republicans.
Jonathan Karl, ABC News Washington correspondent admitted to ABC’s “This Week” host on Sunday that the lab leak theory was not taken seriously because it came from the Trump administration but, “now serious people are saying it needs a serious inquiry.”
“Yes, I think a lot of people have egg on their face,” Karl said. “This was an idea that was first put forward by Mike Pompeo, secretary of state, Donald Trump, and look, some things may be true even if Donald Trump said them. Because Trump was saying so much else that was just out of control … he said flatly this came from that lab, and it was widely dismissed … but now serious people are saying it needs a serious inquiry.”
Besides Trump and Pompeo, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) argued that the origin of the virus should be investigated because it does not appear to have come from the animal market, as claimed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Cotton told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, in a February 2020 interview, that the CCP has not been honest about when they first knew of the virus and the United States cannot trust CCP officials about the origin of the virus.
“Here’s what we do know, this virus did not originate in the Wuhan animal market. Epidemiologists who are widely respected from China have published a study in the international journal The Lancet have demonstrated that several of the original cases did not have any contact with that food market. The virus went into that food market before it came out of that food market,” said Cotton.
“So we don’t know where it originated, but we do know that we have to get to the bottom of that. We also know that just a few miles away from that food market is China’s only biosafety level four super laboratory that researches human infectious diseases. Now, we don’t have evidence that this disease originated there, but because of China’s duplicity and dishonesty from the beginning, we need to at least ask the question,” added Cotton.
New York Times reporter David Leonhardt also said on Sunday that many journalists disregarded the lab leak theory because Cotton proposed it.
“I think people made this mistake. I think a lot of people on the political left and a lot of people in the media made the mistake. They said, ‘wow if Tom Cotton is saying something, it can’t be true.’ Or they assumed that. And that’s not right,” he said on CNN.
In addition, NBC’s Chuck Todd from “Meet the Press” admitted that investigation into the origin of the virus got neglected because of politics and anti-Republican sentiment.
“The WHO has dismissed the idea for months, most scientists scoffed at it, and for many, the lab leak idea got tangled up in politics,” said Todd.
Mainstream media outlets are now giving the idea of the lab leak theory credibility and urging for a new probe into the origin of the virus, pointing to China’s refusal to share crucial raw data.
President Joe Biden announced on May 26 that he has ordered a closer intelligence review of what he characterized as two equally plausible scenarios of the origins of the CCP virus—one natural, the other a lab leak.
Researcher, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA News on Myanmar, CCP, Sri Lanka, disease control News (1) to (9) / Reporter : Chen Tin...
Report by : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA News on airport management, aviation management, land transport management, CCP, Singapore, Myanm...
Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA News on disease control, covi traceability, Taiwan, CCP, France, U.S., Myanmar, Russia, UK...