Friday, May 21, 2021

Dogs detect SARS-CoV-2 with a positive accuracy of 97%, new coronavirus CCoV-HuPn-2018

News (1)

Research: Dogs detect SARS-CoV-2 with a positive accuracy of 97%

Reporter : Lai Yiqing / Editor : Lu Meiqi / / Translation, editing :  Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

A recent French study pointed out that dogs can detect whether humans are infected with SARS-CoV-2 (covi, in short), which is more accurate than many rapid screening tests. The detection accuracy of positive samples is as high as 97%. Scholars pointed out that although it cannot replace nucleic acid testing (PCR), sniffer dogs can help find people who should undergo a complete virus test. In the future, they may be used in crowded places such as airports and train stations.

The British "Guardian" reported on 20 May that this study conducted by the French National Veterinary College and the clinical research department of the Paris Necker-Cochin Hospital showed that the detection accuracy of the positive samples of covi by sniffer dogs is up to 97% while the accuracy rate for negative samples is at least 91%.

A previous overview report of 64 studies showed that the rapid detection rate of lateral flow chromatography (LFT) for symptomatic covi-positive patients was 72%, and the accuracy rate for negative subjects was only 58%.

The Board of Directors of the NIKKOR-Cochin Hospital stated that the study scientifically confirmed that dogs can detect the olfactory signature of the virus. Jean-Marc Tréluyer, a professor at the hospital, told AFP that the results of the dog's virus detection experiment were excellent, and even comparable to nucleic acid tests that were far more accurate than quick screening.

Teruye also said that although dogs cannot replace nucleic acid testing, they can help identify those who should undergo a complete virus test because they can detect very fast and can be used in airports, train stations, concerts and other venues in the future to speed ​​up the progress of large-scale testing.

The report pointed out that Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom and other countries have conducted experiments related to the detection of pneumonia virus by sniffer dogs. Finland and the United Arab Emirates have also conducted actual experiments at the international airports of Helsinki and Dubai since 2020. In addition to sniffer dogs, a Dutch research team has successfully trained bees to distinguish covi by smell.

News (2)

New coronavirus detected in dogs in Malaysia can infect humans

Report by : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

Scientists have discovered a new type of coronavirus (covi, in short), which originated in dogs and can infect humans.

The pathogen, which has been around since 2018, is the eighth coronavirus known to have jumped from animals to humans.

It is not yet clear if the dog covi poses a serious threat like its cousin SARS-CoV-2, which is the name of the virus behind covid.

However, researchers who detected it claim they 'don't see any reason to expect another pandemic from this virus'.

Researchers at Duke University and Ohio State University named the new coronavirus CCoV-HuPn-2018, which is first transmitted to humans from dogs.

The virus hospitalised eight people in Malaysia, including seven children — the youngest of which was just five-and-a-half months old. 

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses in the same way as influenza, polio, measles, herpes and ebola. 

They are named for the distinctive appearance of their spikes; when seen under a powerful microscope, the spikes look like a crown (corona is Latin for ‘crown’). 

Beneath these spikes is a layer of membrane. 

This membrane can be disrupted by detergents and alcohols, which is why soap and water and alcohol hand sanitiser gels are effective against the virus. 

Coronaviruses are expected to become more frequent as humans come into more contact with wildlife due to habitat destruction and climate change. 

Covid is the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 but there are six other coronaviruses that have been found in humans.

The origin of SARS-CoV-2 has been linked to Chrysanthemum horseshoe bats and Zhoushan bats by Shi Zhengli and Yan Limeng but theory that it was leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan has not yet been ruled out. 

Four of the human coronaviruses cause colds, which are relatively harmless. The two others cause SARS and MERS, which are both deadly.  

SARS is transmitted from the intermediate hosts, civet cats, to humans while its original host is the horseshoe bat while MERS is transmitted to humans from camels.  


News (3)

The epidemic reflects totalitarianism and democracy, the difference between the health code and the actual joint system

Reporter : Li Yixin / Editor : Lu Meiqi / / Direct translation

The two sides of the Taiwan Strait deal with covid in different ways, causing heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens analyzed that China's health code and Taiwan's SMS system are systems with completely opposite design concepts. "China's health code is the state's digital totalitarian surveillance; Taiwan's newsletter reality link is the citizen's digital mutualistic communityism."

Recently, the epidemic situation in Taiwan has been escalating. In order to facilitate people’s access to stores and make real-name registration more convenient, Tang Feng, a digital political commissar, joined hands with the Customs and Trade Network Company to develop a "messaging system" program within three days, allowing people to get free and download-free App, avoid the risk of contact, and protect personal information, because the newsletter will only be kept in the personal telecommunications company's system for 28 days and is only used for epidemic investigation. The program was widely praised when it was launched, and the usage among Taiwanese people was quite high, which attracted the attention of the Japanese media and reports have surfaced.

In China on the other side of the Strait, in order to keep track of the people’s traces during the epidemic, the Chinese Communist government has developed a "health code" system and implemented it in China, Hong Kong and Macau. Its feature is to monitor the detailed whereabouts of "everyone". Everyone must use WeChat and Alipay, etc. App, register the real name and communication, and the system will issue "green, yellow, and red" QR Codes representing safety, risk, and hazard classification based on the footprint within 14 days. Chinese citizens must have "green codes" when entering and exiting public places and transportation vehicles in order to pass.

The netizen "Yik Lim" posted on Facebook that China’s health code is a complete demonstration of the national digital totalitarian surveillance system. The people have no privacy at all, and they must expose their health privacy to the grocery store owner or community security to move around. The people show the health code to prove that "I am not a health criminal of the country", just as in ancient times, a prisoner would be tattooed on the face. In modern times, a red code is issued to a health criminal. Any community security who swipes your health code verification will read your personal information by the way, and no one can guarantee that this personal information will not be misused by other organizations.

According to Yik Lim, Taiwan Newsletter is a manifestation of the concept of preserving health and privacy with civil society mutual assistance. When there is no need for epidemic investigation, people do not need to provide their own information to the country, and grocery store owners or community guards do not need to know your personal information. This system is built on mutual help and mutual trust and self-discipline. People scan the code and leave it behind. Your own information is to protect your own interests. If there is a possible cause of infection in the future, the country can quickly find yourself to notify you if you have health concerns. Because we want to protect personal interests, when everyone agrees to leave as much as possible interconnected footprint data, such an information network library is very valuable and further protects collective interests.

Yik Lim pointed out that the Chinese Health Code is a national digital totalitarian surveillance system while the Taiwan Newsletter is a mutual digital community of citizens. Many Taiwanese do not know the reasoning behind these, but they can still vaguely feel the power of the community in every scan of the code, that is, "I do this for other people, it will make myself safer, and also will make others safer."

Image: Lyf Funan, an anti-epidemic hotel in Singapore

News (4) to (8) / Reporter : Cai Baoqing / Source : 8world / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News (4)

Experts predict: Singapore's epidemic may reach its peak in the next two weeks

Variant viruses have struck, and the local epidemic in Singapore has intensified. Infectious disease expert Dr. Leong Hoa Nam pointed out that this is mainly due to the lack of herd immunity in Singapore, and the increased infectivity and drug resistance of variant viruses.

Dr. Leong said, "This mutant virus strain requires up to 80% or 90% of herd immunity to be immune to resist this virus. Now it is a new mutant virus strain, and their infectivity is relatively strong. The patient not only infects two or three people, but may even spread to four to six people. Because of the mutation, after the mutation, its drug resistance is better, and it has some resistance to the original vaccine. The same vaccine was possible to control the virus a year ago but now its effectiveness is reduced."

Experts say that despite this, vaccination is still useful.

News (5)

Vaccination can effectively slow down the condition

Dr. Leong said: "As far as Changi Airport is concerned, many of them have already been vaccinated... Because after the vaccine, their condition is relatively mild, from severe to mild, from mild to asymptomatic. In fact, many people now in the hospital, although they have covid, they have only very simple, even asymptomatic breathing tube inflammation."

"The main patient does not need to be admitted to the hospital, the patient does not need oxygen, and the patient does not have dangerous severe lung inflammation. This is a kind of help for our country and the hospital."

Dr. Leong predicts that the epidemic in Singapore may reach its peak in the next two weeks.

As the tightening measures take effect, it is hoped that the epidemic will tend to ease after reaching its peak.

News (6)

Why are children more susceptible to variant viruses?

Compared with the same period last year, many children have been infected in this wave of epidemics. Experts say this is because the mutated virus is more likely to infect children.

"Think about it, if you are a virus, it has always been impossible to infect children, so you will try to change yourself so that it can be transmitted to children. So in B117 (strain), this was found in the United Kingdom. Variant virus strains have stronger transmission power when they are transmitted to children. Then the variant virus strain of B1617 that we recently discovered, when they were in India, they found that the transmission power between children is stronger. Come on. When the virus arrived in Singapore, I believed that the same thing had already begun to happen."

News (7)

How to protect yourself when the epidemic is evolving?

Recently, many scientific studies have pointed out that although droplet transmission is still the main mode of transmission, the virus may also be transmitted through aerosol. Aerosol transmission refers to the droplet nucleus formed by the remaining proteins and pathogens after the droplet loses moisture in the air, floating to a distance in the form of aerosol, causing long-distance transmission.

Dr. Leong said, "Is it because of aerosol (spreading)... This answer we need to wait for scientists to study and reply. As for us, we should wear masks well. Remember to cover the upper nose and the lower chin. If you wear a mask, If it’s not good, the virus is easy to enter. So everyone cooperates, and the masks are worn well, but the virus cannot enter. I hope you can use medical masks. If you are very worried, you can even wear two medical masks."

News (8)

Fight against the covid epidemic is a long-term battle

On the other hand, psychiatrist Lin Wenlong revealed that some people suffer from depression or anxiety due to work and social difficulties. During the epidemic, the number of patients seeking treatment increased by 10 to 20%.

Dr. Lin pointed out that the fight against the epidemic is a long-term battle. In addition to focusing on epidemic prevention and maintaining physical health, we must also strengthen mental construction, including changing the understanding of the epidemic, maintaining a regular life schedule, and continuing to keep in touch with relatives, friends and colleagues.

"Most people think that this epidemic is temporary and short-lived. But we know that this virus may be maintained in our lives. The epidemic may last for several years, so we recognize that we must accept this." 

News (9)

Four people infected at Changi Airport, total 104 as of 22 May 2021

Four more covid cases have been added to the infected cluster at Changi Airport Terminal 3, and two more prisoners have been diagnosed in the infected cluster at Changi Prison.

The Ministry of Health issued a statement tonight after 10.30 pm of 21 May 2021 that the new cases of the infection cluster at Changi Airport Terminal 3 include a 57-year-old Standard Chartered Bank employee who had visited the airport.

He last went to work on 27 April. He developed symptoms on 15 May but did not seek medical attention. He was tested at Changi Airport on 2 May and was subsequently diagnosed. He  received the second dose of vaccine on 1 May.

The other three cases are family members of known cases.

The 68-year-old unemployed man and the 70-year-old retired man are the family members of a 95-year-old retired woman. The former was quarantined on the 17th of this month. He coughed on the 18th but was not notified. He was diagnosed after being tested on 19 May.

The 38-year-old local woman working in Samiko Enterprises & PPP International Group is the family of a 63-year-old housewife.

There are currently 104 related cases in Changi Airport Terminal 3.

News (10)

Two more prisoners diagnosed positive, had contact with the confirmed chef

Regarding the Changi Prison infection group, the two newly confirmed prisoners were 66 and 40-year-old local males, which increased the number of related cases in this infection group to ten.

Both had had close contact with the Chinese chef from SATS Food Services who was previously diagnosed with working in prison, and they were diagnosed during isolation. The 66-year-old man received the second dose of vaccine on 7 April.

News (11)

Food industry infection cluster expands

There is also a new case in the Ren Tai Tang Food Industry Infection Group. The confirmed case is a 35-year-old Malaysian sales assistant working at Jin Tai Mart drugstore. He had close contact with the 40-year-old Chinese sales assistant who was diagnosed the day before yesterday. There are nine related cases in this infection group.

News (12)

Eight unrelated covid cases happen in NUS, McDonald's, Changi Business Park

Eight of the 30 new community cases in Singapore on 21 May 2021 are not related to known cases, including a female student from the National University of Singapore, McDonald’s food delivery staff and cleaners.

The 27-year-old Malaysian man of the 63534th case worked as a deliveryman in IVIC Logistics and food deliveryman at McDonald's Bedok Reservoir Branch. He also developed symptoms on 17 May but did not seek medical attention until he was diagnosed after seeking medical attention on the 20th.

News (13)

Covid casualty at Changi Business Park

The Hong Ye Group cleaner in the 63507th case is a 31-year-old Singaporean man who works in Changi Business Park.

News (14)

The two were diagnosed after being tested after visiting Westgate

Two unrelated cases were tested after visiting Westgate and subsequently diagnosed, including a female student from NUS.

The 63536th case, a 20-year-old Singaporean college girl, also works part-time in a Hijabville retail store. She developed symptoms on the 13th of this month but did not seek medical attention. She was tested on 19 May because she had visited Westgate and was subsequently diagnosed.

The other case is the 63510th Platinum Yoga salesperson. This 29-year-old man was diagnosed after being tested on the same day that symptoms appeared on 19 May.

News (15)

Three people developed symptoms but did not seek medical attention immediately

Other unrelated cases include a 17-year-old youth who is currently unemployed, a 34-year-old technician from Singapore Refining Company, a 28-year-old housewife, and a 40-year-old operator of The Meatery SG.

This housewife, like the food delivery person and the college lady, did not seek medical attention immediately after experiencing symptoms. She developed symptoms on 14 May but did not seek medical attention until 19 May. 

News (16)

Several members of a family in Hougang Blk 506 are diagnosed with neighbours asking for help

Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

Several people in a family in Block 506 of HDB flat on Hougang Ave 8 were diagnosed with covid and needed help. When the neighbor learned about it, he asked the councillor Gerald Giam for help.

Gerald Giam, a member of the Workers’ Party of the Aljunied GRC who is in charge of affairs in the district, posted on Facebook today (21 May) that he contacted some residents through the messaging app Whatsapp this morning, and he and the team sent masks from door to door and told them that they must be tested and leave contact information so that residents can ask him for help.

Gerald and his team sent masks from door to door, told them that they must be tested, and left contact information so that the residents could ask him for help.

As a result, a female resident told him that several family members of a neighbor had been diagnosed and needed help.

Gerald revealed that he subsequently contacted the affected resident and the Ministry of Health is also assisting them. He thanked the female resident for her help, and also thanked the staff who attended the inspection work.

News (17) to (19) / Source : NTDTV / /  Direct translation

Image : Video Screenshot

News (17)

Covid outbreak in Guangzhou on 21 May 2021

The source of the epidemic in Liaoning, Anhui and other places in mainland China has not yet been clarified, and another case broke out in Liwan District of Guangzhou. The Chinese Communist Party officially claimed that a female patient who lives in Jinlong Community, Longjin Street, became ill on 18 May, and was found to have a positive nucleic acid test when she went to the hospital on 20 May. On 21 May, the CDC reviewed and confirmed a new local case.

The official did not inform the patient of the way she was infected. It only said that 16 people who had been in close contact with her had been isolated for investigation and sampling, but there is no result yet.

Online video shows that the Liwan District Central Hospital and nearby communities, streets, and vegetable markets have been locked down. The merchants at the Longjin Road Market have pulled down the rolling iron gates, and the police have pulled a cordon around them.

News (18)

Lithuanian Parliament convicted the Chinese Communists as guilty of "genocide"

On 20 May, the Lithuanian Parliament determined that the CCP’s treatment of Xinjiang Uyghurs constituted a crime of "genocide." This is another national parliament that has found the CCP guilty of "genocide" after the United States, Britain, Canada and many other countries.

The resolution passed by the Lithuanian parliament that day called on the United Nations to investigate the Xinjiang detention camp and asked the European Commission to review its relationship with the Beijing authorities.

Lithuanian MP Dovile Sakaliene, who promoted the resolution, said that Lithuania supports democracy and they will not forget the painful lessons of living under the communist regime for half a century.

News (19)

Dozens of Falun Gong practitioners in Shanghai were forced to release blood

Since July 2020, the Shanghai Police Force began to collect blood from Falun Gong practitioners, saying that it was going to establish a national database of living DNA of Falun Gong practitioners.

According to a report from, in the past few months, the police have forcibly drawn blood from dozens of Falun Gong practitioners by breaking the door into the room, illegally kidnapping, and falsely claiming to check their bodies. At the same time, the police also collected Falun Gong practitioners' photos, handwriting, phone numbers, fingerprints, height and other information.

News (20)

Shenzhen SEG Plaza shaking for three days. Why do experts always "refute rumours"?

Reporter : Chen Han / Editor : Lin Cenxin / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

 Unidentified shaking occurred in the Shenzhen SEG Plaza for three consecutive days. The building and nearby people ran hurriedly, and the water in the fish tank and the goods on the ground were visibly shaking. Although the building has suspended personnel entry and exit, some analysts believe that an inexplicable high-rise "shock" in Shenzhen may shake out the hidden worries behind the pursuit of speed since the reform and opening up of the CCP.

The 75-story skyscraper "SEG Plaza" in Futian District, Shenzhen, suddenly swayed inexplicably at noon on May 18. Tens of thousands of merchants and nearby residents ran across the board, the situation is like fleeing.

On the night of the accident, the Chinese Communist Party’s official media reported that many professional organizations conducted real-time monitoring of the vibration, tilt, and settlement of the SEG Plaza, and the data showed no abnormalities.

Mr. Li from Shenzhen commented, "Anyway, if there is no earthquake but your house is shaking, this is definitely not normal. The problem with the house itself is a design or construction problem. But we don’t know this thing either. I can only guess."

A report on the shaking of the SEG Plaza issued by the Emergency Department of Guangdong Province reported on the Internet that experts initially determined that the tremor was caused by a combination of multiple factors, mainly wind, subway operation, and temperature. Experts believe that the main structure is safe, and the report also mentioned that the building did not have dampers installed.

Xing Tianxing, a current affairs commentator in the United States, believes that this is the typical stability maintenance model of the CCP.

Xing said, "Such issues that have attracted the attention of many people are basically the CCP’s mode of operation is to refute rumors. The first thing to think about is to maintain stability. No matter what the reason, it must be the first time to refute rumors, then the next step is the so-called expert argumentation gives a data security model that appears as an expert."

Just after the experts issued the safety report, at noon on 19 and 20 May, SEG Plaza shook again. According to the video provided by the merchant, the water in the fish tank and the electric floor fan are shaking obviously. On the 21 May, SEG Group announced that in order to conduct inspections, the building will suspend the entry and exit of all owners, merchants, and tenants.

A master's thesis entitled "Shenzhen SEG Plaza Construction Project Review" published 20 years ago has pointed out the construction problems of this building. For example, due to the lag of the construction drawings, the design is being constructed while the construction is being modified, and the most serious consequence is the antenna on the top. The antenna shakes violently in the breeze.

According to public information, SEG Plaza was invested and constructed by Shenzhen SEG Group. Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. was jointly funded and established by the Shenzhen State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and the three asset companies of Huarong, Dongfang and Great Wall.

Professor Wang Zhongyu of the Department of Civil Engineering at Central University in Taiwan believes that based on limited information evaluation, the cause of the vibration may be from resonance, which is the interaction between wind and buildings.

Wang Zhongyu said, "It has two large antennas on the top of the building. It should be seen from the mechanical analysis. The diameter and spacing of these two antennas and the wind speed are related to the so-called eddy current phenomenon. An analysis of the complementary behavior of wind and structure.”

Wang suggested that the top priority is to use a variety of methods to conduct mechanical analysis to find out the key causes of vibration.

Wang said, "We can use drones to go high in the sky, scan the model by LiDAR, and then establish a model for mechanical analysis. For example, we can use digital simulation to simulate the vibration behavior of this structure when the wind blows down. Then find out the largest position of deformation of this structure, and now hurry up and deploy appropriate sensors in important parts for real-time monitoring."

In addition to the design, structure, and construction safety of the building, it has attracted attention from all walks of life. Some analysts also believe that the SEG Plaza, as the landmark building and the fifth tallest building in Shenzhen, experienced unexplained vibrations, which meant a "warning".

Xing Tianxing commented, "As far as the construction of Shenzhen SEG Plaza is concerned, it is also pursuing the kind of high and fast building that the CCP wants. On the surface it is very glamorous. This is what the CCP has called during the reform and opening up for so many years. This kind of window mode economy has created a glamorous illusion."

Xing believes that the CCP wants to replace Hong Kong with Shenzhen and build the so-called "Socialism Pilot Zone." Now, its indicator buildings have problems, which also means that behind the CCP’s so-called glamorous economic strength, it is actually the foreign power that is strong in the middle. As time goes by, problems will emerge one by one.

News (21)

1 new case of asymptomatic infection of SARS-CoV-2 in Yantian District, Shenzhen

Editor : Yu Xiao / / Direct translation

According to the official Weibo news of the Propaganda Department of the Yantian District Committee of Shenzhen City, the Yantian District Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (Covid) Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters reported that on 21 May, the Yantian District of Shenzhen had an example of personnel boarding international freighters. One case of asymptomatic infection with the new coronavirus was found during the test. The relevant conditions are as follows:

Mu XX, male, 44 years old, lives at No. 34, Shagangwei, Beishan Road, Yantian District, and works in the Yantian Gangxi Operation Area, Shenzhen.

Mu received a covi nucleic acid test every 7 days, and the test result was negative on 12 May.

On 20 May, Mu XX’s covi nucleic acid test was initially positive, and was later reviewed by the Shenzhen Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to be positive. At present, Mu has been transferred to Shenzhen Third People's Hospital for isolation and treatment.

The 54 close contacts who have been verified so far have all been isolated and observed, and the nucleic acid test results are all negative. The relevant premises have been closed for business and terminal disinfection has been carried out.

News (22)

A new local case of covid in Guangzhou is a 75-year-old mild patient

Reporters : Wang Hua and Liu Jinjin / Editor : Yuan Jingjing / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

The Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government held a press conference at night of 21 May 2021. The deputy mayor of Guangzhou Liming introduced that a case of mild covid was found in Liwan District of the city.  The patient is a 75-year-old woman who had been living in Guangzhou for 14 days before the onset of illness, and her daily activities were all near her home. Among the close contacts, the nucleic acid test results of 7 family members were all negative. She has been admitted to the hospital for isolation and treatment.

The patient lives in Jinlong Community, Longjin Street, Liwan District, Guangzhou. She felt unwell on 18 May and took cold medicine by herself. He developed a low-grade fever the next day. In the afternoon of 20 May, she walked to the fever clinic of the Liwan District Central Hospital. The result of the routine nucleic acid test was positive; on 21 May, the CDC reviewed the result and the result was positive. Combined with the clinical symptoms, she was diagnosed as a mildly ill patient with covid  and was transferred to the Eighth People's Hospital of Guangzhou for isolation treatment.

As of 5 pm on 21 May, 16 close contacts of the patient were initially screened and 19 close contacts were monitored. All of them have been isolated. Among them, 7 of the patient’s husband, children and other family members have negative nucleic acid test results. Therefore, the family members of the patient have been diagnosed online false. A total of 67 people who had been in close contact for the second time have all been isolated and sampled. 65 results have been negative, and the other two results are waiting to be published.

According to reports, a joint epidemiological survey conducted by multiple departments shows that the patient has not recently been to a medium-to-high-risk area in Mainland China, has no history of overseas travel, and has been living in Guangzhou for 14 days before the onset of illness.

At present, the relevant departments of the city have launched a comprehensive investigation of the patient's behavior trajectory, and 8 key activity venues have adopted strict control measures and environmental elimination. The three-level disease control departments of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou, and Liwan District are still conducting in-depth epidemiological investigations and case tracing work. The official also called on people who have been to relevant places from 4 May  to 18 Mayto go to the nearest nucleic acid test site for COVID-19 testing as soon as possible.

As of  4 pm on 21 May, Guangzhou had received 7.05 million covi vaccines, 9.52 million doses, and the target population's vaccination rate was 63.4%. Among them, a total of 388,000 people were vaccinated in Liwan District, and the vaccination rate of the target population has reached 82.6%. 

News (23)

CCP concealed the epidemic and made new noun, Shandong's "weak nucleic acid positive persons" on hot search

Reporter : Zheng Gusheng  / Editor: Xiaohui / / Direct translation

Image : On 17 May 2021, people in Shenyang, China, are being tested for the CCP virus. (STR/AFP via Getty Images)

The CCP not only concealed the number of infections and deaths, but also created "synonyms" of confirmed cases such as "asymptomatic infections" and "positive tests" in order to downplay the epidemic. A few days ago, Shandong's report showed "weak nucleic acid positive persons", which caused panic among the people, and related entries were once on the hot search list of Weibo.

The official media of Gaomi City in Shandong stated that in the early morning of 21 May, a case of "weakly positive person with suspicious nucleic acid test" was reported to a hotel in Gaomi City. The city was investigated overnight, and the nucleic acid test results of the suspicious person and all contacts were "all negative."

After the announcement was forwarded by the party media at all levels, the entry "a case of suspected weak positive nucleic acid in a hotel in Shandong" quickly appeared on the Weibo hot search list. Many netizens worry about the further spread of the epidemic.

The CCP’s so-called “severe accountability” has been accused of forcing local officials to cover up the local epidemic in a disguised form. Recently, Anhui Province suddenly notified local confirmed cases, which opened the cover of the outbreak in Anhui and Liaoning, causing another batch of officials to be dismissed from their posts.

As the two provinces continue to issue "associated investigation notices" to foreign governments, panic has also spread to many provinces and cities, and it has also made the officials in the affected areas extremely nervous.

In view of the "inertia" of the CCP government to cover up the epidemic, the announcement of Gaomi City not only failed to dispel the doubts of the people, but also caused more questions from netizens:

"Can you tell me which hotel? Wouldn't it be the same?"

"Well, one has just been diagnosed in Guangdong, and one is suspected in Shandong."

"The epidemic has a tendency to spread..."

"Recently the epidemic has begun to counterattack again, everyone must be more vigilant"

"I was trembling when I went out on May 1st"

Yingkou in Liaoning Province announced a few days ago that the letter of assistance issued by the city involved a total of 6 provinces, 5 cities, and 1 autonomous region. Shenyang claimed to have quarantined more than 40,000 people.

Online video shows that many areas in Liaoning Province have begun to lock down communities and even welded doors to buildings. However, the official number of newly confirmed cases nationwide is still very few.

Some mainland Chinese media quoted experts as saying that the earliest case of this round of epidemic infection is likely to be in mid-April. Some experts speculate that the spread of the epidemic may coincide with the "May 1st" long holiday tourism wave, and the potential risk of spread is very high.

News (24)

What is 400 cases of adjusted regression? Chen Shizhong: The report upload was caused by traffic jams

Reporter : Jian Shu'an / translation

The Central Epidemic Command Center announced today on 22 May 2021 that 321 new local cases have been added, but an additional 400 confirmed cases have been returned to the original notification day. This move has made the outside world speculate whether there is a "frustration of cards, playing word games?" and the commander Chen Shizhong said: "The main reason is the increase in the number of inspections and traffic jams in the notification upload. Therefore, the necessary fields were simplified from 20 to 8 and the number of confirmed cases was returned to the number of days. Therefore, the number of cases is only limited. It will explode. It is not a major outbreak, and there is no special day to choose."

News (25)

Corrected and returned 400 cases, bombarded, Chen Shizhong personally revealed the cause of the congestion

Report by : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

The first 400 Taiwan cases of covid corrected and reinstated on the covid tally list have triggered heated discussions among netizens. Chen Shizhong, the commander of the Epidemic Command Centre, said frankly in the evening that they discovered an abnormality in the data collected and inspected by the local notification three days ago. 

An inspection found that more than 10,000 cases were stuck in the local hospital. Chen Shizhong, the commander of the Central Epidemic Command Centre, said that the command center was only surprised when it was urgently understood. The original notification system was too complicated. Even if the test results were already released, the local hospitals that collected the inspections still had time to report. After the simplified process, more than 14,000 have been digested. 

A notification case led to 400 new local cases in one breath today, emphasizing that “it was definitely not the command centre that received the notification, but did not tell everyone.” The epidemic command centre today announced 321 new local cases of covid. In addition, 400 new cases were added for the first time due to "corrected regression".

 The command centre commander Chen Shizhong explained in the press conference that due to the recent increase in the number of notifications and the cumbersome notification procedures, which caused the "traffic congestion" in the case, the process has been urgently simplified and more than 14,000 cases have been digested recently, and the 400 cases diagnosed have also been quickly confirmed. Each of the local cases returned to the original diagnosis date. 

By correcting the number of confirmed diagnoses and returning the curve to the correct position, experts were able to interpret the epidemic trend and determine what epidemic prevention measures should be taken next. However, the outside world did not understand the notification and inspection process, and still wondered why the notification case would be congested. 

When Chen Shizhong accepted a telephone joint interview with the media in the evening, he further explained the notification process and the ins and outs of the incident. He said that there are many suspected cases notified for inspection every day in Taiwan, and the local hospital where the inspection is conducted can report the number of inspections and test results reported on that day before 12 am midnight. If there is a positive case, the case number will be listed. The news will be announced at a press conference in the afternoon. 

Chen Shizhong said that, generally speaking, it may take 2 to 3 days for a suspected case from the inspection to the release of the inspection results but just 3 days ago, the command centre found that the number of inspections notified and the number of inspection results are increasing. The bigger, at least more than 10,000 cases have not reported the inspection results after the notification. He pointed out that the command center urgently asked the local government about the situation, only to find that the notification system was too complicated and the automated inspection was too strict. 

Even if the inspection results had already been released, the local government still had to spend a lot of time to file the report, resulting in piles of inspection result cards. At the local hospital, the notification could not come out, "It was definitely not that the command center received the notification, but it didn't tell everyone." For this reason, the command centre has hurriedly simplified the notification procedure recently, and also missed more than 14,000 notification cases overnight. 

In one breath, 400 local cases were added, and the confirmed cases covered by these cases were mainly diagnosed based on the date of inspection plus the number of days of routine inspection, which was about 2 or 3 days. 

Chen Shizhong said that there are still some cases that have not yet been digested. He is afraid there are still cases waiting for correction and return in the next few days. In the future, the notification process will continue to be simplified and he hopes that the notification process will return to normal as soon as possible. (Central News Agency)


News (26)

Puppy's sense of smell is super sensitive

Reporters : Xu Zhe and Chen Haiyue / / Direct translation

Chulalongkorn University in Thailand recently announced that trained Labrador sniffer dogs will soon be "on duty" to help screen for the Chinese Communist Party virus through their sense of smell.

The sense of smell of dogs is far more sensitive than that of humans. They can distinguish the unique smell of patients infected with the Chinese Communist Party virus when they sweat.

The study at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand began in September 2020 to train dogs. The results so far are amazing, among which the Labrador is one of the six dogs involved in the training.

Professor Kaywalee Chatdarong, School of Veterinary Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, said: “In Thailand, we have spicy food and various seasonings. We don’t know whether these will affect the dog’s sense of smell. But in the end, let’s It’s surprising, because dogs can detect (CCV), even patients without any symptoms, we call them asymptomatic patients."

These Labrador dogs have been employed full-time in the Veterinary College. Since 10 May, they have tested more than 1,000 samples.

Compared with sampling from the nasal cavity for routine virus testing, it is much more comfortable to use a cotton ball to take a sample from under the armpit, especially for the elderly.

The airports in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and Helsinki, Finland, have been using the sense of smell of dogs to help screen for the virus in recent months.

However, another recent study has raised concerns about the possibility of cross-infection between humans and dogs. A report published in the Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases on the 20th showed that scholars found a new type of coronavirus that may have been infected with dogs in a patient with pneumonia in a Malaysian hospital.

1 comment:

  1. I got my first outbreak when I was 19...the outbreak never went away. The same warts. Doctor said it was a spread from shaving but they never went away. I am 35 now and still have the same warts. I have tried a bunch of home remedies and nothing. Doctor was treating me for like a year but they never really went away, just got black and reduced in size but still never cleared up so I stopped doing it because it had been a year and got expensive especially for a 19 year old kid. I tried aldara but nothing. but thank god for using Dr Ajayi as a helper to me who got me cured from my herpes with his natural herbal medicine, May god continue to bless you and keep giving you the power to help others. You may need his assistance, visit his website email him at You can also call or write to him on whatsapp +2348154724883. Please share as you read
