Monday, May 24, 2021

Misleading mask packaging of Singapore, vaccine IP waiver, life under the pandemic

News (1) to (2) / Report by : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News (1)

Misleading mask product packaging of Pro Shield, "PRODUCT OF SINGAPORE" 

Image below courtesy : ProShield web-site

A range of the ProShield Mask and filter product packaging with the manufacturer mark "PRODUCT OF SINGAPORE" by Pro Shield Pte Ltd and sold in NTUC Fairprice supermarkets and beauty stores is misleading. 

There are a few kinds of packages which indicate "3-Ply With Filter" and "3-Ply With Built In Filter". The first 3-Ply mask does not have filter. Consumers need to buy filters separately. The other 3-Ply mask "With Built In Filter" causes confusion when consumers are not aware how the mask was manufactured.

A check with NTUC Fairprice Xtra at Ang Mo Kio Hub that stocks Pro Shield Plus "3-Ply With Built In Filter" (according to the packaging) initially shows that the pharmacist could not find the filter in the mask after the reporter bought the product, opened and checked it. After checking with his colleague twenty minutes later, the pharmacist pointed to the reporter the texture of the inner surface of the mask, which is not transparent and not translucent.

The filter compartment is for inserting an additional filter which will make it a 4-ply filter and it is unnecessary to buy separate filters for the "3-Ply With Built In Filter". 

The supermarket pharmacist believed it had filter in it when he recommended to buy one package of two reusable masks, get one free package of the same at $4.90. After redeeming points, both cost only up to $3.00.

The reporter wasted $9.80 on two packages of separate filters at Venus Beauty after discovering the filter was missing not knowing where the built-in filter was. 

Venus Beauty in Ang Mo Kio stocks the range of ProShield Mask products including Pro Shield Plus "3-Ply With Filter" , Pro Shield Flex and separate filters while NTUC Fairprice Xtra stocks the Pro Shield Plus "3-Ply With Built In Filter" masks and separate filters. The supermarket however did not stock the separate filters side by side with the masks.

There is also a typographical error on the packaging of the ProShield filters. The word 'Efficiency' was printed as "Effienciency".

ProShield Mask products and filters are washable and reusable. Pro Shield Pte Ltd states on its web-site that its filters' Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE) is over 95%. 

Pro Shield Pte Ltd is one of the contract manufacturers of the complimentary BFE masks distributed by the People's Association and Temasek Foundation. The third type of BFE mask (see below) distributed during Singapore's third National Mask exercise is ProShield Mask "3-Ply With Filter".

The pharmacist recommends consumers to purchase Pro Shield Plus "3-Ply With Built In Filter" masks if they are not ordering online from vendors such as Lazada and Qoo.

News (2)

ProShield Mask sells detachable face shield filter face masks?

Another ProShield Mask product appears on Facebook! This ProShield product originates from the Philippines, not Singapore. It is a detachable shield filter face mask (DSFM). Due to the severity of the pandemic and air pollution in the Philippines, the Philippine government allows people to wear face shields besides face masks and the masks have exhaustive valves. 

ProShield hence came up with the ingenious idea of combining the face shield with the face mask and the face shield can be detached from the filter mask.

Colours come in red, black, blue and pink.

ProShield should look into developing DSFMs without exhaustive valves for the Philippine market and if it intends to export to overseas markets such as Singapore and Malaysia. 

According to the Ministry of Health, masks with exhaustive valves allow droplets and aerosols to escape from them.

It is not known if the parent company of ProShield Mask is Singaporean or Filipino.

News (3)

COVID-19 vaccine IP waiver will benefit foreign rivals like China, critics warn

Reporter : Emel Akan / Publisher : The Epoch Times PREMIUM
The debate is growing over whether developed countries including the United States should temporarily waive intellectual property (IP) and patent rights on COVID-19 vaccines to expedite global vaccination efforts.
The Biden administration on May 5 announced that it would support the waiver of those protections for vaccines “to expand vaccine manufacturing and distribution” around the world to end the pandemic.
Experts, however, believe waiving patents wouldn’t resolve the vaccine shortage problem, due to the complexity of producing the mRNA-based vaccines. They also argue that the move would allow countries such as China to exploit American innovation and technology to their advantage.
“There is absolutely no need or compelling rationale” for the IP waiver, according to Stephen Ezell, vice president at the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, a technology think tank.
Once a country forces the disclosure of know-how, there would be no control over who has access to it, he told The Epoch Times.
This will not only affect the COVID-19 vaccines, but also non-COVID-related drugs and therapies using mRNA technology.

“What’s absurd is their assertion that such a waiver wouldn’t lead to China getting their hands on technologies innovative companies have invested billions to develop; and instead of China getting through stealing it, our own government would be complicit in compelling its handover,” Ezell said.

Traditional vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into people’s bodies to trigger an immune response. Vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna, however, use messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) that teaches cells how to make a protein to trigger an immune response when someone gets infected.

The mRNA vaccine technology established a new platform for vaccine and gene-therapy industries, and while some Chinese firms have also started to develop their vaccines using this new technology, Western companies are still leaders in this space. China also doesn’t have any prior experience in industrial-scale production of mRNA vaccine, according to Sean Lin, a microbiologist and a former lab director of the viral disease branch of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.

“The intellectual property waiver for mRNA vaccine would encourage more Chinese biotech and pharmaceutical companies to jump into mRNA vaccine industry,” he told The Epoch Times.

“This would definitely create more competition for the demand of related raw materials, such as different enzymes and NTPs,” he said, adding that major companies that produce the molecular biology reagents are based in the United States and Europe.

“When more companies emerge to work on mRNA technology, relying on the same high-quality molecular biology raw materials, it would significantly challenge and complicate the supply market for key molecular biology raw materials needed,” he noted.

“The waiver of related technologies is a nice political gesture, but its impact on the industry and the efficiency of vaccine rollout might be harmful,” Lin said.

Progressives Urge IP Waiver

A group of progressive lawmakers and advocacy organizations has been pressing the White House to endorse lifting patent barriers.

Advocates claim that waiving the IP rules on vaccines will help many poor nations, as it will allow more manufacturers around the world to produce the vaccines. According to estimates, widespread vaccination coverage in poorer countries won’t be achieved before 2023.

Public Citizen, a progressive consumer advocacy organization, accused Big Pharma lobbyists of blocking expanded vaccine production and using China as an excuse.

The organization called the claims that IP waivers would help China “absurd” and a “distraction.”

South Africa and India were the first countries that requested waivers that would allow members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to not enforce rules protecting patents covered under the organization’s Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) agreement. More than 100 countries have supported the proposal by South Africa and India.

U.S. Trade Representative Trade Katherine Tai issued a statement on May 5, voicing the Biden administration’s support for the waiver of IP protections.

“The Administration believes strongly in intellectual property protections, but in service of ending this pandemic, supports the waiver of those protections for COVID-19 vaccines,” Tai wrote.

She said that the U.S. government would “actively participate” in the WTO negotiations to make that happen but also cautioned it would take time to reach a consensus among WTO members.

Senate Republicans called on the Biden administration to reverse its “disastrous decision” to support the waiver.

In a May 19 letter addressed to Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo and Tai, the senators criticized the administration for putting “America’s interests last and China’s interests first.”

“At best, all President Biden’s giveaway to China and India and others will do is foster uncoordinated vaccine nationalism, as countries jump in to try to coerce technology transfer and manufacturing locally,” they wrote. “At worst, this action will provide a boost to the Chinese Communist Party’s ‘vaccine diplomacy’ and enable Beijing to undercut American leadership on vaccine distribution throughout the developing world.”

German pharmaceutical company BioNTech, partner of Pfizer, opposed the proposal to temporarily lift IP rights for vaccines.

Ugur Sahin, the chief executive of BioNTech, during an earnings call on May 10 said waiving patents wouldn’t ease supply shortages in the coming months.

“We believe, together with the other vaccine developers, in the next nine to 12 months, that there will be more than enough vaccine produced, and there is absolutely no need for waiving patents,” he said.

The U.S. proposal to waive patent rights has faced opposition from Germany.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel pushed back against the proposal, saying that the “production capacities and the high-quality standards, not the patents,” are the problem.

“The protection of intellectual property is a source of innovation, and it must remain so in the future,” she said.

News (4)

How can couples get along well during the pandemic?

Text in Chinese : Janssen / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

.. Each of you should love your wife as you love yourself. The wife should also respect her husband. (Ephesians 5:32)

Due to the severe covid epidemic and the high number of confirmed cases every day, Malaysia's leader announced that the nationwide movement control order was once again implemented. No one can go out at will, and many people also work from home. In this way, the time and opportunities for husband and wife to get along at home are virtually more than in the past, and the relationship between the two has also undergone subtle changes. The relationship is either better or worse.

How can couples get along well? The messenger of God advised us, "Husbands, love your wives as Christ loves the church." The "love" used by the apostle Paul here contains rich lessons and meanings. There are three words in the Greek used in Paul's time that can be translated into our "love" today. We need to clarify the difference between these three words, because many people's loose concepts in this area start from failing to understand the distinction.

One of the three is "eros", which describes the kind of completely carnal love. This word does not appear in the New Testament. Its adjective erotic is still widely used today to remind us of the content of this word. Of course, this is also a kind of love, but it is physical love, desire, and erotic; the characteristic of this love is selfishness.

 The current argument is that selfishness is not necessarily wrong, but this kind of love is basically selfish and is born out of lust. It wants to get something, and its main concern is "get." This is its level. So we can say that it belongs to the animal part of man. 

The popular "love" in the world today falls into this category. The world is proud of this "beautiful" romance and talks about it. As for the fact that a man is unfaithful to his wife, or that his wife has gone out of the wall, the fact that the child has suffered a lot is not mentioned. They only said that this man and his girlfriend had a "wonderful love", but did not mention that they broke their marriage vows and blasphemed the sacred ceremony; all they saw in the world were the "loving couple." Things like this are really endless in today's newspapers. There is only selfish, carnal, and lustful love in between, and it is this kind of love that is sung in the world today. 

As for the two words translated into "love" in the New Testament of the Bible, the other is "phileo", which really means "like". Its roots have derived words such as "philanthropic"  and "Philadelphia", which originally mean brotherly love/brother's love).

 Another word "love" has a more sublime artistic conception. This word is often used in the Bible to express God's love for us. "God loves the world"-the love here is Agape (holy love, selfless love).

A man was riding on a donkey, and his wife followed with a lot of things. When an officer saw this scene, he couldn't bear the style of such a big man, so he stepped forward and asked: "How can you ask your wife to take things while you are comfortable on the donkey?

"This is the custom here." The man said disapprovingly. During the war, the officer ran into the couple again. The difference is that this time the wife is ahead. The officer asked curiously: "Do you remember me? Why did you let your wife go ahead this time?" "Do you still need to ask? Because there are mines on the road," the man said.

It is true that some people are happy because they have conquered a woman (or man), but he (she) has forever lost the beauty of walking alongside her (him). God's use of man’s ribs instead of skulls or toe bones to create women itself foreshadows a kind of equality and interdependence, which is closest to the heart and closest. Shakespeare said, "All sincere love is built on respect." When there is no respect between partners but only mutual use, don't you think this is a kind of sadness? 

Under the pandemic, let's be blessed in disguise. Husband and wife are more united and enjoy the joy and satisfaction of family love and unity.

The characteristic of this love that God wants us to experience is to ignore ourselves. Christ gave himself up, he "denied himself" for the church. The characteristic of this love is sacrifice. This is a kind of "giving" love. It does not consider what can be gained, but only considers what benefits others can get. "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for the church."

Original Text:

每日天粮 夫妻之道 ……你们各人都当爱妻子,如同爱自己一样。妻子也当敬重她的丈夫。(以弗所书5章32节) 由于冠状病毒病疫情严重,每日确诊病例高居不下,国家领袖宣佈,全国再次落实行动管制令。谁也不能随意出门,许多人也改为居家工作。这样,夫妻在家相处的时间和机会无形中比过去都来得多,两人关系也起微妙变化。不是更好就是更糟。 夫妻相处之道,如何拿捏得好呢?上帝的使者这样劝导我们说:「你们作丈夫的,要爱你们的妻子,如同基督爱教会。」使徒保罗此处所用的「爱」,它本身含有丰富的教训和意义。保罗那个时代所用的希腊文里面有三个字可以译成我们今日的「爱」。我们需要弄清楚这三个字中间的差异,因为现今许多人在这方面松散的观念都是肇始于未能明白其中的分野。 三者中有一个是「eros」,形容那种完全属肉体的爱,这个字并未出现于新约。它的形容词erotic 今日仍被广泛使用,提醒我们这个字的内容,当然这也是一种爱,但它是肉体的爱,是欲望,是属情欲的;这种爱的特色即是自私。现今的说法是,自私并不一定就是错的,但这一种爱基本上是自私的,从情欲生出来的。它想有所得着,它主要关心的就是「得」。这就是它的层次。所以我们可以说,它属于人里面兽性的部份。今日世上流行的「爱」即属于这一类。世人以这种「美妙的」罗曼史为荣,并且津津乐道。至于男人对妻子不忠,或妻子红杏出墙,孩子深受其害的事实却只字不提。他们只说这个男人和他的女友中间滋生了「奇妙的爱情」,却不提他们各自破坏了婚姻的誓言,亵渎了神圣的仪式;所见诸于世的只是那「相爱的一对」。今日报纸上这一类的事真是层出不穷。这中间只有自私,属肉体、属情欲的爱,现今世界所歌颂的正是这一类的爱。 至于圣经新约中译成「爱」的有两个字,另一个是「phileo」,真正的意思是「喜欢」。它的字根又衍生出诸如「慈善心」(philanthropic)和「费城」(philadelphia)原意是手足之情/弟兄之爱)等字。 再一个「爱」字则有更崇高的意境。这个字在圣经中常常被用来表达上帝对我们的爱。「上帝爱世人」——这里的爱是Agape(圣洁的爱、 无私的爱)。 一男子骑在驴上,他的太太则拿了一大堆东西紧随其后。一位军官看到此景,实在无法忍受这种大男子的作风,便上前质问:“你怎么可以叫太太拿东西,而自己在驴上优哉悠哉呢? “这里的习俗就是如此。”那男人毫不以为然的说。战争时期,这位军官又巧遇这对夫妇。不同的是这次太太走在前面了。军官好奇的问:“你还记得我吧? 这次为什么改由太太走在前面呢?” “还用问吗?因为路上有地雷。”男人说。 确有人因为征服了女人(或男人)而沾沾白喜,可是,他却永远失去了与她(他)并肩而行的美妙。上帝所以用男人肋骨而不是用头骨或腳趾骨造女人,本身就预示着一种平等和相依,是最貼近心臟,最親近的。莎士比亚说:“一切真挚的爱是建筑在尊敬上面的。”当伴侣之间没有一份尊重而只有相互的利用,你不觉得这是一种悲哀吗? 但愿疫情之下,我们都能因祸得福,夫妻更加同心同德,享受天伦的喜乐和满足。 上帝要我們經歷和體驗的这种爱之特色,就是不顾念自己。基督舍了自己,他为教会「舍己」。这种爱的特色就是牺牲。这是一种「给予」的爱,它不考虑能得到什么,只顾及别人能得什么益处。「你们作丈夫的,要爱你们的妻子;正如基督爱教会,为教会舍己。」

News (4) to (8) / Reporter : Zhu Yuxian 

News (5)

People with mild illness may also die suddenly. The doctor reveals the "invisible hypoxia" covid terrible killer

The Taiwan epidemic cannot stop, and the local confirmed cases have broken through 100 consecutively. Recently, there have been several cases of sudden death at home. Why are covid patients easy to die suddenly at home? 

Huang Xuan, a specialist in thoracic and intensive care, pointed out that this kind of situation occurred as early as last year abroad. The foreign media named a beautiful fantasy called "happy hypoxia." This is a common occurrence in critically ill patients, with respiratory failure and one of the previous symptoms. 

Huang Xuan said that he had met in the outpatient clinic in the past a 62-year-old patient opened the outpatient clinic and sat down slowly with a smile. He slowly talked about the symptoms of the past week, "A cold sweat on my forehead... t the moment, I need the nursing staff to use oxygen quickly, because during the intensive medical training, I know that this is a silent hypoxia state! It's too late!" If you have difficulty breathing or chest tightness, the doctor reminds you to be careful. It is invisible hypoxia. (Image/shutterstock Dazhi Image) 

News (6)

The invisible killer that is difficult to detect is invisible hypoxia

Huang Xuan explained that many studies have pointed out that SARS-CoV-2 (covi, CCP virus) may affect lung function, although the symptoms may not be obvious to the patient. Foreign countries recommend that people with mild or asymptomatic covi infection can stay at home if they have no obvious symptoms, but it is often too late when they come to the hospital for treatment, because most of them have died at home. 

Huang Xuan said that if he is mildly or asymptomatic, he will still die. For many asymptomatic or mildly infected people, if they are combined with "invisible hypoxia," their symptoms often surprise many physicians. Some severely ill patients have already very low blood oxygen levels, and clinically they originally thought that these hypoxic people should have already been incoherent or in a state of shock but they are often conscious, emotionally stable, and can respond normally. They can also chat with a doctor or use their mobile phones. These invisible hypoxia sometimes occur gradually, sometimes very quickly, there are no symptoms in the morning, and the heartbeat stops at night. 

This makes it difficult for ordinary people to detect, so invisible hypoxia is also called "invisible killer."

News (7)

Difficulty to breathe or chest tightness is symptom of invisible hypoxia

Huang Xuan mentioned that in almost all clinical experiences, when lung diseases occur, the ability to absorb oxygen and remove carbon dioxide will have problems, but covid is a different disease. Most patients with asymptomatic or mild covi infection still have good heart function in the early stage of infection. So they still have the ability to transport blood to the peripheral parts of the body. 

The CCP virus will gradually deprive the body of oxygen, and patients will not feel breathing difficulties at the beginning, but some patients will gradually find it difficult to breathe or feel chest tightness. Both of these are symptoms listed by the US CDC as an emergency danger sign. When a covid patient has these two major symptoms, it is possible that invisible hypoxia is already in progress, and the condition has become very critical. 

News (8)

How does "invisible hypoxia" happen? 

Huang Xuan explained that the receptor protein "ACE2" attached to the surface of the cell membrane invades cells, and there are a lot of ACE2 in the lungs and alveoli. Once covi invades a certain number of cells, the human immune response and the virus will fight.  It will cause many alveolar damage. This may hinder the passage of oxygen from the alveoli into the blood. 

If the patient’s physical strength is good and the heart is strong enough, he can use muscles to compensate for shortness of breath several times. You can take in more oxygen molecules, and carbon dioxide can enter the lungs from the blood faster, excreted from the body, so it is less affected. However, when invisible hypoxia is occurring, it is difficult to detect. 

Covid will cause the movement of oxygen in the lungs to be incompatible with blood flow. Generally speaking, blood vessels will constrict, allowing blood to flow as far as possible into the gas-filled parts of the lungs to carry oxygen and reduce blood flow in hypoxic areas. 

However, the protection mechanism of covid patients may be abnormal, causing more blood to flow to the damaged parts of the lungs, but less blood to healthy parts. Therefore, invisible hypoxia occurs gradually and is difficult to detect. 

News (9)

"Happy hypoxia" will still kill people

Huang Xuan bluntly said that many patients have no ability to judge whether they are going to see a doctor or not. The face turns dark...These cases of sudden death at home have been on the rise. Some of them are only known to be caused by the CCP virus after death, but it is often too late. 

"Don't tell me, asymptomatic or mildly infected people, the lungs are healthy, and people will not die!" Huang Xuan said. Sometimes these people are experiencing "happy hypoxia", and the patients themselves do not know they are dying. In fact, "happy hypoxia" will still kill people, and it will not make people happy at all! 

News (10)

Video on the first day of the WHA opening 5 AIA voices to support Taiwan 

Image : WHA opens on 24 May. Five countries including Eswatini,  Nauru and Paraguay spoke in support of Taiwan's participation in WHA. (Picture/Reproduced from World Health Organization (WHO) Twitter)

The World Health Assembly (WHA) opened on 24 May 2021 local time. Five countries including Eswatini (formerly Swaziland), Nauru and Paraguay spoke in support of Taiwan’s participation in the WHA. There will be more friendly nations during the follow-up meeting and countries with similar ideas speak for Taiwan. The 74th World Health Assembly will be held by video from 24 May to 1 June 2021. 

On the first day of the meeting, three countries including Eswatini, Nauru and Paraguay publicly stood up. It is also understood that two AIAs also spoke for Taiwan in the closed-door General Committee. The 13 allies of Taiwan previously submitted a proposal to the World Health Organization (WHO) to invite Taiwan to attend the WHA as an observer. Today, the General Assembly held two "2 to 2 debates" in the closed-door General Committee and subsequent plenary meetings. The plenary meeting was an open "2 vs. 2 debate." In addition to the old tune, the CCP Chinese representative replayed the one-China principle and falsely claimed to have made proper arrangements for Taiwan but was immediately countered by allies. 

Nauru Health Minister Isabella Dageago mentioned that UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 and WHA Resolution 25.1 "have nothing to do with Taiwan" and should not continue to affect Taiwan's participation in the WHO. 

Eswatini Health Minister Lizzie Nkosi pointed out that Beijing's claim that it has made proper arrangements for Taiwan's participation in the WHO and that Taiwanese experts can participate in the WHO technical meeting. This argument is "not true." Taiwan applied to participate in a total of 199 WHO technical meetings from 2019 to 2020, but due to "China's intervention", Taiwanese experts actually only participated in 64 technical meetings.

 In addition, when speaking in various countries, Paraguayan Minister of Health Julio Borba supported Taiwan's participation in the WHA as an observer, and called on the WHO to ensure openness, transparency and inclusiveness, so that all walks of life can benefit from the operation of the WHO. During the follow-up meeting, more friends and countries with similar ideas will speak for Taiwan. (Central News Agency)

News (11) to (15) / Report by : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA / Source : 8world

News (11)

SHN facility female cleaner may be the source of infection of JEM and Westgate clusters

An epidemiological investigation by Singapore's Ministry of Health found that a female cleaner who worked in a designated facility for SHN may be the source of infection for JEM in Jurong East and the Westside shopping mall. The number of confirmed cases in this infection group has increased to 50.

The Ministry of Health stated that the authorities also found that the 62,933, 53-year-old local female cleaners diagnosed earlier had visited the Westgate shopping mall (Westgate) on 6 May. She may be the source of the JEM and the Westgate covi infection group. She works at Park Avenue Rochester, a designated SHN facility.

According to information released earlier by the Ministry of Health, the work of a 53-year-old female cleaner does not require contact with residents who perform the home notification. She had received two doses of the vaccine on 24 January and 16 February. She developed a runny nose and sore throat after finishing work on 5 May, and developed fever the next day. After that, she went to the clinic and was tested for covid. She was diagnosed on 7 May and was taken to the Singapore General Hospital by ambulance.

She had undergone a Rotational Periodic Test (RRT) and the results were all negative. When she received the RRT for the last time on 29 March, the result was also negative.

The Ministry of Health issued a statement on 24 May 2021 that the number of confirmed cases of this infection group has increased to 50, and covi may continue to spread among the public who have visited JEM or West Side. Therefore, it will expand the targets of Jurong East shopping centre JEM and Westgate's covi testing operation. Public members who have visited these two shopping malls from  10 to 22 May can receive free covi testing.

The Ministry of Health stated that a total of 36 cases of covid occurred locally on 24 May, 12 of which are inbound cases, and 24 are local infections. Two of the community cases are temporarily unrelated to other cases.
The current cumulative number of local cases in Singapore has reached 61,860 with 30 active clusters.

With 22 people discharged from hospital or leaving community isolation facilities, the number of recovered people reached 61,316. 244 people are still hospitalized, three of them are in critical condition in the intensive care unit, and another 268 people are receiving isolation and care in community facilities. There are 32 deaths.

News (12)

Five cases of infection among McDonald's food delivery workers increase, four people work at Pizza Hut in the same mall in Singapore

Five more confirmed covid cases have been added to the cluster of McDonald’s food delivery staff. Five of them are Pizza Hut delivery staff or kitchen staff. Four of them are working at Pizza Hut located in Punggol Plaza. 

A statement from the Ministry of Health last night (24 May) stated that two of them were Malaysian food delivery workers aged 31 and 34. The former worked at Pizza Hut in Punggol Plaza and were the two McDonald’s who had been diagnosed earlier. Close contacts of the food delivery staff; the latter works at the Pizza Hut branch at No. 2 Havelock II (Havelock II) and is listed as a close contact of the former.

The 31-year-old food delivery person had flu-like symptoms on 21 May, and was diagnosed the day before (23 May) after seeking medical attention on the same day, and also started coughing.

The other three confirmed cases are all working part-time at Pizza Hut, Punggol Life Club. Two of them are secondary school students, a 15-year-old local male student from Peicai Secondary School and one from Greendale Secondary School. A 16-year-old local male student. The two arrived at school on May 4 and May 17 respectively.

The 15-year-old student is a kitchen staff member of Pizza Hut. He developed symptoms on the 20th and did not seek medical attention. He also developed fever when he was diagnosed the day before (23 May).

The 16-year-old student was diagnosed asymptomatically and worked part-time at Pizza Hut. With the encouragement of his employer, he went to the clinic for covid testing the day before yesterday. He was diagnosed yesterday (24 May).

The other patient is an 18-year-old local man. As a part-time kitchen clerk in the restaurant, he also part-time delivers food to Grab and Deliveroo. He had a sore throat and loss of taste on 23 May, and was tested. He was diagnosed on 24 May. He has completed the first dose of the crown vaccine on 11 May.

This makes this infected group currently increase to ten people.

News (13)

Two more students from Singapore Polytechnic have been diagnosed, both visited Westgate

Two more students from the Singapore Polytechnic Institute have been diagnosed. They are two sisters, both of whom have visited the Westgate shopping mall and belong to the JEM Westgate infection group.

According to a statement issued by the Singapore Polytechnic, the two students are from Malaysia, and they are second-year and third-year students of the Faculty of Chemistry and Life Sciences.

The 20-year-old sister (case 63,664) visited Westgate on 10 May and developed a fever after class on 14 May. However, she did not go to the clinic until 19 May and was diagnosed on 23 May. The last time she returned to school on 14 May, she was already contagious, so all her close contacts in the school have received a quarantine order.

The 19-year-old sister (the 63665th case) visited the Westgate on 8, 10 and 11 May. She developed fever on 18 May and was diagnosed after seeking medical attention the next day. The last time she attended school was on 14 May but she was not contagious at the time.

The Singapore Institute of Technology has thoroughly disinfected the campus areas visited by the confirmed students.

News (14)

Singapore Polytechnic Institute testing operation, no one diagnosed

Singapore Polytechnic also launched a testing operation last Saturday (22 May) to actively conduct covi testing for students, faculty, and vendors to reduce the possibility of the spread of covid on campus.

All students, faculty members and vendors who have been tested have tested negative. Therefore, Singapore Polytechnic does not plan to expand the scope of testing to allow all students to be tested. The school urged staff and students to stay at home as much as possible during the second phase of high-alert unblocking.

News (15)

Covid tally of Singapore on 24 May 2021

The Ministry of Health stated that a total of 36 cases of covid occurred locally on 24 May, 12 of which were imported cases, and 24 were local infections. Two of the community cases were temporarily unrelated to other cases.
The current cumulative number of local cases in Singapore has reached 61,860. With 22 people discharged from hospital or leaving community isolation facilities, the number of recovered people reached 61,316. 244 people are still hospitalized, three of them are in critical condition in the intensive care unit, and another 268 people are receiving isolation and care in community facilities. There were 32 deaths.

News (16) to (22) / Editor : Ye Ziwei / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News (16)

Bahrain reports the largest single-day increase in cases

Bahrain reported 23 deaths from covid on Monday (24 May 2021). This is the largest single-day increase in new cases recorded in the country since the beginning of the pandemic.

Reuters reported that the country with a population of 1.7 million has seen a surge in cases in recent weeks. In response to the surge in infection rates, the authorities have restricted access to most public places for vaccinated residents.

The country’s officials announced earlier this month that they would expand the country’s vaccination coverage to include teenagers aged 12-17.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Gulf Arab country has recorded more than 218,000 cases and more than 800 deaths.

News (17)

Bahrain temporarily bans entry of travelers from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal

Bahrain announced that it  has temporarily banned travelers from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal from entering the country from 24 May 2021.

According to Reuters, this rule does not include residence visa holders, but they must provide a virus test before boarding the plane.

The country’s national news agency added that for vaccinated and unvaccinated people from all other countries, Bahrain will also require them to take preventive 10-day quarantine measures at home or in places where there is a permit for isolation.

News (18)

Chen Shizhong: Experts suggest extension of Taiwan's third level alert to 28 May

Taiwan’s CCP virus epidemic is spreading. Chen Shizhong, commander of the command center, said today that the national three-level alert will be temporarily maintained until May 28, but it is confirmed that an extension is being discussed after expert advice.

The Central News Agency reported that the epidemic is heating up. Keelung Mayor Lin Youchang said at a press conference in the morning that he strongly recommends the central government to extend the national three-level alert; the President of the Executive Yuan Su Zhenchang also instructed at today’s epidemic meeting whether the national three-level alert and related measures to strengthen epidemic prevention Need to extend the time, refer to the expert team of the command center for evaluation.

Chen Shizhong said that through the correction of the return, the true picture of the epidemic was presented, and the entire domestic epidemic trend remained at the peak of the epidemic from the 15th to the 17th. At this stage, the positive rate of rapid screening in Taipei has dropped to 5.9%, and in New Taipei, the positive rate of rapid screening remains 4%. The number of people and positive rates in other counties and cities are relatively small.

Chen Shizhong said that although quick screening is convenient, when the infection rate is not very high, the relative false positive rate may increase. The positive rise may cause unnecessary burdens.

News (19)

Taiwan added 334 local cases on 24 May, corrected and returned 256 cases

Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Centre announced on 24 May that there were 339 new confirmed cases of covid in Taiwan, 334 local cases and 5 inbound (including 3 cases in India and 1 case in the Philippines) , Nepal (1 case). There are 256 cases of corrected return to the community, a total of 595 cases. There were 6 new deaths among the confirmed cases.

Chen Shizhong, the commander of Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Centre, said in an epidemic press conference in the afternoon of 24 May that the newly added 334 local cases today are 157 males and 177 females, aged between under 5 and over 80, who are sick. Days range from 10 to 23 days. New Taipei has the most cases with 177 cases (43 cases in Banqiao District), followed by 99 cases in Taipei (more than 38 cases in Wanhua District), and 19 cases in Taoyuan. There were 12 cases in Changhua, 7 cases each in Keelung and Taichung, 5 cases in Kaohsiung, 3 cases each in Pingtung and Tainan, and 1 case each in Nantou and Hsinchu.

Chen Shizhong said that of the 256 cases of corrected regression, 157 were males and 99 were females. The age ranged from under 5 to over 90. The onset date was between 14 and 22 May. The cases were distributed in Taipei. 148 cases were the most (with 76 cases in Wanhua District), followed by 99 cases in New Taipei City (with 34 cases in Banqiao District), 6 cases in Taoyuan, 2 cases in Miaoli and 1 case in Taichung. To sum up all the cases, there are 200 cases related to Wanhua activity history, 34 cases related to tea art houses, 6 cases related to a certain society, 6 cases related to a fruit merchant, 138 cases of other known sources of infection, 101 cases of unknown association, 105 cases of epidemic investigation example. The relevant epidemic investigation is ongoing.

The command centre explained that among the 6 new deaths, case 1860 was a 70-year-old woman with a history of chronic diseases such as gastric cancer. She consulted a doctor on 14 May, confirmed on 17 May and died on 19 May. Case 2476 is a 70-year-old man with a history of chronic diseases such as tonsil malignant tumor. He developed fever on  17 May and sought medical attention. He was diagnosed on 19 May and died on 21 May. Case 2720 is a male in his 60s. He developed cough symptoms on 15 May and sought medical examination on the 16th. He was diagnosed on 20 May and died on 22 May.

News (20)

India's "black fungus disease" aggravates nearly 9,000 infections

Data shared by a senior Indian government minister on Saturday showed that India has recorded at least 8,848 cases of "black fungus disease" or mucormycosis, prompting government officials to send more treatments to states and federal territories.

Mucormycosis is a fungal infection, which is increasingly found in patients recovering from Covid-19 in India, especially those suffering from diabetes.

Statistics show that Gujarat State was the worst affected with 2,281 cases, followed by Maharashtra State with 2,000 cases. According to data shared by Indian Minister of Chemistry and Fertilizer Sadanand Gowda, such cases have been detected in 23 of all 36 states and federal territories in India.

Maharashtra State Health Minister Rajesh Tope said last week that at least 90 people have died of the disease and the state is facing a shortage of Amphotericin B and has already bought from global tenders.

As of Saturday, Maharashtra had received 5,090 bottles of the drug, and Top told reporters last week that he had placed an order for 190,000 bottles.

News (21)

The Minister of Health of Israel said that in view of the rapid decline in new infections, he is prepared to relax covid restrictions 

Image : Jack Guez / AFP

The Minister of Health of Israel said that the number of new infections in Israel has dropped sharply and that he is preparing to relax covid restrictions on on 1 June 2021 but will maintain strict controls on inbound passengers.

Reuters reported that Israel has gradually reopened its economy after experiencing three blockades. At present, most people have been vaccinated by Pfizer, and about 92% of people aged 50 and over have been vaccinated or recovered from the disease. The country only reported 12 new cases of the disease on Saturday, which is lower than the daily peak of 10,000 cases in January.

In other words, from 1 June 2021, Israel will cancel the country’s "Green Pass", "Purple Pass" and other epidemic prevention and control measures.

According to the previous government’s epidemic prevention and control requirements, only vaccinators and recovered persons can enter shopping malls, restaurants and other public places with the "Green Pass"; while Israeli companies need to follow the requirements of the "Purple Pass" to take body temperature measurements at the entrance and maintain Measures such as social distancing between its employees and customers.

Although Israel has begun to allow a small number of vaccinated tourists to enter, it will still maintain border prevention and control for most inbound tourists. The Ministry of Health will also review the requirements for wearing masks in enclosed spaces.

News (22)

Compulsory testing on the sixth closed area of ​​Victoria Harbour, Tai Kok Tsui, Hong Kong

As of 24 May 2021, two new confirmed covid cases have been reported in Hong Kong. In response to a preliminary diagnosis of a Filipino domestic helper, which initially revealed that the N501Y mutant virus strain was involved, the government last night sealed Block 6, Victoria Harbour, Tai Kok Tsui, where her prospective employer lives, as a "restricted area" and required people in the building to undergo compulsory testing.

A government spokesman said that as the case initially showed that a variant virus strain was involved. After evaluation, it was considered that the risk of infection at Victoria Harbour Tower 6 was higher, and it was decided to make a restriction and test announcement. The building was designated as a "restricted area" starting at 8 o'clock last night, and people in the building were required to undergo mandatory testing before 12.30 am on 24 May. The operation is expected to be completed at about 7 am on 24 May.

In addition, the government announced last night that 13 people were sent to hospital after being vaccinated against the Chinese Communist Party virus at a community vaccination center or general outpatient clinic on the 19th. A 54-year-old man was sent to Yan Chai Hospital for bradycardia and irregular heartbeat after receiving the first dose of BioNTech vaccine at the Tsuen King Wai Sports Centre. He was required to stay in the hospital for observation. The remaining 12 people have been discharged after treatment.


News (23) to (25) / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News (21)

Guangzhou patient diagnosed with B.1.617 may have spread the virus in community

The covid outbreak in Guangdong Province continues to spread. Mainland media reported on 24 May that the female patient surnamed Guo, who was diagnosed on No. 21 in Liwan District, Guangzhou, was confirmed to be infected with the covi mutant strain B.1.617. The patient's husband on 23 May was also diagnosed.

The report said that the 75-year-old female patient surnamed Guo had not left Guangzhou in the past 14 days, but had been to 8 places in Liwan District. The trajectory of her husband's activities is basically the same as her.

Guangzhou officials did not state the source of the patient's infection, only saying that "accidental exposure caused accidental infection."

Chinese netizens were dissatisfied with this vague statement and questioned them. What does accidental exposure mean? Where is she exposed? Is there an undiscovered chain of infection in Guangzhou? It is impossible for an old man to stay in Guangzhou and be suddenly infected with B.1.617?

Based on this, some mainland experts inferred that B.1.617 covi variant has spread in the Guangdong community.

News (24)

Epidemic expands, Shenzhen closes village, Yingkou rushes to build quarantine area

At the same time, the number of cases in Shenzhen is also increasing. Online video shows that Xikeng Village and Anliang Village, Henggang District, where the confirmed cases live, have closed their villages and closed their unit buildings. The villagers in the village are stepping up their nucleic acid tests.

The Bayuquan District Hospital in Yingkou City, Liaoning Province, is rushing to build a quarantine area. Some netizens questioned that this shows that there are too many people recruited. What is the real number?

News (25)

New evidence of virus origin? Three people of WIV were infected, their medical treatment information exposed

Whether SARS-CoV-2 (CCP virus, covi) comes from the laboratory of Wuhan Institute of Virology, CCP China, has always been concerned. On 23 May, the US "Wall Street Journal" disclosed a previously undisclosed US intelligence report, stating that as early as a month before the covid outbreak in Wuhan, three researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology fell ill and sought medical treatment at the same time. It seems to provide new evidence for the source of the virus.

The report said that the report provided the number of sick researchers, the length of time they were sick, and the details of their hospital visits.

Since the time of the report's exposure is on the eve of the World Health Organization's "World Health Assembly", it is estimated that this may increase the international community's call for further investigations into the laboratory origin of the virus. 

News (26)

U.S. Senator: The Chinese people are very good, the Chinese Communist government is very mean

Editor : Yun Tao / Source : The Epoch Times via NTD / / Direct translation

Image : On 23 February 2021, U.S. Senator Rick Scott speaks at the Senate hearing. (Erin Scott-Pool/Getty Images)

On Sunday (23 May), US Senator Rick Scott of Florida, in an interview with the media, called on Americans to stop buying from Communist China any commodity; he also emphasized that the Chinese people are very good, but the Chinese Communist government is very despicable.

On Sunday morning, Scott said in an interview with WABC 770 AM-NY’s "The Cats Roundtable" program: "We should stop buying anything from communist China. They (the CCP) are not our friends. The (Chinese) people are wonderful. Their government is despicable.”

Scott told the host John Catsimatidis that even during the Cold War with Russia, the United States "never considered buying anything from the Soviet Union."

He added, "The Chinese (CPC) government, communist China, what they want to do is to rule the world."

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) does not care about Americans and their rights. Scott said, "They (the CCP, the same below) don’t believe in your rights. If you look at how they treat their citizens, how do you think they think of Americans? They imprison a million people because of their religious beliefs. If you are in prison, they will harvest your organs without authorization."

He added, "They have deprived Hong Kong citizens of their basic rights. They have established their own army in an attempt to defeat the US military. They are threatening Taiwan. Therefore, the way we want to defeat them is that we must stop doing business with them-stop." 

He said that Americans cannot continue to fuel the Chinese economy. Before buying a product, ask everyone who sells the product, "Is it made in (CCP) China?"

Scott said, "We cannot continue to help them develop their economies, because as their economies grow and develop, we will never be able to defeat (it), or go when they want to invade Taiwan or any place (other). Defend (those places)."

Finally, the senator said that China under the CCP is an expansionary country... The CCP wants to control every country in the world.

More and more American politicians are distinguishing the "CCP" from the "Chinese people". Former U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo delivered a speech entitled "Communist China and the Future of the Free World" at the Nixon Presidential Library in California on July 23, 2020. He pointed out that the Communist Party of China has been lying, "The biggest lie it has told is: The Chinese Communist Party speaks on behalf of 1.4 billion people who are monitored, oppressed, and afraid to speak."

"On the contrary, the CCP is more afraid of the honest opinions of the Chinese people than any enemy. Apart from fear of losing control of power, the CCP has no reason to fear." Pompeo said that the free world should unite the Chinese people and oppose the CCP's tyranny. If the free world does not change Communist China, Communist China will definitely change us."

When Pompeo attended the event to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 8, 2019, he also described the "CPC" and the "Chinese people" separately, praised the Chinese people for being smart and capable, and emphasized that "the conflict between the U.S. and China is only a matter of the U.S. and the CCP" conflict".

When former Vice President Pence delivered his second public speech on China policy in October 2019, he also distinguished the CCP from the Chinese people, saying, "The American people want the Chinese people to live a better life... Everything shows that the CCP has been separated from the world".

On 14 April 2021, the US Senate Intelligence Committee held a public hearing on "Global Threats." Senator Mark Warner, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, emphasized at the beginning of the hearing, “In responding to the challenges posed by the rise of China (the Chinese Communist Party), our problem is the Chinese Communist Party, not the Chinese people or overseas Chinese. Of course it’s not Asian Americans in the United States."

News (27)

U.S. intelligence community has undisclosed Wuhan virus institute report, MPs are concerned

Reporter : Lin Yan / Editor : Li Yuan / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

Image : On 3 February 2021, a team of WHO experts arrived at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to investigate the source of the CCP virus; the local police prevented foreign journalists from entering. (Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images)

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) on Sunday (23 May 2021) disclosed a report never made public by the US intelligence agency on the Wuhan Institute of Virology, China. Three of the researchers developed serious illness in November 2019 and were sent to a doctor for treatment. This phenomenon is one month earlier than the first case of covid announced by the CCP.

The report stated that several researchers in the laboratory fell ill in the fall of 2019, with “symptoms consistent with the covi infection and common seasonal diseases”. The laboratory is a centre for research on coronaviruses and other pathogens.

Where did the CCP virus that originated in Wuhan, China first spread to people in 2019? Although the intelligence did not say what kind of disease the three people had, their illness time was earlier than the first batch of COVID-19 patients announced by the Chinese Communist Party in December, which once again intensified the discussion of the source of the virus.

A few months ago, the U.S. State Department published a "fact report" during the final stage of the Trump administration. The report said, "The U.S. government has reason to believe that several researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology fell ill in the fall of 2019, and the first case of new coronavirus patients was discovered shortly thereafter. Their symptoms are related to the new coronavirus and ordinary seasonal diseases. It's consistent."

However, the latest report of WSJ stated that the intelligence report they saw was more specific than the published State Council report. It not only provided the number of people sick in the laboratory and the time of illness, but also explained the details of their visits to the hospital. 

The World Health Assembly held its annual meeting on Monday (24 May).

The highest level of the Chinese Communist Party has ordered that governments at all levels should strictly control and block virus research data and related research results information. Any articles and speeches that doubt or question the source of the virus have completely disappeared from the domestic media and the Internet.

Although Chinese scholars conducted some investigations on the virus host early after the outbreak, and put forward a number of inferences, they were later rejected.

At the same time, Beijing started a large-scale propaganda war against the Chinese Communist Party because of concerns that the global pandemic might cause the international community to hold the CCP accountable.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Communist Party of China has repeatedly targeted the United States. First, it was said that American athletes brought the virus to Wuhan during the 2019 Wuhan Military Games. Later, it said that the virus may have come from a laboratory in a military base in Maryland, the United States.

After the WSJ report was published, at least six Republican federal congressmen expressed concern about this matter. Senator Rand Paul tweeted, “I asked Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIH) about the many reasons why COVID escaped from Wuhan, and that we should not fund but also fund. Are there many reasons for Wuhan or any experiment to create a virus with enhanced functions?"

Senator Ron Johnson sent a letter to Fauci last week, asking NIH to respond to relevant content such as the Wuhan Institute of Viology. He tweeted again on Monday, "It is extremely important to get information about what happened in the Wuhan laboratory and the progress of the functional enhancement experiment there. I look forward to NIH's cooperation and reply to my letter."

White House spokesman Jen Psaki said when asked about the origin of covid investigation on Monday: "We now hope that the WHO will enter a more transparent independent second phase (origin of the virus) investigation."

The Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin tweeted that what the White House said is not a word of strategy. He wrote, "The Biden-Harris administration is shirking responsibility. The WHO (investigating the origin of the virus) has failed." 

Senator Mike Braun said on Monday that he and his colleague Josh Hawley jointly proposed a bill requiring the Biden-Harris administration to declassify all intelligence between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the covid pandemic.

Congressman Mike Gallagher also called on the US intelligence agency to declassify relevant documents on Monday.

He tweeted, "In investigating the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the CCP continues to lie, shirk responsibility, and refuses to cooperate. We must declassify the information we have so that the American people — and the world — can begin to get information about this big issue. The answer to the origin of the epidemic." 

News (28) to (33) / Host : Tang Jingyuan / Publisher : Fast Commentary Insights / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News (28)

Where does the virus come from? U.S. media exposes new evidence again

Let's talk about the exclusive news of The Wall Street Journal first.

This report was published on 23 May evening. The main content is that, according to a previously undisclosed US intelligence report, three researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China had a serious illness in November 2019 and went to the hospital to seek medical advice and healing.

According to reports, this report contains more details than the State Department briefing issued in the last few days of the Trump administration. The briefing only stated at the time that all Wudu researchers became ill in the fall of 2019, with "symptoms consistent with the covi infection and common seasonal diseases."

So what are the important new details? The report said that this latest report disclosed the number of sick researchers in the WIV, the time of their illness, and their visits to the hospital.

The report quoted an insider as saying that this was provided by an international partner, which may be of great significance, but it still needs further investigation and verification.

Another informed official confirmed, “We have obtained this information from various sources. The information is very reliable and very accurate. What the intelligence does not say is why they (the aforementioned researchers) got sick.”

Why is the United States now revealing that such a report exists? A direct reason is that the decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO) is about to hold a meeting, which is expected to discuss the next stage of the traceability investigation of the Chinese Communist virus (new crown virus). Therefore, this report is clearly reminding the WHO: We still have dry goods in our hands, and you should not cover it up for the CCP.

Many friends may still have the impression that Secretary Tan Desai Tan unexpectedly changed his face after the WHO investigation team issued an investigation report. He insisted that the "laboratory source" cannot be ruled out, which surprised many people at one time. If we make a reasonable guess, it cannot be ruled out that he may already know that the US government has some hard currency in the hands, so he must leave room for himself.

This news quickly attracted the attention of the Chinese and American governments. In response to the Wall Street Journal's request for comment, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the United States continues to hype the laboratory leak theory. Is it really concerned about the source of the virus or is it trying to divert attention?

The Biden administration declined to comment on this intelligence, but stated that all technically credible theories about the origin of the epidemic should be investigated by WHO and international experts.

Zhao Lijian’s response is not surprising at all. The statement of “diversion” is nothing more than implying that a certain laboratory in the United States also has a problem, so the United States is using the other party’s laboratory to cover up its own laboratory’s problems.

This is the tactic we are already familiar with by the CCP, which is to put the dark tricks that we use on others, with the purpose of mixing up the water and making a profit from it.

For example, the previous book on the CCP's military research on biological weapons is also a typical example. On the surface, books are everywhere about how foreign terrorist forces use biological weapons to harm our party and how we need to prevent them, but in fact, it is the CCP that is covering up for its own development of biological weapons.

Because there is one of the most basic principles in the field of biological virus research, that is: if you want to study the antidote, you must first fully study the poison. Only by knowing what the poison works, it is possible to study the antidote to the case. Therefore, the CCP keeps saying that we are researching vaccines to prevent terrorist attacks, etc. In fact, there is no difference in the technical route of researching antidote or researching poisons. The only difference between the two is motivation: research results are used to save people. Still killing.

Of course, nobody is sure that the CCP has created the virus. At present, we do not have any direct evidence, including the US government intelligence report just mentioned, which is only indirect evidence, so I can only have one point here. The facts speak for themselves. But it can be seen from this that the CCP’s usual trick is that when it accuses others of doing something particularly evil, it is precisely what it is doing.

News (29)

Incited but not sent, Biden's attitude changed

It is not surprising that the CCP has thrown away the pot. What is strange is that the Biden administration has made a very standard "politically correct" statement.

After the Biden administration took office, the entire left media's attitude towards the source of the virus has undergone a significant change. From the past, the "lab source" was labelled as a conspiracy theory, and it was transformed into objective reporting of relevant evidence. The most surprising thing is that Dr. Fauci, the most iconic figure, the chief epidemic adviser of the US government, has also undergone an almost 180-degree change in attitude.

A year ago, he very firmly claimed that the CCP virus evolved naturally. But now, just a few days ago, he publicly stated that he was not sure that this was a natural evolution, and he even asked the questioner, "Do you still believe that it is a natural evolution?"

In view of the close relationship between Fauci and the Biden administration, it is easy to notice the actual change from his attitude to see what the true attitude of the Biden administration is.

As mentioned earlier, this intelligence comes from an "international partner" of the United States, not the United States itself. Judging from the information disclosed, the details of the three researchers from WIV, including their symptoms, have been grasped, indicating that it is very likely that the United States has obtained the medical record report.

The medical materials of the researchers of WIV may not be available to ordinary people, so  a reasonable guess is made, it cannot be ruled out that some insiders brought out some materials and transferred them to the U.S. government.

So this is a very interesting situation. The CCP may not know exactly what materials the United States has in its possession, so it can only confuse the water, and dare not come up with something practical to refute, because it is afraid that it will be trapped without knowing the opponent’s cards. passive.

Regardless of whether the Trump administration or the Biden administration, the U.S. has always been in a state of ignorance. This makes the CCP spit a little bit of saliva and never dares to act rashly.

The reason why this report was leaked to the media should be the decision made by the Biden administration after a comprehensive review of relevant information. This shows that relevant evidence forced Biden to give up the illusion of cooperating with the CCP on the epidemic issue-you know, this was what he had publicly stated before.

News (30)

The death of Yuan Longping detonates 5 major controversies

Image : Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice"  (Web Screenshot)

Discussions over Yuan Longping incident were very lively this weekend in the Chinese world.

Yuan Longping's death is supposed to be just a piece of ordinary news. In the past, so many academicians have passed away. I have never seen anyone who has been hyped up so much. Therefore, Yuan Longping is now being speculated as a "national saviour" to such a degree that it has become a major stability maintenance incident, which shows that Yuan Longping itself does have some particularities.

The Chinese Communist Party's official hype about Yuan Longping's death is beyond specifications. From the grand scene of farewell by tens of thousands of people, to the high-ranking of Hunan Secretary and Governor Qi; from the "Guo Shi Wushuang" online copy and post with thousands of articles, to the self-slapped face style of the party media first publishing, then refuting the rumors, and then overturning the rumors. The special manuscripts all show that the CCP’s report on Yuan Longping’s death was meticulously arranged with great effort.

Moreover, all the CCP’s hype about Yuan Longping has always been concentrated in one place, that is: Yuan Longping is the father of hybrid rice, and the Chinese rely on him to eat their stomachs. Therefore, Yuan Longping is a "savior" type figure. Guo Shi Wushuang", his death was a huge loss for China, etc.

And what extends from this focus is all kinds of huge controversies. I have seen at least the following controversies:

1. Is Yuan Longping qualified to be called the father of hybrid rice?
2. Do Chinese really rely on hybrid rice to avoid starvation?
3. Has Yuan Longping become an untouchable myth? Is it the same as being arrested and imprisoned for breaking the law?
4. Yuan Longping said that tens of millions of Chinese people died of starvation in the Great Famine. Is the CCP affirmative or negative about this?
5. Why does the CCP want to uphold Yuan Longping to the altar indefinitely?

News (31)

Does "Father of Hybrid Rice" live up to its name?

Regarding the first question, this is actually a very professional question. Generally speaking, only rice experts may be authoritative to judge whether a person is qualified to bear the title of "father" in a certain field. But as far as we know some common sense things, we can also know that Yuan Longping's achievements seem to have not yet reached the height of creating an unprecedented epoch-making contribution.

According to previous reports by the official media, it was said that Yuan Longping’s hybrid rice increased the rice yield per mu in China by 20%, thus feeding an additional 70 million people. However, what the official media avoided mentioning was that the hybrid rice cultivated by Yuan Longping that year had not been harvested due to a large-scale outbreak of rice blast not long after it was promoted. At that time, the hybrid rice "Shanyou 63" cultivated by another expert named Xie Hua'an was rescued in time. As a result, Xie Hua'an's "Shanyou 63" ranked first in the sown area for 16 consecutive years.

For this reason, Xie Hua'an has always been respected as the "mother of hybrid rice" by industry insiders-this is of course Yuan Longping's "father of hybrid rice" has been officially identified, and no matter how much other people contribute, they can only give way.

In fact, there are still many people who have achieved professional achievements on par with Yuan Longping. For example, Zhou Kaida, who is also an academician of the Academy of Engineering with Yuan Longping, can compete with Yuan Longping in terms of generation and status. Zhou Kaida independently cultivated the Gang series and D series hybrid rice, which did not have any intersection with Yuan Longping’s route. Known as the "Father of Southwest Hybrid Rice."

Many people directly regard Yuan Longping as the father of super rice. Xinhua News Agency reported on Yuan Longping’s super rice almost two weeks ago, but in fact the concept of “super rice” was first proposed by the Japanese, even in China. Among the people, it was not Yuan Longping who first proposed the concept of super rice, but Yang Shouren, an expert returned from the United States. Today, when we open the Baidu Encyclopedia search on the mainland, we can also see that Yang Shouren’s name is accompanied by the title of "Father of Chinese Super Rice".

Others are similar. For example, the entire japonica rice area in the north also has a "Father of the Great Northern Wilderness Rice" who has nothing to do with Yuan Longping, named Xu Yirong.

Therefore, we can see that in the field of hybrid rice, Yuan Longping is not the only one. Regardless of his professional and technical contributions, or the actual planting output, there are actually many people who are comparable to Yuan Longping. Therefore, Yuan Longping's being called "the father of hybrid rice" is actually the product of a special political environment.

News (32)

Does Yuan Longping feed the Chinese people?

The second question, and the most controversial one, is that Yuan Longping’s contribution to the fullness of the Chinese people?

This is actually a matter of common sense in itself, because even the CCP’s own propaganda has said that Chinese people mainly rely on two men to feed themselves: one is Deng Xiaoping, who represents policy liberalization, and the other is Yuan Longping, who represents technological improvement.

Let's not talk about whether this statement is accurate or not. With regard to this statement alone, the CCP itself has never dared to deny that institutional factors play a more important role in the issue of "satisfying."

It's just that the current political trend has changed drastically, and Deng Xiaoping has become politically correct to downplay or even deny. That's why we will see a large number of fools who lack basic common sense, such as "Yuan Longping let the Chinese eat their stomachs", are all over the sky.

A basic common sense is that China's grains are mainly divided into five categories: corn, rice, wheat, potatoes, and beans. Among them, corn, rice, wheat and other grains occupy the absolute main force, while rice accounts for only one-third of the proportion. What proportion does Yuan Longping's hybrid rice account for?

This is a very professional question. Someone once made rough statistics and concluded that the total output of various hybrid rice accounts for about 1/12 of the total grain output, while Yuan Longping's rice accounts for only 1/30.

Of course, let's do not intend to belittle Yuan Longping's achievements here. It is an objective fact that his hybrid rice has increased yields, but his contribution to the increase in China's grain production is far less than the sensational text reported by the party media. It is also a fact.

The main rice-producing countries in the world do not have a character like Yuan Longping, but there has never been a tragedy like the Great Famine in China. Including countries such as the Soviet Union and Cambodia that had experienced great famines, the end of the famine was not because of characters like Yuan Longping who came to save the whole nation.

During the three-year great famine in CCP China, there were no particular natural disasters. The official records of climate, droughts, floods, etc. were roughly the same as the previous normal years. Therefore, the root cause of the famine was man-made disaster, which was caused by Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward and the communist wind. In fact, as soon as the Great Leap Forward stopped, the famine soon ended.

After Deng Xiaoping’s opening policy, Yuan Longping’s hybrid rice was just getting started. The Chinese quickly filled their stomachs and gradually got rid of their dependence on food stamps, indicating that the system is the root cause of the Chinese people’s hunger.

Yuan Longping mentioned in an interview that it was because he witnessed the tragic famine with his own eyes that he determined to engage in hybrid rice to increase yields. This statement is also right or wrong. That’s right, because he proved as a witness how tragic the CCP’s famine was. This made those who want to deny the existence of the famine very frustrated, because there is no way to deny Yuan Longping.

It’s not true because Yuan Longping’s original intention was simple, but he did not see that the fundamental cause of the Great Famine was the institutional problems of the communist fundamental economic route, not the technical problems of rice production.

News (33)

Secret: Why the CCP made Yuan Longping a god

Therefore, we have seen the CCP’s current pressure to maintain stability and suppress all voices that question Yuan Longping. It not only permanently bans dozens of Weibo accounts, but also arrests several dissidents. The most fundamental reason is here- This is also the most important question we have to discuss: why the CCP wants to launch a god-making movement against Yuan Longping.

In other words, the CCP’s infinite exaltation of Yuan Longping is also a savior and a savior of the country. The purpose is one: to instill a fixed concept for the Chinese people-the Chinese people are hungry and famine because the rice output is too low. Technical problems, not institutional problems or policy errors.

This is the fundamental purpose of the CCP’s desperate speculation of Yuan Longping, which is to deliberately guide the public to avoid the CCP’s institutional factors. In this way, not only can we get rid of the culpability of "the communist system caused the great famine," it can also in turn reinforce a lie that the CCP has always instilled: It is the CCP that feeds China's 1.4 billion people.

In the past, the CCP has repeatedly used this point as its outstanding political performance, such as using 7% of the world’s arable land to feed 22% of the population, etc. The subtext is that thanks to the wise leadership of the CCP, the Chinese people are fed up. And how did the general public simply accept this complicated, professional and huge lie?

It's very simple, it's through Yuan Longping. The Chinese Communist Party's Yuan Longping, a very concrete figure with flesh and blood, has become a huge symbol of the CCP's solution to the problem of eating. The public accepted Yuan Longping's heroic image of "national savior," and naturally accepted the potential theme of "the CCP feeds the Chinese." The two are closely tied together. Cracking down on those who question Yuan Longping does not really want to protect Yuan Longping’s reputation, but to protect the theme of the legitimacy of the regime behind the CCP.

Yuan Longping may indeed be a real scientist, he has not even joined the party. But this does not prevent the CCP from making full use of him to achieve its own goals. We have seen that trying every means to grab the wisdom of all Chinese people and stick it to ourselves, and then refer to the party's credit. This has always been a trick of the CCP. 

News (34)

The airliner bomb threat comes from Hamas? Belarus's dumping was denied

Editor : Lu Yongxin / / Direct translation

Image : On 23 May 2021, in Minsk, a Ryanair Boeing 737-8AS (flight number FR4978) parked on the tarmac of Minsk International Airport. (AFP via Getty Images)

The Belarusian authorities falsely claimed on 23 May that there was a bomb threat, forced an international flight of Ryanair to diverted to Belarus, and arrested dissidents on board, which were strongly criticized by Western countries. In order to defuse the international protests, Belarus claimed on 24 May that the false bomb threat that caused the passenger plane to fly to Minsk was issued by the self-proclaimed Palestinian armed group Hamas, but Hamas has denied any involvement in this matter.

Western countries accused Belarus of forcing a passenger plane to land as an act of "national hijacking." The White House even criticized this as a shameless insult to international peace and security by the regime.

In order to defuse the intensified international protests, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus stated in Minsk that Belarus’s actions are in compliance with international regulations.

A senior Belarusian transportation official read the text of what he called the bomb threat briefing: "We Hamas fighters demand a ceasefire in the Gaza Corridor, and we demand the European Union to withdraw its support for Israel in this war."

"There is a bomb on that passenger plane. If you don't obey our request, the bomb will explode over Vilnius (the capital of Lithuania) on May 23."

But Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said, "It has nothing to do with that."

Barhoum pointed out, "We will not adopt this type of approach. This may be a masterpiece of some suspicious elements who intend to demonize Hamas and undermine the world's sympathy for the Palestinian people and their legitimate struggle."

News (35)

Belarus, U.S. and Europe demand full investigation on Ryanair plane's emergency landing in Belarus

Reporter : Li Zhaoxi / Editor : Li Jia / / Direct translation 

Image : On 23 May 2021, a Boeing 737-8AS Ryanair passenger plane from Athens, Greece, landed at Vilnius International Airport in Lithuania and was forced to land in Belarus on the way. (Petras Malukas/AFP via Getty Images)

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated on Sunday (23 May) that Washington requested an emergency landing of the Irish Ryanair airliner in Minsk, Belarus, full investigation, and said that it will work closely with the European Union to solve the mystery.

On Sunday, a Ryanair airliner from Athens to Vilnius, Lithuania turned suddenly and flew to Minsk, the capital of Belarus, and was escorted by a Soviet-era MiG-29 fighter jet (MiG-29). When the plane landed, the authorities detained Roman Protasevich, an independent journalist and blogger in exile in Poland. Some EU leaders directly referred to the incident as "hijacking."

The incident caused anger in the United States and the European Union. Blinken said in a statement that the United States strongly condemns the forcible diversion of flights between the two EU member states, and the subsequent removal and arrest of journalist Protasevich in Minsk. "We demand his immediate release."

Blinken said that the preliminary report showed that the Belarusian security services were involved and the use of Belarusian military aircraft to escort passenger planes. This is a cause for deep concern and requires a full investigation. He added that the United States is "coordinating actions with our partners, including the European Union and officials from Lithuania and Greece."

Blinken emphasized that the incident endangered the lives of more than 120 passengers, including American citizens, and a full investigation must be conducted.

"In view of the signs that the forced landing was based on false excuses, we support the International Civil Aviation Organization Council to convene a meeting as soon as possible to review the incident." Blinken said in a statement.

At the same time, the forced landing aroused unanimous condemnation from the entire EU. EU member Lithuania urged the EU and NATO to respond. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, warned that Protasevich must be released immediately and those responsible for the "Ryanair hijacking incident" must be sanctioned. She also added that EU leaders will discuss what actions to take when they meet in Brussels on Monday.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg tweeted, "This is a serious and dangerous incident that requires international investigation."

The Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the U.S. Senate, Bob Menendez, and the heads of seven European Parliament foreign affairs teams jointly issued a statement condemning the forced landing as "piracy." They called for a ban on all Belarusian flights, and called on NATO and EU countries to impose sanctions and suspend Belarus’ "use of the capabilities of Interpol."

Belarus held elections in August, and the opposition and Western countries generally believed that it was a hoax. The United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom and Canada have imposed asset freezes and travel bans on nearly 90 Belarusian officials, including Lukashenko. This incident will undoubtedly worsen the already bad relationship between the West and Belarus.

News (36)

The epidemic hits Taiwan! Today, 281 local confirmed cases have been added, and 261 cases have been corrected and returned, vaccines arrive 

Editors : Li Jiayan, Wang Yahui / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

The epidemic in Taiwan continues to spread, and the number of confirmed cases has exceeded 100 in a day. Today (25 May), 281 local confirmed cases and 261 cases have been corrected and returned. The confirmed footprints are all over Taiwan, and the national three-level alert and related strengthened epidemic prevention.

Whether the measures need to be extended or not, the Central Epidemic Command Centre still depends on the situation. In addition, the Command Centre also keeps appealing that people who enter and exit public places should do a good job of epidemic prevention and implement a joint system, suspend non-essential activities, and reduce the risk of infection. 

Further covi vaccine deliveries will arrive in Taiwan. The epidemic commander Chen Shizhong announced on 25 May that the covi vaccine will arrive in batches in June. It is expected that there will be 2 million doses in June and 10 million doses should arrive in Taiwan by the end of August. In addition, the 410,000 doses of AZ vaccine that arrived in Taiwan a few days ago will be launched on 27 May, and the target will still be controlled by high-risk personnel on the front line.

On the 410,000 doses of AZ vaccine, Chen Shizhong revealed that the direction is still to use high-risk medical staff, transport personnel, epidemic prevention hotels and strengthen epidemic prevention. The first line of defense personnel such as hotels, centralized quarantine stations, and police colleagues are all targets of vaccination and epidemic control.

Chen called upon suppliers in hope to supply them with the vaccines on the original schedule, and the COVAX platform will also not be "disturbed" by the schedule due to other factors. 

News (37)

The epidemic hits Taiwan +281! Correction and regression of 261 cases, "6 deaths" 

Editors : Zhang Yongling, Cai Minggen / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

The domestic epidemic of covid in Taiwan continues to spread. On 25 May, besides 281 local cases and 261 corrected return cases, there have been 6 deaths. Faced with the situation that the epidemic has not slowed down. The national three-level alert that was originally scheduled to expire on 28 May will also be extended to June. In fact, Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe said bluntly this morning that the current epidemic in Shuangbei will not be easy to unblock on 28 May. Therefore, it is planned to extend the suspension time. New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi  emphasized that New Taipei will synchronized anti-epidemic measures with Taipei.

With the six deaths, the number of covid fatalities has risen to 35.

News (38) to (40) / Report / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA, Zhao Lipan, TVBS

News (38)

The epidemic fever is hard to get rid of! Command Center: National Level 3 Vigilance, suspension of classes until 14 June 2021

 Due to the local covid fever, the national level three alert was intended to end on 28 May. However, the command centre recently stated that because the local epidemic situation has not improved, experts are discussing whether to extend it. Chen Shizhong said on 25 May that the national three-level alert is now extended to 14 June  2021, and the national suspension date is also extended to 14 June.

Taiwan Ministry of Education announced today that in response to the extension of the third level of the epidemic alert nationwide, in order to reduce the risk of group infections, and to protect the health and learning rights of school teachers and students, schools at all levels and public and private kindergartens across Taiwan have stopped attending classes at school until 14 June. 

Children’s after-school care service centers, other schools and educational institutions also ask all students to stop visiting and stay at home to study. 

News (39)

Taiwan MOE provides relevant support and supporting facilities

The relevant support and supporting facilities provided by the Ministry of Education are as follows: 

1. Parent Service: During the extended suspension of school, if there are children under the age of 12 and children with disabilities in the family who need to take care of them, parents can take "epidemic prevention care leave"; students under high school (including Parents of kindergartens who are unable to take care of them at home or students who are unable to learn at home for some reason), the school (including kindergartens) will still arrange manpower to provide students with school learning, care and meals; during home online learning, it will continue to strengthen the caring mechanism for disadvantaged students so that the meal assistance is not interrupted. 

2. Expansion of online teaching resources: 

(1) The Ministry of Education will continue to expand online teaching and learning auxiliary resources, including unit learning resources for expanding various courses on the YouTube channel of the Ministry of Education, National Institute of Education and Delta Electronic Culture and Education Fund. It will cooperate in the development of the "DeltaMOOCx Taiwan Dharma Teacher" YouTube channel, provide high school Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Earth Sciences and other five subject learning resources, as well as technical high school Mathematics and electrical and electronic group core subject learning resources. 

(2) The teaching program "Watching the Epidemic Online" broadcast daily on PTV 3 will be rebroadcast on TTV's integrated station the next morning from today (25 May). Through different time periods, it will provide teachers and students with more home learning channels. 

(3) Teachers who encounter problems with video software, online teaching skills, and online teaching resources in online remote teaching can not only refer to the "Online Teaching Convenience Package of the Ministry of Education"," they can also join the Facebook "Taiwan Online Synchronous Teaching Community" according to the "topic" to query auxiliary resources or seek consultation assistance.  

3. Graduation exams, final exams and make-up exams for school graduates below high school: 

Grade 6 of elementary school-wise, the graduation exam, final exam and make-up exam for the ninth grade of junior high school and the third grade of high school can be assessed in multiple ways by each school. 

4. Suspension of Graduation Ceremony:

In order to continue to implement the epidemic prevention work, schools at all levels and public and private kindergartens are requested to cooperate with the closure of graduation ceremonies. If necessary, use online rebroadcast to avoid unnecessary movement, activities or gatherings. 

5. Junior High School Education Examination: The mainland examination room and make-up examination will still be held on 5 and 6 June, and the Junior High School Examination transcript will be sent on 11 June, and senior middle schools and five junior colleges will be enrolled. Relevant recruitment tasks for the pipeline will also be handled in accordance with the revised schedule. 

6. Attendance management of faculty and staff and teaching methods for teachers: 

In response to the epidemic, schools below high-level and secondary schools across the country stopped coming to school to conduct online learning at home. 

Regarding faculty and staff (including part-time administrative teachers, part-time and acting teachers) attendance management and teacher teaching methods, before maintaining basic school operations and online learning needs, the principles of flexibility and lenient treatment are still adopted. 

Taiwan MOE "Online Teaching Convenience Packages"
 Facebook "Taiwan Online Synchronous Teaching Community":
 "DeltaMOOCx Taiwan Dharma teacher" YouTube channel: 

News (40)

Taiwan pandemic alert standards and responses continue at Level 3, Zhuang Renxiang: The epidemic is "under control"

According to the "Pandemic Alert Standards and Responses" announced by the Command Centre, if there are 3 clusters in a single week or more than 10 new cases of unexplained source of infection in a day, it will be upgraded to Level 3 alert. At that time, everyone must wear their masks all the way out, stop gatherings of more than 5 people indoors and more than 10 people outdoors, and only keep public places required for life support, order maintenance, essential services, medical treatment and official affairs, and other public places are closed.

How many cases do you see per day? Medical analysis: The epidemic is almost over 

Image  : Onset trend of covid in Taiwan from 25 April to 23 May (Zhuang Renxiang Facebook).

Although the number of confirmed covid cases in a single day has exceeded 100 for 10 consecutive days, the spokesperson of the Central Epidemic Command Centre Zhuang Renxiang posted a trend map of local confirmed cases on Facebook on 22 May, indicating that in terms of onset days, the current epidemic peak was on 15 May. 

Shen Zhengnan, a physician at the Caotun Sanatorium of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, said optimistically, "Look, the epidemic is about to end." The trend chart of the day of local diagnoses. He posted the same picture on Facebook on the 23rd, mentioning that Zhuang Renxiang had counted the number of daily cases, "Please, you know that they are holding press conferences every day. The epidemic has been under control a long time ago.” 

The picture shows that the peak of the incidence was on May 15 and then showed a downward trend. There were less than 50 cases left on the 22nd. “This is different from my prediction?” Shen Zhengnan analyzes the wave of the current epidemic is almost over. (Photo/Retrieved from Shen Zhengnan’s Facebook) 

Shen Zhengnan emphasized that he does not have any first-hand epidemic information, "but it can be calculated using epidemiological knowledge and the limited information released by the press conference. The next goal is to achieve case clearance in the Taiwanese community !"

News (41)

Hong Kong's 2 million doses of vaccine will expire and may need to be thrown away soon

Report by : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA / Source : 8world

The response of Hong Kong's covi vaccination plan is not as expected. There are 2 million doses of vaccine in the local area that will have to be thrown away in the near future due to the expiration date.

AFP reported that currently less than 20% of Hong Kong people choose to vaccinate. A local government vaccine working group member and former director of the Central Health Protection Centre Zeng Haohui said that before the expiration of the first batch of BioNTech vaccine, local residents "only have three months to get the vaccine."

So far, a total of 3.26 million doses of BioNTech vaccine have arrived in Hong Kong, but only 1.23 million doses have been used. These vaccines must be stored at ultra-low temperatures and have a shelf life of six months.

Zeng Haohui told Radio Hong Kong on 25 May that if the vaccine expires, it cannot be used. According to the current plan, BioNTech Vaccination Centre will cease operation after September.

BioNTech Vaccine refers to the Pfizer-BioNTech (Pfizer-BioNTech) Covid Vaccine represented by Fosun Pharma.

According to reports, Hong Kong is one of the few regions in the world that has received sufficient doses of vaccines. The authorities purchased 7.5 million doses of BioNTech vaccine and China Kexing vaccine to vaccinate the local population of 7.5 million.

Earlier, Hong Kong also pre-ordered 7.5 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine, but then cancelled the transaction and plans to use the money to buy the second-generation vaccine next year.

The report pointed out that since a series of police-civilian conflicts broke out in Hong Kong in 2019, many people have developed a sense of mistrust in the government. In addition, various misinformation on the Internet has caused the people to hesitate about whether to get vaccinated, which has caused the public to hesitate., hence leading to the slow vaccination plan.

In addition, the Hong Kong Hospital Authority revealed that only one-third of medical staff received vaccinations.

In the past few weeks, some politicians in Hong Kong suggested that if the vaccination situation is still unsatisfactory, the authorities may consider sending unused vaccines overseas.

News (42)

"Already contacted Chinese merchant to buy 300,000 doses." Lin Mingqin shouted to the central government: Authorized locals to buy vaccines

Editor : Liao Zipan / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

The local epidemic situation has not yet slowed down. On 25 May, the Central Epidemic Epidemic Command Center announced 281 new local cases and 261 reversion cases. The number of confirmed cases in various counties and cities has continued to rise. In this regard, Nantou County Mayor Lin Mingqin said that he has contacted Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Agency, and hopes that the central government will authorize local governments to purchase vaccines. 

Lin Mingqin said on the 24th that if the central government cannot buy vaccines, he hopes to authorize local governments to purchase them. He revealed that mainland CCP China has actively contacted and expressed willingness to provide vaccines to Nantou for purchase. 

The Nantou and other local governments have contacted the Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical agent and prepared to use 25 million reserve funds to purchase 300,000 doses of German BNT Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccines that will be provided to county residents for free.

News (43)

There are only 2 bottles of vaccine in Taipei? Ke Wenzhe criticized the central government: Please consider international stocks

Reporters : Lei Mingzheng, Han Yujie, Chen Yijie, Li Wencheng, Cheng Ziyi/Report from Taipei

Vaccines are still only heard by the stairs. Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe could not help but criticize the central government today (25 May). Vaccines are the solution. He even suggested that if there are international stocks, we should consider it, "I don’t think the current situation of the epidemic can be delayed. At the end of August, think about it."

Chen Shizhong, the commander of the Central Epidemic Command Centre, announced today that another 2 million doses of vaccines will arrive in Taiwan before the end of June, and 10 million doses of vaccines will be available at the end of August. He also called on the COVAX platform not to affect the supply due to "other factors."

Is the number of vaccines sufficient? Ke Wenzhe revealed that the Taipei City Health Bureau now has only 2 bottles left to hit 20 people. "At present, the hospital in charge of the epidemic prevention ward is required to hit as much as possible in the past few days."

As for the number of vaccines notified by the central government, Ke Wenzhe said that on 27 May, there were 410,000 doses, but "I don't know why it was delayed until the 27th." I heard that there were 2 million doses in June, which should be Moderna, but the central government did not explicitly say, "As for August, I don't know if it was."

Ke Wenzhe  could not help but criticize the central government. Based on the current epidemic situation, the vaccine is the solution. When will the vaccine come? This is a very serious question. If there is an international spot, we need to consider it. "I don't think the current situation of the epidemic can be delayed. At the end of August, think about it."

News (44)

1 new case of asymptomatic infection in Maoming, Guangdong

Report by : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

According to Maoming's announcement, today, the Guangdong city of Maoming City found a new case of asymptomatic infection of covid during the follow-up, management and screening of close contacts of confirmed cases of covid in Guangzhou.

Yao, female, 47 years old, lives in Jiuwu Village, Malu, Nahuo Town, Dianbai District, and serves as a waiter for "Another Refreshment Restaurant" in Liwan District, Guangzhou.

At 6.50 pm on 21 May, Liwan District of Guangzhou sent a letter to Maoming to inform that Yao had delivered a meal to the dining table of a confirmed case of Guangzhou covid in the morning of 19 May. He did not wear a mask during this period and was judged to be a confirmed case and close contact of Guo.

After receiving the report, Maoming immediately initiated an emergency response and quickly checked the trajectory of the personnel in Maoming. 

In the early morning of 22 May, Yao and 14 close contacts of Yao who had been checked in Maoming were included in the centralized isolation medical observation and the nucleic acid test results were all negative; Yao was tested for the second time on 24 May and the initial nucleic acid test was positive, and it was rechecked by Maoming CDC in the early morning of 25 May and she was diagnosed positive. After consultation with the expert group, it was determined to be an asymptomatic infection of covid. The second nucleic acid test was conducted on 14 close contacts on 25 May, and the results were all negative.

News (45)

1 case of positive nucleic acid test found in Nanning, Guangxi, activity track announced

Reporters : Chen Qiuxia, Huang Yanmei / / Direct translation

The Nanning Municipal Health Commission notified on the 25th that on 24 May 2021, Nanning City, in accordance with the letter of assistance from the Guangzhou Liwan District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, was conducting an investigation on key personnel. During the investigation and nucleic acid test, one case was found to be positive in the nucleic acid test.

Ning XX, male, 34 years old, currently lives at No. 63 Longning Street, Jinling Town, Xixiangtang District, Nanning City. He returned to China from Rwanda on April 25, 2021, and was quarantined in a quarantine hotel in Liwan District for 14 days after entering Guangzhou. The isolation was lifted on 10 and 11 May, he boarded Train D204 for his home in Jinling Town. On 24 May, Nanning Center for Disease Control and Prevention received the letter of assistance and immediately organized nucleic acid testing. At 5.37 am on 25 May, the nucleic acid test result was positive.

The Nanning Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (Covid) Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters attached great importance to it, deployed it immediately, initiated emergency response according to the emergency plan, and promptly carried out treatment in accordance with the regulations. The Ning XX was transferred to the designated treatment hospital for diagnosis and treatment at the first time, and it was initially judged to be asymptomatic infection. At the same time, timely organize and carry out the flow adjustment work, seal and control the residential buildings and related areas of Ning XX, and carry out accurate large-scale nucleic acid testing. The follow-up situation will be announced in a timely manner in accordance with relevant regulations.

At present, the situation of "external defense input and internal defense rebound" is still severe. It is hoped that the general public will tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control, implement various normalized epidemic prevention and control measures, and make an appointment to register for the new crown virus vaccine as soon as possible to reduce their own risk of infection and build an immune barrier for the entire population. 

News (46)

1 new case of asymptomatic infection of covi in Shenzhen

Editor : Bian Liqun / / Direct translation

According to the "Shenzhen Release" news, on 24 May, Shenzhen added 1 new case of asymptomatic infection with covi.

On 24 May, a new case of asymptomatic infection of covid in Yantian District, Shenzhen, was discovered during the second round of nucleic acid screening of key personnel in Yantian Port District on May 23. Shi had participated in the same international freighter operation with the 4 cases of asymptomatic infections previously announced (Shi worked at the bottom of the ship).

Details of asymptomatic infection:

Shi, male, 33 years old, lives in Building 5, Donghai Lijing Garden, Yantian District. He is an employee of Shenzhen Ocean Shipping Tally Co., Ltd., and works in Yantian Port District. On 21 May, Shi's first nucleic acid test was negative, and on 23 May, Shi's second nucleic acid test was positive. At 4 o'clock on 24 May, the Shenzhen CDC also reviewed positive. He has been transferred to the emergency hospital area of ​​Shenzhen Third People's Hospital for isolation and treatment. It is preliminarily determined to be an asymptomatic infection of the novel coronavirus associated with imported overseas.

The 5 people living with Shi have all been quarantined together, and the nucleic acid test results are all negative. Control measures have been implemented for the entire building where Shi lives, and terminal disinfection has been completed for his home, residential quarters, and key places in the trajectory of activities.

News (48)

The latest research! The community transmission chain of the epidemic in Yingkou, Liaoning has been basically blocked

Reporter : Shi Yingchun / Editor : Zhu Yanjing / / Direct translation

According to the Working Group of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, Yingkou has had no new infections for 4 consecutive days, and the confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections are in good condition and overall stable. At present, 520,000 people in Bayuquan District, Yingkou City have completed the third round of full-staff nucleic acid tests, and the results are all negative. Experts from the working group said that the community transmission chain of the Yingkou epidemic has been basically blocked. 

News (49)

2 new confirmed cases of covid in Anhui, all in Lu'an 

Editor : Chen Haifeng / / Direct translation

According to the website of the Anhui Provincial Health Commission, between 0-24 on May 24, Anhui Province reported 2 new confirmed cases (both in Lu'an, 1 of which was an asymptomatic infection) (Converted to confirmed cases), no new suspected cases, 1 new case of asymptomatic infection (Lu'an).

From 13 to 24 May, Anhui Province reported a total of 10 confirmed cases, including 2 in Hefei and 8 in Lu'an. 9 cases are still in hospital, including 2 cases in Hefei City and 7 cases in Lu'an City. There is 1 suspected case (Lu'an City). 10 cases of asymptomatic infection are still under medical observation (all in Lu'an City).

As of 25 May, Anhui Province has reported a total of 1,001 confirmed cases locally, 9 cases are currently being treated in hospitals, a total of 986 cases have been cured and discharged, and a total of 6 deaths have been reported. A total of 3 confirmed imported cases have been reported overseas, and 3 have been cured and discharged. A total of 31,673 people have been reported under medical observation and 1,444 close contacts are still under medical observation.

News (50)

Mysterious "energy" attacks US officials, Congress urges investigation

Report by : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

The number of suspected attacks on U.S. government personnel by mysterious "energy" is increasing rapidly. U.S. congressmen from both parties are currently pressing the Biden administration to take such cases seriously.

This mysterious disease is called Havana syndrome. The first batch of cases occurred in 2016 among staff of the US Embassy in Cuba.

The attacked person will experience symptoms such as sudden dizziness, headache or pressure inside the head. Some people also hear a "piercing directional noise". Some people even experience chronic headaches and brain damage.

According to a U.S. Department of Defense official, at least 130 cases across the government are under investigation.

What is even more worrying is that attacks that originally occurred only overseas have now reached the United States. At least two suspected incidents have been disclosed in the Washington area.

At present, such cases are still inconclusive, and the US government promises to take them seriously, actively investigate them, and ensure that those affected receive good medical care.

1 comment:

  1. I got my first outbreak when I was 19...the outbreak never went away. The same warts. Doctor said it was a spread from shaving but they never went away. I am 35 now and still have the same warts. I have tried a bunch of home remedies and nothing. Doctor was treating me for like a year but they never really went away, just got black and reduced in size but still never cleared up so I stopped doing it because it had been a year and got expensive especially for a 19 year old kid. I tried aldara but nothing. but thank god for using Dr Ajayi as a helper to me who got me cured from my herpes with his natural herbal medicine, May god continue to bless you and keep giving you the power to help others. You may need his assistance, visit his website email him at You can also call or write to him on whatsapp +2348154724883. Please share as you read
