Sunday, May 16, 2021

Don't forget the June 4th long-distance race, June 4th parade in Hong Kong

Source : Mingpao / Direct translation

Image : Stake Secretary Cai Yaochang (first from left), Vice Chairman Zou Xingtong (second from right) and two... (photo by Anni Zhu)

This year is the 32nd year of the June 4th Movement. As usual, the Stake held a long-distance race called "Don't forget June 4th". This morning (16th) it started from Victoria Park to the Central Liaison Office to commemorate the 1989 democracy movement. Under the order to restrict gatherings, the stake only sent 4 representatives to participate this year, and nearly 30 police officers attended the scene. Stake Secretary Cai Yaochang said that he will meet with the police this Thursday (20th) to discuss the arrangements for the June 4th parade, and on the 25th of this month to discuss the arrangements for the June 4th candlelight rally. Cai Yaochang said that it is impossible to evaluate the outcome of the discussion at this stage. The Stake will strive to fight legally under the legal framework. It is hoped that the police will consider the rights and freedoms of Hong Kong people and make legal and human rights decisions.

At 9 am, the stake secretary Cai Yaochang, vice chairman Zou Xingtong, and two stake members, dressed in black, assembled in Victoria Park and started. The crowd pulled up banners "Mourning June 4th by candlelight everywhere" and chanted the slogan "Rehabilitation of June 4th, getting closer." After that, he ran along the South Pavilion Plaza in Victoria Park, via the Government Headquarters and the "Pillar of National Sorrow" at the University of Hong Kong to the Liaison Office. About 30 police officers in uniform and plainclothes arrived on the scene to guard.

Stake Secretary Cai Yaochang stated that under the restriction order, the Stake can only send 4 representatives to participate in the long-distance race. However, the citizens have been convened online to complete the long-distance race on different days of this month. A total of 128 people signed up. Cai Yaochang said that the Stake Association has been assessing the current situation and studying different situations, and will explain to the public in due course the way of mourning June 4th in the future. It is hoped that the citizens will use their own strength and methods to express their determination not to forget June 4th in any adversity.

When asked if he would avoid talking about "ending the one-party dictatorship" or changing the stake’s program, Cai Yaochang said that the stake is facing a lot of pressure and provocations from various parties, but the struggle to rehabilitate June 4th has been the core of the stake’s work in the past 32 years. Therefore, we must persevere to the end and fight for it in a legal, peaceful, and rational way until justice is manifested.

Cai Yaochang was accused of organizing and participating in an unauthorized assembly on October 1st of the previous year, and the trial will begin tomorrow (17th). Cai said that in the face of any adversity and wherever he is, he can stick to his beliefs; in the future, citizens may face more constraints, but he believes that as long as their beliefs do not die, they can continue to walk. 

1 comment:

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