Monday, April 20, 2020

Many asymptomatic patients could be identified with lesions on toes and hands

Report by : Gan Yung Chyan
                  / KUCINTA SETIA

Image : Mobile screenshot, contributed by Antonet Lombard DeRidder from Sam Melles.

As the covid pandemic rages throughout the world, new symptoms of covid have popped up on many young and middle-age patients, many of them asymptomatic.

According to consolidated European media reports, the Spanish General Council of Official Podiatrist has started a registry of covid cases wherein the patients' toes have purple lesions around and chicken pox-like marks on the feet. The Council has instructed Spanish doctors to also look out for other symptoms of covid including respiratory symptoms at the onset of purple lesions and other signs of viral infections on the skins. 

Lesions around toes and signs of viral infections on the feet are possible symptoms of covid, according to the Spanish General Council of Official Podiatrist. 

Doctors in Spain, Italy and France have reported to the European and US media that there are increasing cases of adolescents and working adults that show signs of purple lesions around toes and bumps on other parts of the body.

Dr Mazzotta Triccoli from Italy said one in five covid patients at Italian hospitals are exhibiting such symptoms.

The doctors claim these symptoms may be due to blood vessel clots and inflammation caused by virus. Bumps on extremities and the torso are common with viral infections.

David, an asymptomatic patient, reported lesions around his toes for a week. 

There are no studies on whether the above symptoms exist in patients in the Equator, China, South Korea and Japan. Bumps on torso are especially common on patients with sensitive skin in both hot and cold countries.

The reporter of this post experienced two round bumps with tolerable inflaming sensation on one elbow at the onset of runny nose and cough one month ago. These are no mosquito bites. A pharmacist and a clinical doctor in Singapore said skin lesions are not covid symptoms.  

The pharmacist recommended hydrocortisone. The condition got worse within a day as the symptoms spread to another elbow although there is no more runny nose and cough. The doctor recommended a three course of anti-viral wash-darktarin cream-candid powder for "fungi infection". This treatment continued for two weeks before switching to a two course of calamine lotion-gentrisone cream to treat the condition known as dermatitis. 

The second doctor said dermatitis (above) is not a covid symptom. The reporter of this post has nearly recovered from dermatitis.

Facebook user Antonet replied on lesions around toes and on hands, " I've seen this on health workers chats", "Lack of oxygen extremities".

Another Facebook user Muhammad commented about purple lesions around toes, "Its like ingrown toenail wound".

Indeed, symptoms on skin due to viral infections and not due to insect bites are worth further study by dermatologists, doctors and other medical experts in the battle frontline against covid.

Other rare reported symptoms of covid include smell and taste impairment, pink eye, coughing blood and tingling of the body.

Refs :

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