Thursday, May 14, 2020

India's Minister : SARS-CoV-2 comes from laboratory

Report by : Li Ming
Editor : Ming Xuan
Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television
Ref :
Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan
                                  / KUCINTA SETIA

Image : The Indian minister Nitin Gadkari participating in an event in New Delhi on 5 November 2012. (Sajjad Hussain / AFP via Getty Images)

Countries  around the world call for a thorough investigation into the source of the virus SARS-CoV-2. A few days ago, a senior official of the India Government said in an interview that the virus is made in the laboratory, so for a certain period of time, humans can only coexist with the virus. The Wall Street Journal reported that the CCP officially might have destroyed animal samples from the Wuhan market and is delaying the international community’s search for the source of the virus.

As of 14 May 2020, more than 4.36 million people in 196 countries and regions around the world have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 worldwide, and nearly 300,000 of them died from covid, the disease caused by the virus.

In an interview with Indian media on Tuesday (12 May), Nitin Gadkari, the Minister for India Shipping Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, and Minister for Road Transport & Highways of India, said that SARS-CoV-2 was generated in the laboratory.

According to Indian media reports, Gadkari said in an interview: "The new coronavirus is an artificial virus made in the laboratory. It is not a natural virus. This is why medical experts and scientists have no solution. They did not expect such a thing. . "

He also said that because the virus is not naturally produced, humans will have to coexist with the virus before the corresponding vaccine is successfully developed or an effective treatment for covid is found.

This is the first time that an Indian government official has publicly commented on the source of the virus.

Gadkari also believes that the CCP government’s hidden epidemic has caused a pandemic in the world, so the world is demanding accountability of the CCP government, but this may be an opportunity for India to come. The export potential can also attract foreign companies to invest in India.

In addition, when the governments of many countries headed by the United States condemned the CCP’s official concealment for causing the pandemic, a report published by the Wall Street Journal on 14 May 2020 stated that according to interviews with dozens of health experts and officials, the parties seem to be deliberately delaying the efforts of the international community to find the source of the virus.

According to this report, an employee of a disinfection company in Wuhan revealed that he was dispatched by the boss to the Wuhan Huanan Seafood Market allegedly the source of the epidemic on 31 December 2019, when officials took samples from stalls, sewers and goods including animal feces and fur samples sealed in plastic bags. At first, China also said that the virus came from a wild animal in the Wuhan Huanan Seafood Market, and believed that it was only a matter of time to determine which animal it was.

However, when the epidemic broke out globally, Chinese officials began to try to deny that the virus originated in China, and rejected Western countries' requests for international investigations. The officials have only published the genetic sequences of "environmental samples" collected from market sewers, stalls and garbage trucks, and none of these collections come directly from animals. At the same time, China also seems to be obstructing foreign officials and researchers from joining the investigation and taking the lead.

The Wall Street Journal report also quoted some Chinese and foreign researchers as saying that Chinese officials told them that the animal samples taken from the market had been destroyed. Several vendors in the Huanan Seafood Market said that the relevant departments have not tested them to determine how many of the vendors have been infected with the virus, so the work of determining the source of the virus may still be "long."

Refs :

Nitin Gadkari, Wikipedia,

Scroll Staff, Coronavirus: Nitin Gadkari claims virus emerged in a laboratory, not in a wet market in Wuhan, Scroll.in

Kanishka Sarkar, 'Artificial virus, not natural', says Nitin Gadkari on origin of  Covid-19, The Hindustan Times,

Web Desk, Was COVID-19 made in a lab, as Nitin Gadkari sparks fresh debate, what we know so far, The Week,

Jeremy Page and Natasha Khan, On the Ground in Wuhan, Signs of China Stalling Probe of Coronavirus Origins, The Wall Street Journal

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