Sunday, May 24, 2020

Military expert Chen Wei rushes to distribute vaccine data, US experts: poor results suggest giving up

Reporter : Zhong Jinming
Editor : Ming Xuan
Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television
Ref :
Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan
                                  / KUCINTA SETIA

Image : Previously, a photo of Chen Wei, who claimed to be the "China's Chief Biochemical Weapon Expert", tried the "first shot" of the China Communist Party's SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, and was revealed to be suspected of fraud. (Web Screenshot)

Chinese military expert Chen Wei published a paper as a salute to the "Two Sessions", claiming that the first-phase test results of the covid vaccine showed that all vaccinated persons had immune reactions. However, American experts pointed out that from the test results, the immune effect is not good, and the side effects are serious.

On 22 May 2020, the international authoritative journal, The Lancet, published a paper by the team of Chen Wei, a member of the Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences, and announced the clinical data of the first phase of the human virus vaccine.

The paper said that the clinical trial achieved "positive results" and all 108 volunteers showed a cellular immune response. Among them, about half of the low-dose and medium-dose subjects developed antibodies, while the high-dose group reached three-quarters.

However, the paper also said that despite the cellular immune response, it does not necessarily indicate that the vaccine can protect humans from the virus, but only shows "hope to develop a vaccine."

The paper claims that this is the first SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in the world to enter the first phase of clinical trials. This paper is also the first clinical trial data released in the world.

It is worth mentioning that the date of publication of the paper coincides with the opening day of the NPC this year. The next day, the central party media of the Communist Party of China also made a big splash on this, and obviously had the intention of creating an atmosphere for the "two sessions" of the Communist Party of China. Party media reports also revealed that "The Lancet" published this paper through the "fast (review) channel."

However, overseas experts are not optimistic about the experimental results of the CCP's high-profile publicity.

US media CNN quoted experts as saying that the so-called "vaccine side effects" claimed by the Chinese research team are actually very hydrated, because nearly half of the 108 subjects had a fever, 44% felt tired, and 39% developed headache symptoms.

Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children ’s Hospital of Philadelphia, said that these side effects are “not a very good safety sign” and that the immunogenicity of the vaccine (meaning that the human immune system can produce an immune response to specific antigens) is not good because of the paper The "low doses" mentioned in the text are actually quite high.

Given the serious side effects and poor immunogenicity, he suggested that Chinese researchers give up this vaccine because "other vaccines will perform better."

Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in the United States, also said that he was not excited about the results of the trial. He believes that researchers can continue to study the vaccine, but it is recommended to "use it with another vaccine", suggesting that it is difficult to work alone.

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 Photo copyright : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA