Friday, May 29, 2020

Tweets reviewed again, Trump hits back: Twitter is indifferent to CCP and left-wing lies

Reporter : Ling Hao
Editor : Yang Xiao
Publisher: Sound Of Hope
Ref :
Direct translation

Image courtesy : AP Photo / Alex Brandon

Twitter retaliated on President Trump’s tweet on Friday (May 29), saying that his tweet “beautifies violence” . This tweet was President Trump's response to Minneapolis' continuing violence. In response, Trump responded strongly that Twitter was indifferent to all the lies and propaganda spread by China (the Chinese Communist Party) or radical left-wing Democrats, but targeted Republicans, conservatives and the President of the United States. Trump vowed to monitor Twitter.

The African-American man Floyd (George Floyd) was killed by the police on May 25. This incident triggered ethnic riots, local demonstrations erupted for several days, and many buildings were burned or looted.

President Trump said that Freud ’s death caused a turmoil in Minneapolis, and he could not watch it.

"I can't flinch, watching this happen in a great city in the United States-Minneapolis," President Trump's Twitter said. "It is completely lacking in leadership. Or it is a very weak and aggressive left-wing mayor Jacob Frey took action to control the city, or I would send the National Guard to complete this task. "

Trump continued in a second tweet, "These mobsters are humiliating Freud's image. I won't let this happen. (I) just talked to Governor Tim Walz and told He, the military has always supported him. No matter what difficulties we encounter, we will control the situation. However, when the robbery begins, it will be shot. Thank you. "

A few hours after President Trump issued these tweets, Twitter annotated the second tweet with a disclaimer and hid the tweet, which can only be seen when the user clicks "View".

Twitter's disclaimer said, "This tweet violates Twitter's rules regarding the beautification of violence. However, Twitter believes that it is in the public interest to continue to retain tweets to read."

When asked for more explanation, Twitter said, "The last line of the tweet violates our rules on beautifying violence, which is based on historical background, is related to violence, and has the risk of inspiring similar actions today. We Actions have been taken to prevent others from being inspired to commit violence. But the importance of keeping the tweet on Twitter is that the public should still be able to see the tweet considering it is related to the important public affairs that are currently happening . "

President Trump countered on Twitter on Friday, "Twitter is indifferent to all the lies and propaganda spread by China (the Chinese Communist Party) or radical left-wing Democrats. They target Republicans, conservatives and the President of the United States." Section 230 of the Communications Law should be revoked by Congress. Until then, it will be regulated! "

This is the second time Twitter has reviewed President Trump's tweets. On Tuesday (May 26), Twitter posted a tweet from President Trump with a yellow label warning that "fact check" is required. President Trump said in this tweet that voting by mail may cause election fraud.

President Trump warned the social media giant Twitter on Wednesday the next day that if they continue to "shield the voices of conservatives," the federal government may "strongly regulate" or "close them." President Trump immediately signed an executive order on Thursday, interpreting Article 230 of the Communications Act (CDA) passed in 1996 as: not providing legal liability protection for high-tech companies engaged in speech censorship and political bias.

The executive order not only prohibits social media companies from restricting people’s freedom of expression through censorship, but also requires restricting the CCP’s false propaganda on American social media.

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