Monday, May 18, 2020

Xi Jinping stirs controversy at WHA over early release of SARS-CoV-2 genome sequence

Reporter : Jinghui
Editor : Ming Xuan
Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television
Ref :
Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan
                                  / KUCINTA SETIA

Image : President Xi Jinping of the Communist Party of China. (How Hwee Young-Pool / Getty Images)

Xi Jinping, leader of the Communist Party of China, publicly claimed at the World Health Assembly (WHA) on 18 May 2020 over China's "release of the (viral) genome sequence at the very first time" but the truth is the opposite. At the beginning of the Wuhan epidemic, the CCP deliberately delayed reporting the viral gene sequence of SARS-CoV-2 to WHO, and destroyed samples of earlier virus strains, creating huge obstacles for global epidemic prevention and vaccine development. The above behavior is CCP's major guilt factor for all countries in the world to pursue CCP's responsibility for the pandemic and claims against the CCP for economy damages as a result of the pandemic.

The CCP claims after the outbreak in Wuhan at the end of last year, the Wuhan Institute of Viology (WIV) had obtained the viral genome sequence on 30 December 2019. On 2 January 2020, WIV officially notified the Chinese Center for Disease Prevention and Control (China CDC) the virus genome sequence to the Chinese Center for Disease Control. However, it was not until 12 January 2020 that the CCP reported the viral genome sequence to the World Health Organization (WHO). Xi Jinping claimed that the CCP released the virus gene to the outside world "at the very first time", which is obviously not true.

The CCP not only delayed the release of gene sequences, but also deliberately destroyed early virus samples, which caused great difficulties for global epidemic prevention and vaccine development. On 15 May 2020, Liu Dengfeng, the inspector of the Science and Education Department of the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China, publicly admitted at the press conference that the Chinese Communist authorities had ordered on 3 January 2020 that laboratories across the country destroy early virus samples, and then he argued that destroying virus samples is "to ensure safety" .

According to a report by China’s Caijing in February 2020, a person from a gene sequencing company revealed that on 1 January 2020, he received a call from an official of the Hubei Provincial Health Commission informing him that if there were any samples of SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan, there  must be no further inspection. Existing virus samples must be destroyed while sample information cannot be disclosed, and relevant papers and related data cannot be published.

Earlier, US Secretary of State Pompeo publicly accused the CCP of hiding early samples, preventing other countries from developing vaccines earlier. He said: "It (the Communist Party of China) censors those who are trying to warn the world. It orders to stop testing new samples, it destroys the existing samples." Pompeo said,: "But those things are very important to help us solve the problem, let our country get back on track and save lives. "

At the World Health Assembly on the 18th, Xi Jinping also claimed that the CCP "always has an open, transparent and responsible attitude" to face the epidemic. This statement is just the untrue propaganda language of the CCP.

On 16 May 2020, Zhong Nanshan, an expert of the Communist Party of China, admitted in an interview with US media CNN that there was a phenomenon of local government concealment at the beginning of the outbreak.

Zhong Nanshan said that when he and medical experts visited Wuhan on 18 January 2020, many doctors told him that the actual situation was more serious than the official information. Zhong Nanshan emphasized that the Wuhan government was reluctant to tell the truth.

In January 2020, the number of confirmed diagnoses officially announced by Wuhan was fixed at 41 cases for 10 consecutive days. Zhong Nanshan said, "I didn't believe the official data at that time, so I asked them (Wuhan authorities) to provide me with real numbers. I think they were very reluctant to answer my questions."

Analysts pointed out that Zhong Nanshan's statement was suspected to be allowed by the authorities, and the purpose was to pass the responsibility on to the local government to wash the floor for the central high level.

See also:
Chinese Navy, Shanghai and Wuhan medic bodies knew about COVID-19 on 2 and 5 January 2020,

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 Photo copyright : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA