Friday, May 15, 2020

US prophetess : The world will stage a "decisive battle of good and evil" in 2020

Editor : Wen Ruo
Publisher : New Tang Dynasty Television
Ref :
Extract translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan
                                            / KUCINTA SETIA

Image courtesy : Jeane Dixon, the 20th Century US prophetess. Theo's Little Bot/Wikimedia Commons

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is the greatest danger and challenge facing humanity in 2020. As early as 50 years ago, the famous American female predictor Jenny. Dixon once predicted that in 2020 the world will encounter a "decisive battle of good and evil"-a decisive battle between anti-gods and believers. Eventually, the United States and Russia will work together against the Red CCP.

The famous  20th century American female prophet Jeane Dixon (1904–1997) was born in California, USA. When she was a child, her parents brought her to a gypsy woman that would read palms. The gypsy looked at Jeane's palm and were shocked by the heavens, gave her a crystal ball, and told her: You will become a famous prophet and give advice to those with power.

When Jeane grew up, she predicted the future of politicians and celebrities in many countries, including President Roosevelt of the United States and Prime Minister Churchill of the United Kingdom. Her accurate predictions of many major events made her internationally acclaimed. She had many predictions about China, which were later verified and shocked the world.

Jeane predicts the United States and Russia will work together to deal with "Red China"

In November 1944 and mid-January 1945, President Roosevelt received Jeane twice, when the Second World War was not over. Jeane told Roosevelt that once the war was over, the US-Russia alliance collapsed. Russia will compete with the United States for Europe, Asia, and the fruits of the Second World War.

However, in the end, the United States will still form an alliance with Russia to fight against "Red China."

At that time, Roosevelt was taken aback. He believed that China was not a red communist country, and there was no conflict or friction between the United States and China. During World War II, the United States and China's Chiang Kai-shek regime were close wartime allies and jointly fought against Japan.

At that time, Jeane looked at the picture in the crystal ball and told President Roosevelt,"I saw that the Communist Party would seize the Chinese regime, and the current Chinese regime would go to a small island of leaves (Taiwan)." China, controlled by the Communist Party, will become the second most important US diplomatic concern.

Jeane's prediction was fulfilled in 1949.

Later, Jeane also accurately predicted the turmoil of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, the Tangshan earthquake and the death of Mao Zedong. Jeane once said that she came for the mission of God, and her predictions were always related to China.

The China Communist Party's virus SARS-CoV-2 triggered a "decisive battle between good and evil"

Jeane had a major prediction for 2020. In her book "The Call to Glory" published in 1971, she said: The final battle of good and evil is coming in 2020, when false prophets, Satan and anti-God will fight against humans. ("Armageddon will come in 2020, when the False Prophet, Satan and the Antichrist will rise up and battle man himself.")

This prophecy coincides with the final battle of good and evil before the great judgment stated in the Bible.

Jeane also said that in this battle of good and evil, the world will undergo a baptism of the revolution of faith and the revival of faith, and finally the faith will be revived, and mankind will be reborn because of his loyal faith to the creator!

The most thrilling thing for humanity in 2020 is the unprecedented threat posed by the global plague caused by the CCP ’s hidden epidemic. So far, more than 4.4 million people have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 and more than 300,000 people have died. This does not include the figures concealed by totalitarian countries such as the CCP and Iran.

At present, there is still no medicine for the pandemic. People's lives and property have suffered huge losses. The world fear the virus, and almost the whole world is attacked by the evil "CCP virus".

A special article in The Epoch Times pointed out that SARS-CoV-2 came to the Communist Party to eliminate the CCP, organizations and individuals with close relations with the Chinese Communist Party. 

The Communist Party of China has been corrupting and infiltrating various countries in the world through various channels such as politics, economy, culture, education, science and technology, and spreading the communist ideology.

Facing this sudden disaster, the role of modern technology and management methods is limited. But for thousands of years, God has been caring for humanity. Looking up at God, upholding the kindness of the heart, reflecting on your own actions, and rejecting the greatest evil representative, the CCP, one can be blessed by God. This is the most fundamental guarantee for mankind to stay away from the pandemic.

The CCP, which promotes atheism, has maintained its rule with lies and violence. The CCP has tried its best to shirk its responsibility for the catastrophe caused by the hidden epidemic, and even blamed the United States and other countries. At present, the Western world headed by the United States is launching accountability against the CCP. An unprecedented "decisive battle of good and evil" has begun to declare war!

Recently, US President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a rare joint statement to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the convergence of the US and Soviet forces on the Elbe River bridge in Germany during World War II in 1945. This serves as a model for cooperation between the two countries.

The statement pointed out that the United States and Russia will abandon their differences, build trust and cooperate to jointly address the most important challenges of the 21st century. Today, the world is responding to the challenge of a new world war, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The rare actions of Trump and Putin have attracted international attention.

This seems to coincide with Jeane's prediction 76 years ago.

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