Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Shulan freely distributes Chinese medicinal drinks through meicpha

Report by  : Gan Yung Chyan
                   / KUCINTA SETIA

Image :   The prepared Chinese medicine substitute tea drinks in Shulan. Photo by Yan Bin, China News Network.

Shulan, Jilin Province, is providing free herbal tea medicine packs to frontline staff and some key regional residents.

In Shulan City Chinese Medicine Hospital, medical staff are busy carrying out Chinese medicine substitute tea packaging bags. A spokesperson for Shulan City Hospital said, "Right now, we work overtime every day to allocate production, strictly control the quality, and strive to ensure the supply." 

Image : Distributing the medicine substitute drink. Photo by Yan Bin, China News Network.

After the occurrence of a covid epidemic in Shulan, the Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated Hospital sent 5 medical staff in Shulan City to jointly undertake the preventive intervention of Chinese medicine with Shulan Chinese Medicine Hospital and promote the "Wuchang Model" advocated by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine to implement the new model of prevention and treatment of coronary pneumonia aiming at the requirements of "four early days".

The city of Shulan quickly rolled out the prevention and treatment of Chinese medicine in an all-round way, and isolated people all took Chinese medicine instead of tea for preventive intervention. "From the one-to-one follow-up isolation personnel we have completed for more than 1,500 people, the follow-up personnel are currently in stable condition, with good compliance and no reported cases of infection." The person in charge of Shulan City Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital said.

According to the introduction, Chinese herbal medicine substitute tea is made by mixing herbs such as atractylodes, tangerine peel, licorice, etc. It has the functions of dehumidifying and transporting the spleen, warming and neutralizing the stomach, and strengthening the disease.

According to the reporter's understanding, at 9.30 pm on 19 May 2020, a "mobile emergency intelligent Chinese pharmacy" (meicpha) was put into use in Shulan, marking the further strengthening of the ability of "one person" to differentiate treatment.

Image : Inside a meicpha, short for "mobile emergency intelligent Chinese pharmacy". Photo by Shen Bohan, Xinhua News Agency.

Image : Another inner view of a meicpha. Courtesy of Xinhua Net.

Meicpha is a van is equipped with 198 flavours of traditional Chinese medicine, which are installed in small round boxes arranged inside both sides of the van. The boxes are marked with Chinese herbal names such as lily and mint. At the front of the pharmacy is an operating table for quick dispensing. The vans made their first appearances in Wuhan square cabin hospitals.

Image : The meicpha at Jiangxia Square Cabin Hospital (now closed). Courtesy of Xinhua Net.

Professor Wang Tan of Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine once supported Wuhan as the fourth batch of Chinese medical team members and served as the director of the C8 treatment area of ​​Leishenshan Hospital. He introduced that the advantage of the meicpha is that the drug efficacy is maintained well and it can maximize the customization function of "one person on one side" of traditional Chinese medicine. 

Refs :

Shi Hongyu, Free distribution of Chinese medicinal drinks, launch of mobile emergency intelligent Chinese pharmacy in Shulan, China News Network, http://www.chinanews.com/sh/2020/05-20/9189539.shtml

News Focus, The "mobile emergency intelligent Chinese pharmacy" of square cabin hospitals, China Youth Press, https://shareapp.cyol.com/cmsfile/News/202002/27/338940.html

Shen Bohan, The mobile Chinese pharmacy in the covid frontline, Xinhua Net, reproduced on China News Network, https://m.chinanews.com/wap/detail/pic/135939.shtml

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StayGate Pictures : Flowering season in Guiyang

 Photo copyright : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA